using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using FluentValidation.Results; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Disk; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Core.Blocklisting; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.FreeboxDownload.Responses; using NzbDrone.Core.Localization; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TorrentInfo; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; using NzbDrone.Core.RemotePathMappings; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.FreeboxDownload { public class TorrentFreeboxDownload : TorrentClientBase { private readonly IFreeboxDownloadProxy _proxy; public TorrentFreeboxDownload(IFreeboxDownloadProxy proxy, ITorrentFileInfoReader torrentFileInfoReader, IHttpClient httpClient, IConfigService configService, IDiskProvider diskProvider, IRemotePathMappingService remotePathMappingService, ILocalizationService localizationService, IBlocklistService blocklistService, Logger logger) : base(torrentFileInfoReader, httpClient, configService, diskProvider, remotePathMappingService, localizationService, blocklistService, logger) { _proxy = proxy; } public override string Name => "Freebox Download"; protected IEnumerable GetTorrents() { return _proxy.GetTasks(Settings).Where(v => v.Type.ToLower() == FreeboxDownloadTaskType.Bt.ToString().ToLower()); } public override IEnumerable GetItems() { var torrents = GetTorrents(); var queueItems = new List(); foreach (var torrent in torrents) { var outputPath = new OsPath(torrent.DecodedDownloadDirectory); if (Settings.DestinationDirectory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (!new OsPath(Settings.DestinationDirectory).Contains(outputPath)) { continue; } } if (Settings.Category.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var directories = outputPath.FullPath.Split('\\', '/'); if (!directories.Contains(Settings.Category)) { continue; } } var item = new DownloadClientItem() { DownloadId = torrent.Id, Category = Settings.Category, Title = torrent.Name, TotalSize = torrent.Size, DownloadClientInfo = DownloadClientItemClientInfo.FromDownloadClient(this, false), RemainingSize = (long)(torrent.Size * (double)(1 - ((double)torrent.ReceivedPrct / 10000))), RemainingTime = torrent.Eta <= 0 ? null : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(torrent.Eta), SeedRatio = torrent.StopRatio <= 0 ? 0 : torrent.StopRatio / 100, OutputPath = _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, outputPath) }; switch (torrent.Status) { case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Stopped: // task is stopped, can be resumed by setting the status to downloading case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Stopping: // task is gracefully stopping item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Paused; break; case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Queued: // task will start when a new download slot is available the queue position is stored in queue_pos attribute item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Queued; break; case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Starting: // task is preparing to start download case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Downloading: case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Retry: // you can set a task status to ‘retry’ to restart the download task. case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Checking: // checking data before lauching download. item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading; break; case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Error: // there was a problem with the download, you can get an error code in the error field item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Warning; item.Message = torrent.GetErrorDescription(); break; case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Done: // the download is over. For bt you can resume seeding setting the status to seeding if the ratio is not reached yet case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Seeding: // download is over, the content is Change to being shared to other users. The task will automatically stop once the seed ratio has been reached item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Completed; break; case FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Unknown: default: // new status in API? default to downloading item.Message = "Unknown download state: " + torrent.Status; _logger.Info(item.Message); item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading; break; } item.CanBeRemoved = item.CanMoveFiles = torrent.Status == FreeboxDownloadTaskStatus.Done; queueItems.Add(item); } return queueItems; } protected override string AddFromMagnetLink(RemoteMovie remoteMovie, string hash, string magnetLink) { return _proxy.AddTaskFromUrl(magnetLink, GetDownloadDirectory().EncodeBase64(), ToBePaused(), ToBeQueuedFirst(remoteMovie), GetSeedRatio(remoteMovie), Settings); } protected override string AddFromTorrentFile(RemoteMovie remoteMovie, string hash, string filename, byte[] fileContent) { return _proxy.AddTaskFromFile(filename, fileContent, GetDownloadDirectory().EncodeBase64(), ToBePaused(), ToBeQueuedFirst(remoteMovie), GetSeedRatio(remoteMovie), Settings); } public override void RemoveItem(DownloadClientItem item, bool deleteData) { _proxy.DeleteTask(item.DownloadId, deleteData, Settings); } public override DownloadClientInfo GetStatus() { var destDir = GetDownloadDirectory(); return new DownloadClientInfo { IsLocalhost = Settings.Host == "" || Settings.Host == "::1" || Settings.Host == "localhost", OutputRootFolders = new List { _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, new OsPath(destDir)) } }; } protected override void Test(List failures) { try { _proxy.Authenticate(Settings); } catch (DownloadClientUnavailableException ex) { failures.Add(new ValidationFailure("Host", ex.Message)); failures.Add(new ValidationFailure("Port", ex.Message)); } catch (DownloadClientAuthenticationException ex) { failures.Add(new ValidationFailure("AppId", ex.Message)); failures.Add(new ValidationFailure("AppToken", ex.Message)); } catch (FreeboxDownloadException ex) { failures.Add(new ValidationFailure("ApiUrl", ex.Message)); } } private string GetDownloadDirectory() { if (Settings.DestinationDirectory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return Settings.DestinationDirectory.TrimEnd('/'); } var destDir = _proxy.GetDownloadConfiguration(Settings).DecodedDownloadDirectory.TrimEnd('/'); if (Settings.Category.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { destDir = $"{destDir}/{Settings.Category}"; } return destDir; } private bool ToBePaused() { return Settings.AddPaused; } private bool ToBeQueuedFirst(RemoteMovie remoteMovie) { var isRecentMovie = remoteMovie.Movie.MovieMetadata.Value.IsRecentMovie; if ((isRecentMovie && Settings.RecentPriority == (int)FreeboxDownloadPriority.First) || (!isRecentMovie && Settings.OlderPriority == (int)FreeboxDownloadPriority.First)) { return true; } return false; } private double? GetSeedRatio(RemoteMovie remoteMovie) { if (remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration == null || remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration.Ratio == null) { return null; } return remoteMovie.SeedConfiguration.Ratio.Value * 100; } } }