/* * https://raw.github.com/jboesch/Gritter/master/js/jquery.gritter.js * Gritter for jQuery * http://www.boedesign.com/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 Jordan Boesch * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * * Date: March 29, 2011 * Version: 1.7.1 */ (function ($) { /** * Set it up as an object under the jQuery namespace */ $.gritter = {}; /** * Set up global options that the user can over-ride */ $.gritter.options = { position: '', fade_in_speed: 'medium', // how fast notifications fade in fade_out_speed: 1000, // how fast the notices fade out time: 6000 // hang on the screen for... } /** * Add a gritter notification to the screen * @see Gritter#add(); */ $.gritter.add = function (params) { try { return Gritter.add(params || {}); } catch (e) { var err = 'Gritter Error: ' + e; (typeof (console) != 'undefined' && console.error) ? console.error(err, params) : alert(err); } } /** * Remove a gritter notification from the screen * @see Gritter#removeSpecific(); */ $.gritter.remove = function (id, params) { Gritter.removeSpecific(id, params || {}); } /** * Remove all notifications * @see Gritter#stop(); */ $.gritter.removeAll = function (params) { Gritter.stop(params || {}); } /** * Big fat Gritter object * @constructor (not really since it's object literal) */ var Gritter = { // Public - options to over-ride with $.gritter.options in "add" position: '', fade_in_speed: '', fade_out_speed: '', time: '', // Private - no touchy the private parts _custom_timer: 0, _item_count: 0, _is_setup: 0, _tpl_close: '<div class="gritter-close"></div>', _tpl_item: '<div id="gritter-item-[[number]]" class="gritter-item-wrapper [[item_class]]" style="display:none"><div class="gritter-top"></div><div class="gritter-item">[[close]][[image]]<div class="[[class_name]]"><span class="gritter-title">[[username]]</span><p>[[text]]</p></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div><div class="gritter-bottom"></div></div>', _tpl_wrap: '<div id="gritter-notice-wrapper"></div>', /** * Add a gritter notification to the screen * @param {Object} params The object that contains all the options for drawing the notification * @return {Integer} The specific numeric id to that gritter notification */ add: function (params) { // We might have some issues if we don't have a title or text! if (!params.title) { throw 'You need to fill out the first 2 params: "title" and "text"'; } // Check the options and set them once if (!this._is_setup) { this._runSetup(); } // Basics var user = params.title, text = params.text, image = params.image || '', icon = params.icon || '', sticky = params.sticky || false, item_class = params.class_name || '', position = $.gritter.options.position, time_alive = params.time || ''; this._verifyWrapper(); this._item_count++; var number = this._item_count, tmp = this._tpl_item; // Assign callbacks $(['before_open', 'after_open', 'before_close', 'after_close']).each(function (i, val) { Gritter['_' + val + '_' + number] = ($.isFunction(params[val])) ? params[val] : function () { } }); // Reset this._custom_timer = 0; // A custom fade time set if (time_alive) { this._custom_timer = time_alive; } var image_str = (image != '') ? '<img src="' + image + '" class="gritter-image" />' : ''; var icon_str = (icon != '') ? '<i class="' + icon + ' gritter-icon"></i>' : ''; var class_name = (image != ''|| icon != '') ? 'gritter-with-image' : 'gritter-without-image'; var iconImage = ''; if (image_str != '') iconImage = image_str; if (icon_str != '') iconImage = icon_str; // String replacements on the template tmp = this._str_replace( ['[[username]]', '[[text]]', '[[close]]', '[[image]]', '[[number]]', '[[class_name]]', '[[item_class]]'], [user, text, this._tpl_close, iconImage, this._item_count, class_name, item_class], tmp ); this['_before_open_' + number](); $('#gritter-notice-wrapper').addClass(position).append(tmp); var item = $('#gritter-item-' + this._item_count); item.fadeIn(this.fade_in_speed, function () { Gritter['_after_open_' + number]($(this)); }); if (!sticky) { this._setFadeTimer(item, number); } // Bind the hover/unhover states $(item).bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function (event) { if (event.type == 'mouseenter') { if (!sticky) { Gritter._restoreItemIfFading($(this), number); } } else { if (!sticky) { Gritter._setFadeTimer($(this), number); } } Gritter._hoverState($(this), event.type); }); return number; }, /** * If we don't have any more gritter notifications, get rid of the wrapper using this check * @private * @param {Integer} unique_id The ID of the element that was just deleted, use it for a callback * @param {Object} e The jQuery element that we're going to perform the remove() action on * @param {Boolean} manual_close Did we close the gritter dialog with the (X) button */ _countRemoveWrapper: function (unique_id, e, manual_close) { // Remove it then run the callback function e.remove(); this['_after_close_' + unique_id](e, manual_close); // Check if the wrapper is empty, if it is.. remove the wrapper if ($('.gritter-item-wrapper').length == 0) { $('#gritter-notice-wrapper').remove(); } }, /** * Fade out an element after it's been on the screen for x amount of time * @private * @param {Object} e The jQuery element to get rid of * @param {Integer} unique_id The id of the element to remove * @param {Object} params An optional list of params to set fade speeds etc. * @param {Boolean} unbind_events Unbind the mouseenter/mouseleave events if they click (X) */ _fade: function (e, unique_id, params, unbind_events) { var params = params || {}, fade = (typeof (params.fade) != 'undefined') ? params.fade : true; fade_out_speed = params.speed || this.fade_out_speed, manual_close = unbind_events; this['_before_close_' + unique_id](e, manual_close); // If this is true, then we are coming from clicking the (X) if (unbind_events) { e.unbind('mouseenter mouseleave'); } // Fade it out or remove it if (fade) { e.animate({ opacity: 0 }, fade_out_speed, function () { e.animate({ height: 0 }, 300, function () { Gritter._countRemoveWrapper(unique_id, e, manual_close); }) }) } else { this._countRemoveWrapper(unique_id, e); } }, /** * Perform actions based on the type of bind (mouseenter, mouseleave) * @private * @param {Object} e The jQuery element * @param {String} type The type of action we're performing: mouseenter or mouseleave */ _hoverState: function (e, type) { // Change the border styles and add the (X) close button when you hover if (type == 'mouseenter') { e.addClass('hover'); // Show close button e.find('.gritter-close').show(); // Clicking (X) makes the perdy thing close e.find('.gritter-close').click(function () { var unique_id = e.attr('id').split('-')[2]; Gritter.removeSpecific(unique_id, {}, e, true); }); } // Remove the border styles and hide (X) close button when you mouse out else { e.removeClass('hover'); // Hide close button e.find('.gritter-close').hide(); } }, /** * Remove a specific notification based on an ID * @param {Integer} unique_id The ID used to delete a specific notification * @param {Object} params A set of options passed in to determine how to get rid of it * @param {Object} e The jQuery element that we're "fading" then removing * @param {Boolean} unbind_events If we clicked on the (X) we set this to true to unbind mouseenter/mouseleave */ removeSpecific: function (unique_id, params, e, unbind_events) { if (!e) { var e = $('#gritter-item-' + unique_id); } // We set the fourth param to let the _fade function know to // unbind the "mouseleave" event. Once you click (X) there's no going back! this._fade(e, unique_id, params || {}, unbind_events); }, /** * If the item is fading out and we hover over it, restore it! * @private * @param {Object} e The HTML element to remove * @param {Integer} unique_id The ID of the element */ _restoreItemIfFading: function (e, unique_id) { clearTimeout(this['_int_id_' + unique_id]); e.stop().css({ opacity: '' }); }, /** * Setup the global options - only once * @private */ _runSetup: function () { for (opt in $.gritter.options) { this[opt] = $.gritter.options[opt]; } this._is_setup = 1; }, /** * Set the notification to fade out after a certain amount of time * @private * @param {Object} item The HTML element we're dealing with * @param {Integer} unique_id The ID of the element */ _setFadeTimer: function (e, unique_id) { var timer_str = (this._custom_timer) ? this._custom_timer : this.time; this['_int_id_' + unique_id] = setTimeout(function () { Gritter._fade(e, unique_id); }, timer_str); }, /** * Bring everything to a halt * @param {Object} params A list of callback functions to pass when all notifications are removed */ stop: function (params) { // callbacks (if passed) var before_close = ($.isFunction(params.before_close)) ? params.before_close : function () { }; var after_close = ($.isFunction(params.after_close)) ? params.after_close : function () { }; var wrap = $('#gritter-notice-wrapper'); before_close(wrap); wrap.fadeOut(function () { $(this).remove(); after_close(); }); }, /** * An extremely handy PHP function ported to JS, works well for templating * @private * @param {String/Array} search A list of things to search for * @param {String/Array} replace A list of things to replace the searches with * @return {String} sa The output */ _str_replace: function (search, replace, subject, count) { var i = 0, j = 0, temp = '', repl = '', sl = 0, fl = 0, f = [].concat(search), r = [].concat(replace), s = subject, ra = r instanceof Array, sa = s instanceof Array; s = [].concat(s); if (count) { this.window[count] = 0; } for (i = 0, sl = s.length; i < sl; i++) { if (s[i] === '') { continue; } for (j = 0, fl = f.length; j < fl; j++) { temp = s[i] + ''; repl = ra ? (r[j] !== undefined ? r[j] : '') : r[0]; s[i] = (temp).split(f[j]).join(repl); if (count && s[i] !== temp) { this.window[count] += (temp.length - s[i].length) / f[j].length; } } } return sa ? s : s[0]; }, /** * A check to make sure we have something to wrap our notices with * @private */ _verifyWrapper: function () { if ($('#gritter-notice-wrapper').length == 0) { $('body').append(this._tpl_wrap); } } } })(jQuery);