VCB Command-line Utility ver. 3.2 NOTE: Implementation details and latest version of the tool can be found at AutoVer.exe is a command-line utility that provides functionality similar to VCB Add-in - it automates versioning of projects in solutions. Supported workspaces/solutions: - Visual C++ 6.0 workspaces (.dsw files) - Visual Studio 2002 solutions (.sln files) - Visual Studio 2003 solutions (.sln files) - Visual Studio 2005 solutions (.sln files) - Visual Studio 2008 solutions (.sln files) - Visual Studio 2010 solutions (.sln files) The tool extracts version information (AssemblyVersion, AssemblyInformationalVersion and AssemblyFileVersion for .NET projects or ProductVersion and FileVersion for VC++ projects) and increments versions according to settings in configuration file or according to command-line switches that override some settings in configuration file. Configuration file is stored in Application Data\Versioning Controlled Build folder of user's profile and can be modified by Configurator program. Basic Syntax: AUTOVER /? AUTOVER [solution] /G AUTOVER [solution [version]] [/P:projects] [/C:(E|W)] [/A:(A|M)] [/V:(*|[A][F][P|I])] [/S:(S|I|N)] [/M:([C][F["filename"]]|N)] [/U:(username[,password])] /? Displays command help. solution Solution file (.SLN or .DSW) for which versions should be updated. If solution file is omitted, "Open Solution File" dialog pops-up allowing user to select the file. /G Starts GUI form with a list of all projects. NOTE: This switch should not be used with any other switch. Examples: AUTOVER /G AUTOVER /G "C:\My Projects\My Solution.sln" AUTOVER "C:\My Projects\My Solution.sln" /G version Version pattern to be applied. Version pattern is a sequence of four dot separated version components: Major, Minor, Build and Revision. Each component may contain number (optionally preceded by '+' character) or '*' character: '*' character leaves corresponding version component unchanged, '+' character increments it by amount specified. For example, version pattern "1.2.*.+2" sets Major version to 1 and Minor to 2, leaves Build unchanged and increments Revision by 2. If version is omitted, versions are incremented by the scheme stored in the configuration file. If configuration file does not exist, Revision will be incremented by 1. If configured so, user may enter arbitrary version (e.g. "beta 1") but can apply it to AssemblyInformationalVersion only (using /V:I or /V:I switch).However such a version will not be applied to ProductVersion of VC++ projects. Arbitrary version must not contain a dot character. NOTE: version pattern cannot be applied in combination with /S switch. Examples: AUTOVER "C:\My Projects\My Solution.sln" "" AUTOVER "C:\My Projects\My Solution.sln" "1.+1,*.*" AUTOVER "C:\My Projects\My Solution.sln" "beta2" /V:I /P Specifications for individual projects as defined in the list supplied with this switch. If this switch is omitted, all projects in solution are considered, according to settings in configuration file. projects List of comma separated project names. Each project name may be prefixed by: + (optional) include project into the list of projects for which version may be modified; - exclude project from the list of projects for which version may be modified (complement to + prefix); ! include project into list of projects for which version is always modified. If a project name contains whitespace, you should enclose it with double quotes. Same applies for the case when project name starts with one of prefix characters. NOTE: Version of project that may be versioned will be modified only if other criteria apply (e.g. project modification has been detected or /A:A switch has been set). NOTE: Project name may be listed only once, otherwise an error is issued and command is not executed. Examples: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /P:"ConsoleApp1","ConsoleApp2" AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /P:-"Xlib" AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /P:!"ConsoleApp1",-"ConsoleApp2" /C Check if project names provided with /P, /X and /F switches exist in solution. Any invalid name causes: E Error - command is not executed (default); W Warning - command is executed ignoring invalid entries. /A Apply version to: A All projects; M Modified projects only (default). NOTE: /P and /X switches change the scope of /A switch by limiting the scope to or excluding corresponding projects from scope, respectively. /F switch extends the scope of /A:M switch by including corresponding projects. /V Version types to modify: A Assembly version; P or I Product (i.e. Informational) version; F File version; * All version types. If this switch is omitted, settings from configuration file are applied. If configuration file does not exist, only Assembly version is modified. Examples: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" "1.+1.*.*"/V:AF AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /V:* /S Synchronization of versions in projects: S Synchronize (to the highest version); I Increment and then synchronize; N Increment versions independently. If this switch is omitted, settings from configuration file are applied. If configuration file does not exist, versions are incremented independently. NOTE: this switch cannot be used if version pattern is provided. Example: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /S:I /M Version update summary: C Output to console (default); F Write to a file (with optional filename); N Suppress the summary. If filename is omitted from /M:F switch, name is automatically created from solution filename. Example: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /M:CF"summary.txt" /U SourceSafe username and password. If username or password are not provided, user will be prompted to enter them if solution is under SourceSafe control. If you do not want to provide password with command stored in a script (e.g. in a BAT file), you may store username only (without comma after it: /G:username); user will be prompted to enter password when command is run. NOTE: If /U switch is omitted and solution is under SourceSafe control, username and password of the currently logged user is used; if it is not valid, user will be prompted to enter them for each file to be checked out! Examples: Provide username and password: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /U:john,smith Provide username and empty password: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /U:john, AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /U:john,"" Provide username only, user will be prompted to enter password: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /U:john User will be prompted to enter username and password: AUTOVER "My Solution.sln" /U EXAMPLE 1: AUTOVER /V:* /A:M "d:\my projects\MySolution.sln" This command increments all versions (Assembly, File and Product) of modified projects in MySolution solution, using numbering scheme from configuration file (or default scheme if configuration file does not exist) EXAMPLE 2: AUTOVER /V:AF /A:A "d:\my projects\MySolution.sln" "2.0.*.+" This command sets Assembly and File versions for all projects from MySolution solution, using version mask provided: - major version is set to 2 - minor version is set to 0 - build is left intact - revision is incremented by 1 EXAMPLE 3: AUTOVER /G This command first pops-up File Open dialog so that user can browse for a solution file. When user selects a SLN or DSW file, form with a list of all projects is displayed, providing user precise control to set versions for individual projects.