using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using FluentValidation.Results; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Disk; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Core.Blocklisting; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Localization; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TorrentInfo; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; using NzbDrone.Core.RemotePathMappings; using NzbDrone.Core.Validation; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Aria2 { public class Aria2 : TorrentClientBase { private readonly IAria2Proxy _proxy; public override string Name => "Aria2"; public Aria2(IAria2Proxy proxy, ITorrentFileInfoReader torrentFileInfoReader, IHttpClient httpClient, IConfigService configService, IDiskProvider diskProvider, IRemotePathMappingService remotePathMappingService, ILocalizationService localizationService, IBlocklistService blocklistService, Logger logger) : base(torrentFileInfoReader, httpClient, configService, diskProvider, remotePathMappingService, localizationService, blocklistService, logger) { _proxy = proxy; } protected override string AddFromMagnetLink(RemoteMovie remoteEpisode, string hash, string magnetLink) { var gid = _proxy.AddMagnet(Settings, magnetLink); var tries = 10; var retryDelay = 500; // Wait a bit for the magnet to be resolved. if (!WaitForTorrent(gid, hash, tries, retryDelay)) { _logger.Warn($"Aria2 could not add magnent within {tries * retryDelay / 1000} seconds, download may remain stuck: {magnetLink}."); return hash; } _logger.Debug($"Aria2 AddFromMagnetLink '{hash}' -> '{gid}'"); return hash; } protected override string AddFromTorrentFile(RemoteMovie remoteEpisode, string hash, string filename, byte[] fileContent) { var gid = _proxy.AddTorrent(Settings, fileContent); var tries = 10; var retryDelay = 500; // Wait a bit for the magnet to be resolved. if (!WaitForTorrent(gid, hash, tries, retryDelay)) { _logger.Warn($"Aria2 could not add torrent within {tries * retryDelay / 1000} seconds, download may remain stuck: {filename}."); return hash; } return hash; } public override IEnumerable GetItems() { var torrents = _proxy.GetTorrents(Settings); foreach (var torrent in torrents) { var firstFile = torrent.Files?.FirstOrDefault(); if (firstFile?.Path?.Contains("[METADATA]") == true) { continue; } var completedLength = long.Parse(torrent.CompletedLength); var totalLength = long.Parse(torrent.TotalLength); var uploadedLength = long.Parse(torrent.UploadLength); var downloadSpeed = long.Parse(torrent.DownloadSpeed); var status = DownloadItemStatus.Failed; var title = torrent.Bittorrent?.Name ?? ""; switch (torrent.Status) { case "active": if (completedLength == totalLength) { status = DownloadItemStatus.Completed; } else { status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading; } break; case "waiting": status = DownloadItemStatus.Queued; break; case "paused": status = DownloadItemStatus.Paused; break; case "error": status = DownloadItemStatus.Failed; break; case "complete": status = DownloadItemStatus.Completed; break; case "removed": status = DownloadItemStatus.Failed; break; } _logger.Trace($"- aria2 getstatus hash:'{torrent.InfoHash}' gid:'{torrent.Gid}' status:'{status}' total:{totalLength} completed:'{completedLength}'"); var outputPath = _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, new OsPath(GetOutputPath(torrent))); yield return new DownloadClientItem { CanMoveFiles = false, CanBeRemoved = torrent.Status == "complete", Category = null, DownloadClientInfo = DownloadClientItemClientInfo.FromDownloadClient(this, false), DownloadId = torrent.InfoHash?.ToUpper(), IsEncrypted = false, Message = torrent.ErrorMessage, OutputPath = outputPath, RemainingSize = totalLength - completedLength, RemainingTime = downloadSpeed == 0 ? (TimeSpan?)null : new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)((totalLength - completedLength) / downloadSpeed)), Removed = torrent.Status == "removed", SeedRatio = totalLength > 0 ? (double)uploadedLength / totalLength : 0, Status = status, Title = title, TotalSize = totalLength, }; } } public override void RemoveItem(DownloadClientItem item, bool deleteData) { // Aria2 doesn't support file deletion: var hash = item.DownloadId.ToLower(); var aria2Item = _proxy.GetTorrents(Settings).FirstOrDefault(t => t.InfoHash?.ToLower() == hash); if (aria2Item == null) { _logger.Error($"Aria2 could not find infoHash '{hash}' for deletion."); return; } _logger.Debug($"Aria2 removing hash:'{hash}' gid:'{aria2Item.Gid}'"); if (aria2Item.Status == "complete" || aria2Item.Status == "error" || aria2Item.Status == "removed") { if (!_proxy.RemoveCompletedTorrent(Settings, aria2Item.Gid)) { _logger.Error($"Aria2 error while deleting {hash}."); return; } } else { if (!_proxy.RemoveTorrent(Settings, aria2Item.Gid)) { _logger.Error($"Aria2 error while deleting {hash}."); return; } } if (deleteData) { DeleteItemData(item); } } public override DownloadClientInfo GetStatus() { var destDir = _proxy.GetGlobals(Settings); return new DownloadClientInfo { IsLocalhost = Settings.Host.Contains("") || Settings.Host.Contains("localhost"), OutputRootFolders = new List { _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, new OsPath(destDir["dir"])) } }; } private bool WaitForTorrent(string gid, string hash, int tries, int retryDelay) { for (var i = 0; i < tries; i++) { var found = _proxy.GetFromGID(Settings, gid); if (found?.InfoHash?.ToLower() == hash?.ToLower()) { return true; } Thread.Sleep(retryDelay); } _logger.Debug("Could not find hash {0} in {1} tries at {2} ms intervals.", hash, tries, retryDelay); return false; } protected override void Test(List failures) { failures.AddIfNotNull(TestConnection()); if (failures.HasErrors()) { return; } } private ValidationFailure TestConnection() { try { var version = _proxy.GetVersion(Settings); if (new Version(version) < new Version("1.34.0")) { return new ValidationFailure(string.Empty, "Aria2 version should be at least 1.34.0. Version reported is {0}", version); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Failed to test Aria2"); return new NzbDroneValidationFailure("Host", "Unable to connect to Aria2") { DetailedDescription = ex.Message }; } return null; } private string GetOutputPath(Aria2Status torrent) { if (torrent.Files.Length == 1) { return torrent.Files.First().Path; } return torrent.Files.Select(f => f.Path).ToList().GetLongestCommonPath(); } } }