{ "About": "About", "AcceptConfirmationModal": "Accept Confirmation Modal", "Actions": "Actions", "Activity": "Activity", "Add": "Add", "AddAutoTag": "Add Auto Tag", "AddCondition": "Add Condition", "AddConditionImplementation": "Add Condition - {implementationName}", "AddConnection": "Add Connection", "AddConnectionImplementation": "Add Connection - {implementationName}", "AddCustomFormat": "Add Custom Format", "AddDelayProfile": "Add Delay Profile", "AddDownloadClient": "Add Download Client", "AddDownloadClientImplementation": "Add Download Client - {implementationName}", "AddExclusion": "Add Exclusion", "AddImportExclusionHelpText": "Prevent movie from being added to {appName} by lists", "AddImportList": "Add Import List", "AddImportListImplementation": "Add Import List - {implementationName}", "AddIndexer": "Add Indexer", "AddIndexerImplementation": "Add Indexer - {implementationName}", "AddListExclusion": "Add List Exclusion", "AddMovie": "Add Movie", "AddMovies": "Add Movies", "AddNew": "Add New", "AddNewMessage": "It's easy to add a new movie, just start typing the name of the movie you want to add", "AddNewMovie": "Add New Movie", "AddNewTmdbIdMessage": "You can also search using TMDb Id of a movie. e.g. 'tmdb:71663'", "AddQualityProfile": "Add Quality Profile", "AddRemotePathMapping": "Add Remote Path Mapping", "AddRestriction": "Add Restriction", "AddRootFolder": "Add Root Folder", "AddRootFolderError": "Unable to add root folder", "AddToDownloadQueue": "Add to download queue", "Added": "Added", "AddedToDownloadQueue": "Added to download queue", "AddingTag": "Adding tag", "AfterManualRefresh": "After Manual Refresh", "Age": "Age", "AgeWhenGrabbed": "Age (when grabbed)", "Agenda": "Agenda", "All": "All", "AllCollectionsHiddenDueToFilter": "All collections are hidden due to applied filter.", "AllFiles": "All Files", "AllMoviesHiddenDueToFilter": "All movies are hidden due to applied filter.", "AllMoviesInPathHaveBeenImported": "All movies in {path} have been imported", "AllResultsHiddenFilter": "All results are hidden by the applied filter", "AllTitles": "All Titles", "AllowHardcodedSubs": "Allow Hardcoded Subs", "AllowHardcodedSubsHelpText": "Detected hardcoded subs will be automatically downloaded", "AlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library", "AlternativeTitle": "Alternative Title", "Always": "Always", "AnalyseVideoFiles": "Analyze video files", "Analytics": "Analytics", "AnalyticsEnabledHelpText": "Send anonymous usage and error information to {appName}'s servers. This includes information on your browser, which {appName} WebUI pages you use, error reporting as well as OS and runtime version. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes.", "Announced": "Announced", "AnnouncedMsg": "Movie is announced", "ApiKey": "API Key", "ApiKeyValidationHealthCheckMessage": "Please update your API key to be at least {length} characters long. You can do this via settings or the config file", "AppDataDirectory": "AppData Directory", "AppDataLocationHealthCheckMessage": "Updating will not be possible to prevent deleting AppData on Update", "AppUpdated": "{appName} Updated", "AppUpdatedVersion": "{appName} has been updated to version `{version}`, in order to get the latest changes you'll need to reload {appName}", "ApplicationURL": "Application URL", "ApplicationUrlHelpText": "This application's external URL including http(s)://, port and URL base", "Apply": "Apply", "ApplyChanges": "Apply Changes", "ApplyTags": "Apply Tags", "ApplyTagsHelpTextAdd": "Add: Add the tags the existing list of tags", "ApplyTagsHelpTextHowToApplyDownloadClients": "How to apply tags to the selected download clients", "ApplyTagsHelpTextHowToApplyImportLists": "How to apply tags to the selected import lists", "ApplyTagsHelpTextHowToApplyIndexers": "How to apply tags to the selected indexers", "ApplyTagsHelpTextHowToApplyMovies": "How to apply tags to the selected movies", "ApplyTagsHelpTextRemove": "Remove: Remove the entered tags", "ApplyTagsHelpTextReplace": "Replace: Replace the tags with the entered tags (enter no tags to clear all tags)", "AptUpdater": "Use apt to install the update", "AudioInfo": "Audio Info", "AudioLanguages": "Audio Languages", "AuthBasic": "Basic (Browser Popup)", "AuthForm": "Forms (Login Page)", "Authentication": "Authentication", "AuthenticationMethod": "Authentication Method", "AuthenticationMethodHelpText": "Require Username and Password to access {appName}", "AuthenticationMethodHelpTextWarning": "Please select a valid authentication method", "AuthenticationRequired": "Authentication Required", "AuthenticationRequiredHelpText": "Change which requests authentication is required for. Do not change unless you understand the risks.", "AuthenticationRequiredPasswordConfirmationHelpTextWarning": "Confirm new password", "AuthenticationRequiredPasswordHelpTextWarning": "Enter a new password", "AuthenticationRequiredUsernameHelpTextWarning": "Enter a new username", "AuthenticationRequiredWarning": "To prevent remote access without authentication, {appName} now requires authentication to be enabled. You can optionally disable authentication from local addresses.", "Auto": "Auto", "AutoRedownloadFailed": "Redownload Failed", "AutoRedownloadFailedFromInteractiveSearch": "Redownload Failed from Interactive Search", "AutoRedownloadFailedFromInteractiveSearchHelpText": "Automatically search for and attempt to download a different release when failed release was grabbed from interactive search", "AutoRedownloadFailedHelpText": "Automatically search for and attempt to download a different release", "AutoTagging": "Auto Tagging", "AutoTaggingNegateHelpText": "If checked, the auto tagging rule will not apply if this {0} condition matches.", "AutoTaggingRequiredHelpText": "This {0} condition must match for the auto tagging rule to apply. Otherwise a single {0} match is sufficient.", "AutoUnmonitorPreviouslyDownloadedMoviesHelpText": "Movies deleted from the disk are automatically unmonitored in {appName}", "Automatic": "Automatic", "AutomaticAdd": "Automatic Add", "AutomaticSearch": "Automatic Search", "AutomaticUpdatesDisabledDocker": "Automatic updates are not directly supported when using the Docker update mechanism. You will need to update the container image outside of {appName} or use a script", "AvailabilityDelay": "Availability Delay", "AvailabilityDelayHelpText": "Amount of time before or after available date to search for Movie", "Backup": "Backup", "BackupFolderHelpText": "Relative paths will be under {appName}'s AppData directory", "BackupIntervalHelpText": "Interval between automatic backups", "BackupNow": "Backup Now", "BackupRetentionHelpText": "Automatic backups older than the retention period will be cleaned up automatically", "Backups": "Backups", "BackupsLoadError": "Unable to load backups", "BeforeUpdate": "Before update", "BindAddress": "Bind Address", "BindAddressHelpText": "Valid IP address, localhost or '*' for all interfaces", "Blocklist": "Blocklist", "BlocklistAndSearch": "Blocklist and Search", "BlocklistAndSearchHint": "Start a search for a replacement after blocklisting", "BlocklistAndSearchMultipleHint": "Start searches for replacements after blocklisting", "BlocklistLoadError": "Unable to load blocklist", "BlocklistMultipleOnlyHint": "Blocklist without searching for replacements", "BlocklistOnly": "Blocklist Only", "BlocklistOnlyHint": "Blocklist without searching for a replacement", "BlocklistRelease": "Blocklist Release", "BlocklistReleaseHelpText": "Blocks this release from being redownloaded by {appName} via RSS or Automatic Search", "BlocklistReleases": "Blocklist Releases", "Blocklisted": "Blocklisted", "Branch": "Branch", "BranchUpdate": "Branch to use to update {appName}", "BranchUpdateMechanism": "Branch used by external update mechanism", "BuiltIn": "Built In", "BypassDelayIfAboveCustomFormatScore": "Bypass if Above Custom Format Score", "BypassDelayIfAboveCustomFormatScoreHelpText": "Enable bypass when release has a score higher than the configured minimum custom format score", "BypassDelayIfAboveCustomFormatScoreMinimumScore": "Minimum Custom Format Score", "BypassDelayIfAboveCustomFormatScoreMinimumScoreHelpText": "Minimum Custom Format Score required to bypass delay for the preferred protocol", "BypassDelayIfHighestQuality": "Bypass if Highest Quality", "BypassDelayIfHighestQualityHelpText": "Bypass delay when release has the highest enabled quality in the quality profile with the preferred protocol", "BypassProxyForLocalAddresses": "Bypass Proxy for Local Addresses", "Calendar": "Calendar", "CalendarFeed": "{appName} Calendar Feed", "CalendarLoadError": "Unable to load the calendar", "CalendarOptions": "Calendar Options", "Cancel": "Cancel", "CancelPendingTask": "Are you sure you want to cancel this pending task?", "CancelProcessing": "Cancel Processing", "CantFindMovie": "Why can't I find my movie?", "Cast": "Cast", "CertValidationNoLocal": "Disabled for Local Addresses", "CertificateValidation": "Certificate Validation", "CertificateValidationHelpText": "Change how strict HTTPS certification validation is. Do not change unless you understand the risks.", "Certification": "Certification", "CertificationCountry": "Certification Country", "CertificationCountryHelpText": "Select Country for Movie Certifications", "ChangeCategory": "Change Category", "ChangeCategoryHint": "Changes download to the 'Post-Import Category' from Download Client", "ChangeCategoryMultipleHint": "Changes downloads to the 'Post-Import Category' from Download Client", "ChangeFileDate": "Change File Date", "ChangeHasNotBeenSavedYet": "Change has not been saved yet", "CheckDownloadClientForDetails": "check download client for more details", "CheckForFinishedDownloadsInterval": "Check For Finished Downloads Interval", "ChmodFolder": "chmod Folder", "ChmodFolderHelpText": "Octal, applied during import/rename to media folders and files (without execute bits)", "ChmodFolderHelpTextWarning": "This only works if the user running {appName} is the owner of the file. It's better to ensure the download client sets the permissions properly.", "ChmodGroup": "chmod Group", "ChmodGroupHelpText": "Group name or gid. Use gid for remote file systems.", "ChmodGroupHelpTextWarning": "This only works if the user running {appName} is the owner of the file. It's better to ensure the download client uses the same group as {appName}.", "ChooseAnotherFolder": "Choose Another Folder", "ChooseImportMode": "Choose Import Mode", "CleanLibraryLevel": "Clean Library Level", "Clear": "Clear", "ClearBlocklist": "Clear blocklist", "ClearBlocklistMessageText": "Are you sure you want to clear all items from the blocklist?", "ClickToChangeLanguage": "Click to change language", "ClickToChangeMovie": "Click to change movie", "ClickToChangeQuality": "Click to change quality", "ClickToChangeReleaseGroup": "Click to change release group", "ClientPriority": "Client Priority", "CloneAutoTag": "Clone Auto Tag", "CloneCondition": "Clone Condition", "CloneCustomFormat": "Clone Custom Format", "CloneIndexer": "Clone Indexer", "CloneProfile": "Clone Profile", "Close": "Close", "CloseCurrentModal": "Close Current Modal", "Collection": "Collection", "CollectionOptions": "Collection Options", "CollectionShowDetailsHelpText": "Show collection status and properties", "CollectionShowOverviewsHelpText": "Show collection overviews", "CollectionShowPostersHelpText": "Show Collection item posters", "Collections": "Collections", "CollectionsSelectedInterp": "{0} Collection(s) Selected", "ColonReplacement": "Colon Replacement", "ColonReplacementFormatHelpText": "Change how {appName} handles colon replacement", "Columns": "Columns", "Complete": "Complete", "CompletedDownloadHandling": "Completed Download Handling", "Component": "Component", "Conditions": "Conditions", "Connect": "Connect", "ConnectSettings": "Connect Settings", "ConnectSettingsSummary": "Notifications, connections to media servers/players, and custom scripts", "Connection": "Connection", "ConnectionLost": "Connection Lost", "ConnectionLostReconnect": "{appName} will try to connect automatically, or you can click reload below.", "ConnectionLostToBackend": "{appName} has lost its connection to the backend and will need to be reloaded to restore functionality.", "Connections": "Connections", "ConsideredAvailable": "Considered Available", "CopyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", "CopyUsingHardlinksHelpText": "Hardlinks allow {appName} to import seeding torrents to the movie folder without taking extra disk space or copying the entire contents of the file. Hardlinks will only work if the source and destination are on the same volume", "CopyUsingHardlinksHelpTextWarning": "Occasionally, file locks may prevent renaming files that are being seeded. You may temporarily disable seeding and use {appName}'s rename function as a work around.", "CouldNotConnectSignalR": "Could not connect to SignalR, UI won't update", "CouldNotFindResults": "Couldn't find any results for '{term}'", "CountDownloadClientsSelected": "{count} download client(s) selected", "CountImportListsSelected": "{count} import list(s) selected", "CountIndexersSelected": "{count} indexer(s) selected", "CreateEmptyMovieFolders": "Create empty movie folders", "CreateEmptyMovieFoldersHelpText": "Create missing movie folders during disk scan", "CreateGroup": "Create group", "Crew": "Crew", "CurrentlyInstalled": "Currently Installed", "Custom": "Custom", "CustomFilters": "Custom Filters", "CustomFormat": "Custom Format", "CustomFormatHelpText": "{appName} scores each release using the sum of scores for matching custom formats. If a new release would improve the score, at the same or better quality, then {appName} will grab it.", "CustomFormatJson": "Custom Format JSON", "CustomFormatScore": "Custom Format Score", "CustomFormatUnknownCondition": "Unknown Custom Format condition '{0}'", "CustomFormatUnknownConditionOption": "Unknown option '{0}' for condition '{1}'", "CustomFormats": "Custom Formats", "CustomFormatsSettings": "Custom Formats Settings", "CustomFormatsSettingsSummary": "Custom Formats and Settings", "CustomFormatsSpecificationRegularExpression": "Regular Expression", "CustomFormatsSpecificationRegularExpressionHelpText": "Custom Format RegEx is Case Insensitive", "Cutoff": "Cutoff", "CutoffFormatScoreHelpText": "Once the quality cutoff is met or exceeded and this custom format score is reached {appName} will no longer grab or import upgrades for those movies", "CutoffHelpText": "Once this quality is reached {appName} will no longer download movies after the custom format cutoff score is met or exceeded", "CutoffNotMet": "Cutoff Not Met", "CutoffUnmet": "Cut-off Unmet", "Database": "Database", "DatabaseMigration": "Database Migration", "Date": "Date", "Dates": "Dates", "Day": "Day", "Days": "Days", "Debug": "Debug", "Default": "Default", "DefaultCase": "Default Case", "DefaultDelayProfile": "This is the default profile. It applies to all movies that don't have an explicit profile.", "DefaultNameCopiedProfile": "{name} - Copy", "DefaultNameCopiedSpecification": "{name} - Copy", "DelayProfile": "Delay Profile", "DelayProfiles": "Delay Profiles", "DelayingDownloadUntil": "Delaying download until {date} at {time}", "Delete": "Delete", "DeleteAutoTag": "Delete Auto Tag", "DeleteAutoTagHelpText": "Are you sure you want to delete the auto tag '{name}'?", "DeleteBackup": "Delete Backup", "DeleteBackupMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the backup '{name}'?", "DeleteCondition": "Delete Condition", "DeleteConditionMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the condition '{name}'?", "DeleteCustomFormat": "Delete Custom Format", "DeleteCustomFormatMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the custom format '{customFormatName}'?", "DeleteDelayProfile": "Delete Delay Profile", "DeleteDelayProfileMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete this delay profile?", "DeleteDownloadClient": "Delete Download Client", "DeleteDownloadClientMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the download client '{name}'?", "DeleteEmptyFolders": "Delete empty folders", "DeleteEmptyFoldersHelpText": "Delete empty movie folders during disk scan and when movie files are deleted", "DeleteFile": "Delete file", "DeleteFileLabel": "Delete {0} Movie File", "DeleteFilesHelpText": "Delete the movie files and movie folder", "DeleteFilesLabel": "Delete {0} Movie Files", "DeleteFormatMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete format tag {0} ?", "DeleteHeader": "Delete - {0}", "DeleteImportList": "Delete Import List", "DeleteImportListExclusion": "Delete Import List Exclusion", "DeleteImportListExclusionMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete this import list exclusion?", "DeleteImportListMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the list '{name}'?", "DeleteIndexer": "Delete Indexer", "DeleteIndexerMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the indexer '{name}'?", "DeleteMovieFolderHelpText": "Delete the movie folder and its contents", "DeleteMovieFolderLabel": "Delete Movie Folder", "DeleteNotification": "Delete Notification", "DeleteNotificationMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the notification '{name}'?", "DeleteQualityProfile": "Delete Quality Profile", "DeleteQualityProfileMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the quality profile '{name}'?", "DeleteRemotePathMapping": "Delete Remote Path Mapping", "DeleteRemotePathMappingMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete this remote path mapping?", "DeleteRestriction": "Delete Restriction", "DeleteRestrictionHelpText": "Are you sure you want to delete this restriction?", "DeleteRootFolder": "Delete Root Folder", "DeleteRootFolderMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the root folder '{path}'?", "DeleteSelectedDownloadClients": "Delete Download Client(s)", "DeleteSelectedDownloadClientsMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} selected download client(s)?", "DeleteSelectedImportLists": "Delete Import List(s)", "DeleteSelectedImportListsMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} selected import list(s)?", "DeleteSelectedIndexers": "Delete Indexer(s)", "DeleteSelectedIndexersMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} selected indexer(s)?", "DeleteSelectedMovie": "Delete Selected Movie(s)", "DeleteSelectedMovieFiles": "Delete Selected Movie Files", "DeleteSelectedMovieFilesHelpText": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected movie files?", "DeleteTag": "Delete Tag", "DeleteTagMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the tag '{label}'?", "DeleteTheMovieFolder": "The movie folder '{path}' and all its content will be deleted.", "Deleted": "Deleted", "DeletedMsg": "Movie was deleted from TMDb", "DeletedReasonManual": "File was deleted by via UI", "DeletedReasonMissingFromDisk": "{appName} was unable to find the file on disk so the file was unlinked from the movie in the database", "DeletedReasonUpgrade": "File was deleted to import an upgrade", "DestinationPath": "Destination Path", "DestinationRelativePath": "Destination Relative Path", "DetailedProgressBar": "Detailed Progress Bar", "DetailedProgressBarHelpText": "Show text on progress bar", "Details": "Details", "DigitalRelease": "Digital Release", "Disabled": "Disabled", "DisabledForLocalAddresses": "Disabled for Local Addresses", "Discord": "Discord", "DiscordUrlInSlackNotification": "You have a Discord notification setup as a Slack notification. Set this up as a Discord notification for better functionality. The effected notifications are: {0}", "Discover": "Discover", "DiskSpace": "Disk Space", "DoNotBlocklist": "Do not Blocklist", "DoNotBlocklistHint": "Remove without blocklisting", "DoNotPrefer": "Do Not Prefer", "DoNotUpgradeAutomatically": "Do not Upgrade Automatically", "Docker": "Docker", "DockerUpdater": "update the docker container to receive the update", "Donate": "Donate", "Donations": "Donations", "DoneEditingGroups": "Done Editing Groups", "Download": "Download", "DownloadClient": "Download Client", "DownloadClientAriaSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Optional location to put downloads in, leave blank to use the default Aria2 location", "DownloadClientCheckDownloadingToRoot": "Download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in the root folder {path}. You should not download to a root folder.", "DownloadClientCheckNoneAvailableMessage": "No download client is available", "DownloadClientCheckUnableToCommunicateMessage": "Unable to communicate with {downloadClientName}. {errorMessage}", "DownloadClientPriorityHelpText": "Download Client Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 1. Round-Robin is used for clients with the same priority.", "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsContentLayout": "Content Layout", "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsContentLayoutHelpText": "Whether to use qBittorrent's configured content layout, the original layout from the torrent or always create a subfolder (qBittorrent 4.3.2+)", "DownloadClientRemovesCompletedDownloadsHealthCheckMessage": "Download client {downloadClientName} is set to remove completed downloads. This can result in downloads being removed from your client before {appName} can import them.", "DownloadClientSettings": "Download Client Settings", "DownloadClientSortingCheckMessage": "Download client {downloadClientName} has {sortingMode} sorting enabled for {appName}'s category. You should disable sorting in your download client to avoid import issues.", "DownloadClientStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All download clients are unavailable due to failures", "DownloadClientStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Download clients unavailable due to failures: {downloadClientNames}", "DownloadClientTagHelpText": "Only use this download client for movies with at least one matching tag. Leave blank to use with all movies.", "DownloadClientUnavailable": "Download client is unavailable", "DownloadClients": "Download Clients", "DownloadClientsLoadError": "Unable to load download clients", "DownloadClientsSettingsSummary": "Download clients, download handling and remote path mappings", "DownloadFailed": "Download failed", "DownloadIgnored": "Download Ignored", "DownloadPropersAndRepacks": "Propers and Repacks", "DownloadPropersAndRepacksHelpText1": "Whether or not to automatically upgrade to Propers/Repacks", "DownloadPropersAndRepacksHelpText2": "Use 'Do not Prefer' to sort by custom format score over Propers/Repacks", "DownloadPropersAndRepacksHelpTextWarning": "Use custom formats for automatic upgrades to Propers/Repacks", "DownloadWarning": "Download warning: {warningMessage}", "Downloaded": "Downloaded", "DownloadedAndMonitored": "Downloaded (Monitored)", "DownloadedButNotMonitored": "Downloaded (Unmonitored)", "Downloading": "Downloading", "Duration": "Duration", "Edit": "Edit", "EditAutoTag": "Edit Auto Tag", "EditCollection": "Edit Collection", "EditConditionImplementation": "Edit Condition - {implementationName}", "EditConnectionImplementation": "Edit Notification - {implementationName}", "EditCustomFormat": "Edit Custom Format", "EditDelayProfile": "Edit Delay Profile", "EditDownloadClientImplementation": "Edit Download Client - {implementationName}", "EditGroups": "Edit Groups", "EditImportListImplementation": "Edit Import List - {implementationName}", "EditIndexerImplementation": "Edit Indexer - {implementationName}", "EditListExclusion": "Edit List Exclusion", "EditMovie": "Edit Movie", "EditMovieFile": "Edit Movie File", "EditMovies": "Edit Movies", "EditPerson": "Edit Person", "EditQualityProfile": "Edit Quality Profile", "EditRemotePathMapping": "Edit Remote Path Mapping", "EditRestriction": "Edit Restriction", "EditSelectedDownloadClients": "Edit Selected Download Clients", "EditSelectedImportLists": "Edit Selected Import Lists", "EditSelectedIndexers": "Edit Selected Indexers", "EditSelectedMovies": "Edit Selected Movies", "Edition": "Edition", "Enable": "Enable", "EnableAutoHelpText": "If enabled, Movies will be automatically added to {appName} from this list", "EnableAutomaticAdd": "Enable Automatic Add", "EnableAutomaticSearch": "Enable Automatic Search", "EnableAutomaticSearchHelpText": "Will be used when automatic searches are performed via the UI or by {appName}", "EnableAutomaticSearchHelpTextWarning": "Will be used when interactive search is used", "EnableColorImpairedMode": "Enable Color-Impaired Mode", "EnableColorImpairedModeHelpText": "Altered style to allow color-impaired users to better distinguish color coded information", "EnableCompletedDownloadHandlingHelpText": "Automatically import completed downloads from download client", "EnableHelpText": "Enable metadata file creation for this metadata type", "EnableInteractiveSearch": "Enable Interactive Search", "EnableInteractiveSearchHelpText": "Will be used when interactive search is used", "EnableInteractiveSearchHelpTextWarning": "Search is not supported with this indexer", "EnableMediaInfoHelpText": "Extract video information such as resolution, runtime and codec information from files. This requires {appName} to read parts of the file which may cause high disk or network activity during scans.", "EnableProfile": "Enable Profile", "EnableRSS": "Enable RSS", "EnableSSL": "Enable SSL", "EnableSslHelpText": " Requires restart running as administrator to take effect", "Enabled": "Enabled", "EnabledHelpText": "Enable this list for use in {appName}", "Ended": "Ended", "Error": "Error", "ErrorLoadingContents": "Error loading contents", "ErrorRestoringBackup": "Error restoring backup", "EventType": "Event Type", "Events": "Events", "Exception": "Exception", "ExcludeMovie": "Exclude Movie", "ExcludeTitle": "Exclude {0}? This will prevent {appName} from automatically adding via list sync.", "Excluded": "Excluded", "Existing": "Existing", "ExistingMovies": "Existing Movie(s)", "ExistingTag": "Existing tag", "ExportCustomFormat": "Export Custom Format", "Extension": "Extension", "ExternalUpdater": "{appName} is configured to use an external update mechanism", "ExtraFileExtensionsHelpTexts1": "Comma separated list of extra files to import (.nfo will be imported as .nfo-orig)", "ExtraFileExtensionsHelpTexts2": "Examples: '.sub, .nfo' or 'sub,nfo'", "Failed": "Failed", "FailedDownloadHandling": "Failed Download Handling", "FailedLoadingSearchResults": "Failed to load search results, please try again.", "FailedToFetchUpdates": "Failed to fetch updates", "FailedToLoadMovieFromAPI": "Failed to load movie from API", "FailedToUpdateSettings": "Failed to update settings", "False": "False", "FeatureRequests": "Feature Requests", "File": "File", "FileDateHelpText": "Change file date on import/rescan", "FileManagement": "File Management", "FileNameTokens": "File Name Tokens", "FileNames": "File Names", "Filename": "Filename", "Files": "Files", "Filter": "Filter", "FilterPlaceHolder": "Search movies", "Filters": "Filters", "FirstDayOfWeek": "First Day of Week", "Fixed": "Fixed", "FocusSearchBox": "Focus Search Box", "Folder": "Folder", "FolderMoveRenameWarning": "This will also rename the movie folder per the movie folder format in settings.", "Folders": "Folders", "FollowPerson": "Follow Person", "ForMoreInformationOnTheIndividualDownloadClients": "For more information on the individual download clients, click the more info buttons.", "ForMoreInformationOnTheIndividualImportListsClinkOnTheInfoButtons": "For more information on the individual import lists, click on the info buttons.", "ForMoreInformationOnTheIndividualIndexers": "For more information on the individual indexers, click on the info buttons.", "Forecast": "Forecast", "FormatAgeDay": "day", "FormatAgeDays": "days", "FormatAgeHour": "hour", "FormatAgeHours": "hours", "FormatAgeMinute": "minute", "FormatAgeMinutes": "minutes", "FormatDateTime": "{formattedDate} {formattedTime}", "FormatDateTimeRelative": "{relativeDay}, {formattedDate} {formattedTime}", "FormatRuntimeHours": "{hours}h", "FormatRuntimeMinutes": "{minutes}m", "FormatShortTimeSpanHours": "{hours} hour(s)", "FormatShortTimeSpanMinutes": "{minutes} minute(s)", "FormatShortTimeSpanSeconds": "{seconds} second(s)", "FormatTimeSpanDays": "{days}d {time}", "Formats": "Formats", "FreeSpace": "Free Space", "From": "from", "FullColorEvents": "Full Color Events", "FullColorEventsHelpText": "Altered style to color the entire event with the status color, instead of just the left edge. Does not apply to Agenda", "General": "General", "GeneralSettings": "General Settings", "GeneralSettingsSummary": "Port, SSL, username/password, proxy, analytics and updates", "Genres": "Genres", "Global": "Global", "GoToInterp": "Go to {0}", "Grab": "Grab", "GrabId": "Grab ID", "GrabRelease": "Grab Release", "GrabReleaseMessageText": "{appName} was unable to determine which movie this release was for. {appName} may be unable to automatically import this release. Do you want to grab '{0}'?", "GrabSelected": "Grab Selected", "Grabbed": "Grabbed", "Group": "Group", "HardlinkCopyFiles": "Hardlink/Copy Files", "HaveNotAddedMovies": "You haven't added any movies yet, do you want to import some or all of your movies first?", "Health": "Health", "HealthMessagesInfoBox": "You can find more information about the cause of these health check messages by clicking the wiki link (book icon) at the end of the row, or by checking your [logs]({link}). If you have difficulty interpreting these messages then you can reach out to our support, at the links below.", "HiddenClickToShow": "Hidden, click to show", "HideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced", "History": "History", "HistoryLoadError": "Unable to load history", "HomePage": "Home Page", "Host": "Host", "Hostname": "Hostname", "Hours": "Hours", "HttpHttps": "HTTP(S)", "ICalFeed": "iCal Feed", "ICalFeedHelpText": "Copy this URL to your client(s) or click to subscribe if your browser supports webcal", "ICalIncludeUnmonitoredMoviesHelpText": "Include unmonitored movies in the iCal feed", "ICalLink": "iCal Link", "ICalShowAsAllDayEvents": "Show as All-Day Events", "ICalShowAsAllDayEventsHelpText": "Events will appear as all-day events in your calendar", "ICalTagsMoviesHelpText": "Applies to movies with at least one matching tag", "IMDb": "IMDb", "IMDbId": "IMDb Id", "IconForCutoffUnmet": "Icon for Cutoff Unmet", "IconForCutoffUnmetHelpText": "Show icon for files when the cutoff hasn't been met", "IgnoreDeletedMovies": "Unmonitor Deleted Movies", "IgnoreDownload": "Ignore Download", "IgnoreDownloadHint": "Stops {appName} from processing this download further", "IgnoreDownloads": "Ignore Downloads", "IgnoreDownloadsHint": "Stops {appName} from processing these downloads further", "Ignored": "Ignored", "IgnoredAddresses": "Ignored Addresses", "IgnoredHelpText": "The release will be rejected if it contains one or more of the terms (case insensitive)", "IgnoredPlaceHolder": "Add new restriction", "IllRestartLater": "I'll restart later", "Images": "Images", "ImdbRating": "IMDb Rating", "ImdbVotes": "IMDb Votes", "Implementation": "Implementation", "Import": "Import", "ImportCustomFormat": "Import Custom Format", "ImportErrors": "Import Errors", "ImportExistingMovies": "Import Existing Movies", "ImportExtraFiles": "Import Extra Files", "ImportExtraFilesHelpText": "Import matching extra files (subtitles, nfo, etc) after importing an movie file", "ImportFailed": "Import failed: {sourceTitle}", "ImportHeader": "Import an existing organized library to add movies to {appName}", "ImportIncludeQuality": "Make sure that your files include the quality in their filenames. e.g. {0}", "ImportLibrary": "Library Import", "ImportListMissingRoot": "Missing root folder for import list(s): {rootFolderInfo}", "ImportListMultipleMissingRoots": "Multiple root folders are missing for import lists: {rootFoldersInfo}", "ImportListStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All lists are unavailable due to failures", "ImportListStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Lists unavailable due to failures: {importListNames}", "ImportMechanismHealthCheckMessage": "Enable Completed Download Handling", "ImportMovies": "Import Movies", "ImportNotForDownloads": "Do not use for importing downloads from your download client, this is only for existing organized libraries, not unsorted files.", "ImportRootPath": "Point {appName} to the folder containing all of your movies, not a specific movie. e.g. {0} and not {1}. Additionally, each movie must be in its own folder within the root/library folder.", "ImportScriptPath": "Import Script Path", "ImportTipsMessage": "Some tips to ensure the import goes smoothly:", "ImportUsingScript": "Import Using Script", "Imported": "Imported", "ImportedTo": "Imported To", "Importing": "Importing", "InCinemas": "In Cinemas", "InCinemasDate": "In Cinemas Date", "InCinemasMsg": "Movie is in Cinemas", "IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming": "Include Custom Format when Renaming", "IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenamingHelpText": "Include in {Custom Formats} renaming format", "IncludeHealthWarningsHelpText": "Include Health Warnings", "IncludeRadarrRecommendations": "Include {appName} Recommendations", "IncludeRecommendationsHelpText": "Include {appName} recommended movies in discovery view", "IncludeUnmonitored": "Include Unmonitored", "Indexer": "Indexer", "IndexerDownloadClientHealthCheckMessage": "Indexers with invalid download clients: {0}.", "IndexerDownloadClientHelpText": "Specify which download client is used for grabs from this indexer", "IndexerFlags": "Indexer Flags", "IndexerJackettAll": "Indexers using the unsupported Jackett 'all' endpoint: {indexerNames}", "IndexerLongTermStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours", "IndexerLongTermStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours: {indexerNames}", "IndexerPriority": "Indexer Priority", "IndexerPriorityHelpText": "Indexer Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 25. Used when grabbing releases as a tiebreaker for otherwise equal releases, {appName} will still use all enabled indexers for RSS Sync and Searching", "IndexerRssHealthCheckNoAvailableIndexers": "All rss-capable indexers are temporarily unavailable due to recent indexer errors", "IndexerRssHealthCheckNoIndexers": "No indexers available with RSS sync enabled, {appName} will not grab new releases automatically", "IndexerSearchCheckNoAutomaticMessage": "No indexers available with Automatic Search enabled, {appName} will not provide any automatic search results", "IndexerSearchCheckNoAvailableIndexersMessage": "All search-capable indexers are temporarily unavailable due to recent indexer errors", "IndexerSearchCheckNoInteractiveMessage": "No indexers available with Interactive Search enabled, {appName} will not provide any interactive search results", "IndexerSettings": "Indexer Settings", "IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashes": "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing", "IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesHelpText": "If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.", "IndexerStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures", "IndexerStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures: {indexerNames}", "IndexerTagHelpText": "Only use this indexer for movies with at least one matching tag. Leave blank to use with all movies.", "Indexers": "Indexers", "IndexersSettingsSummary": "Indexers and release restrictions", "Info": "Info", "InfoUrl": "Info URL", "InstallLatest": "Install Latest", "InstanceName": "Instance Name", "InstanceNameHelpText": "Instance name in tab and for Syslog app name", "InteractiveImport": "Interactive Import", "InteractiveImportLoadError": "Unable to load manual import items", "InteractiveImportNoFilesFound": "No video files were found in the selected folder", "InteractiveImportNoImportMode": "An import mode must be selected", "InteractiveImportNoLanguage": "Language must be chosen for each selected file", "InteractiveImportNoMovie": "Movie must be chosen for each selected file", "InteractiveImportNoQuality": "Quality must be chosen for each selected file", "InteractiveSearch": "Interactive Search", "InteractiveSearchModalHeader": "Interactive Search", "InteractiveSearchResultsFailedErrorMessage": "Search failed because its {message}. Try refreshing the movie info and verify the necessary information is present before searching again.", "Interval": "Interval", "InvalidFormat": "Invalid Format", "InvalidUILanguage": "Your UI is set to an invalid language, correct it and save your settings", "KeepAndUnmonitorMovie": "Keep and Unmonitor Movie", "KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts", "Language": "Language", "LanguageHelpText": "Language for Releases", "Languages": "Languages", "LanguagesLoadError": "Unable to load languages", "Large": "Large", "LastDuration": "Last Duration", "LastExecution": "Last Execution", "LastUsed": "Last Used", "LastWriteTime": "Last Write Time", "LaunchBrowserHelpText": " Open a web browser and navigate to the {appName} homepage on app start.", "Letterboxd": "Letterboxd", "Level": "Level", "LinkHere": "here", "Links": "Links", "List": "List", "ListExclusions": "List Exclusions", "ListRefreshInterval": "List Refresh Interval", "ListSettings": "List Settings", "ListSyncLevelHelpText": "Movies in library will be handled based on your selection if they fall off or do not appear on your list(s)", "ListSyncLevelHelpTextWarning": "Movie files will be permanently deleted, this can result in wiping your library if your lists are empty", "ListTagsHelpText": "Tags list items will be added with", "ListWillRefreshEveryInterp": "List will refresh every {0}", "Lists": "Lists", "ListsSettingsSummary": "Import Lists, list exclusions", "Loading": "Loading", "LoadingMovieCreditsFailed": "Loading movie credits failed", "LoadingMovieExtraFilesFailed": "Loading movie extra files failed", "LoadingMovieFilesFailed": "Loading movie files failed", "Local": "Local", "LocalPath": "Local Path", "Location": "Location", "LogFiles": "Log Files", "LogFilesLocation": "Log files are located in: {location}", "LogLevel": "Log Level", "LogLevelTraceHelpTextWarning": "Trace logging should only be enabled temporarily", "LogOnly": "Log Only", "Logging": "Logging", "Logs": "Logs", "LookingForReleaseProfiles1": "Looking for Release Profiles? Try", "LookingForReleaseProfiles2": "instead.", "LowerCase": "Lowercase", "MIA": "MIA", "MaintenanceRelease": "Maintenance Release: bug fixes and other improvements. See Github Commit History for more details", "ManageClients": "Manage Clients", "ManageDownloadClients": "Manage Download Clients", "ManageFiles": "Manage Files", "ManageImportLists": "Manage Import Lists", "ManageIndexers": "Manage Indexers", "ManageLists": "Manage Lists", "Manual": "Manual", "ManualGrab": "Manual Grab", "ManualImport": "Manual Import", "ManualImportSelectLanguage": "Manual Import - Select Language", "ManualImportSelectMovie": "Manual Import - Select Movie", "ManualImportSelectQuality": " Manual Import - Select Quality", "ManualImportSetReleaseGroup": "Manual Import - Set Release Group", "MappedDrivesRunningAsService": "Mapped network drives are not available when running as a Windows Service. Please see the FAQ for more information", "MarkAsFailed": "Mark as Failed", "MarkAsFailedMessageText": "Are you sure you want to mark '{0}' as failed?", "MassMovieSearch": "Mass Movie Search", "MatchedToMovie": "Matched to Movie", "Max": "Max", "MaximumLimits": "Maximum Limits", "MaximumSize": "Maximum Size", "MaximumSizeHelpText": "Maximum size for a release to be grabbed in MB. Set to zero to set to unlimited", "Mechanism": "Mechanism", "MediaInfo": "Media Info", "MediaManagement": "Media Management", "MediaManagementSettings": "Media Management Settings", "MediaManagementSettingsSummary": "Naming and file management settings", "Medium": "Medium", "MegabytesPerMinute": "Megabytes Per Minute", "Menu": "Menu", "Message": "Message", "Metadata": "Metadata", "MetadataSettings": "Metadata Settings", "MetadataSettingsSummary": "Create metadata files when movies are imported or refreshed", "Min": "Min", "MinAvailability": "Min Availability", "MinFormatScoreHelpText": "Minimum custom format score allowed to download", "MinimumAge": "Minimum Age", "MinimumAgeHelpText": "Usenet only: Minimum age in minutes of NZBs before they are grabbed. Use this to give new releases time to propagate to your usenet provider.", "MinimumAvailability": "Minimum Availability", "MinimumCustomFormatScore": "Minimum Custom Format Score", "MinimumFreeSpace": "Minimum Free Space", "MinimumFreeSpaceWhenImportingHelpText": "Prevent import if it would leave less than this amount of disk space available", "MinimumLimits": "Minimum Limits", "Minutes": "Minutes", "MinutesHundredTwenty": "120 Minutes: {0}", "MinutesNinety": "90 Minutes: {0}", "MinutesSixty": "60 Minutes: {0}", "Missing": "Missing", "MissingMonitoredAndConsideredAvailable": "Missing (Monitored)", "MissingNotMonitored": "Missing (Unmonitored)", "Mode": "Mode", "Monday": "Monday", "Monitor": "Monitor", "MonitorCollection": "Monitor Collection", "MonitorMovie": "Monitor Movie", "MonitorMovies": "Monitor Movies", "Monitored": "Monitored", "MonitoredCollectionHelpText": "Monitor to automatically have movies from this collection added to the library", "MonitoredHelpText": "Download movie if available", "MonitoredOnly": "Monitored Only", "MonitoredStatus": "Monitored/Status", "Month": "Month", "Months": "Months", "More": "More", "MoreControlCFText": "Want more control over which downloads are preferred? Add a", "MoreDetails": "More details", "MoreInfo": "More Info", "MountCheckMessage": "Mount containing a movie path is mounted read-only: ", "MoveAutomatically": "Move Automatically", "MoveFiles": "Move Files", "MoveFolders1": "Would you like to move the movie folders to '{0}' ?", "MoveFolders2": "Would you like to move the movie files from '{0}' to '{1}' ?", "Movie": "Movie", "MovieAlreadyExcluded": "Movie already Excluded", "MovieAndCollection": "Movie and Collection", "MovieChat": "Movie Chat", "MovieCollectionMissingRoot": "Missing root folder for movie collection: {0}", "MovieCollectionMultipleMissingRoots": "Multiple root folders are missing for movie collections: {0}", "MovieDetailsNextMovie": "Movie Details: Next Movie", "MovieDetailsPreviousMovie": "Movie Details: Previous Movie", "MovieDownloadFailedTooltip": "Movie download failed", "MovieDownloadIgnoredTooltip": "Movie Download Ignored", "MovieEditor": "Movie Editor", "MovieExcludedFromAutomaticAdd": "Movie Excluded From Automatic Add", "MovieFileDeleted": "Movie File Deleted", "MovieFileDeletedTooltip": "Movie file deleted", "MovieFileMissingTooltip": "Movie file missing", "MovieFileRenamed": "Movie File Renamed", "MovieFileRenamedTooltip": "Movie file renamed", "MovieFiles": "Movie Files", "MovieFilesTotaling": "Movie Files Totaling", "MovieFolderFormat": "Movie Folder Format", "MovieFolderImportedTooltip": "Movie imported from movie folder", "MovieGrabbedHistoryTooltip": "Movie grabbed from {indexer} and sent to {downloadClient}", "MovieID": "Movie ID", "MovieImported": "Movie Imported", "MovieImportedTooltip": "Movie downloaded successfully and picked up from download client", "MovieIndex": "Movie Index", "MovieIndexScrollBottom": "Movie Index: Scroll Bottom", "MovieIndexScrollTop": "Movie Index: Scroll Top", "MovieInfoLanguage": "Movie Info Language", "MovieInfoLanguageHelpText": "Language that {appName} will use for Movie Information in UI", "MovieInfoLanguageHelpTextWarning": "Browser Reload Required", "MovieInvalidFormat": "Movie: Invalid Format", "MovieIsDownloading": "Movie is downloading", "MovieIsMonitored": "Movie is monitored", "MovieIsOnImportExclusionList": "Movie is on Import Exclusion List", "MovieIsRecommend": "Movie is recommended based on recent addition", "MovieIsUnmonitored": "Movie is unmonitored", "MovieMatchType": "Movie Match Type", "MovieNaming": "Movie Naming", "MovieOnly": "Movie Only", "MovieSearchResultsLoadError": "Unable to load results for this movie search. Try again later", "MovieTitle": "Movie Title", "MovieTitleHelpText": "The title of the movie to exclude (can be anything meaningful)", "MovieYear": "Movie Year", "MovieYearHelpText": "The year of the movie to exclude", "Movies": "Movies", "MoviesSelectedInterp": "{count} Movie(s) Selected", "MultiLanguage": "Multi-Language", "MustContain": "Must Contain", "MustNotContain": "Must Not Contain", "Name": "Name", "NamingSettings": "Naming Settings", "Negate": "Negate", "NegateHelpText": "If checked, the custom format will not apply if this {0} condition matches.", "Negated": "Negated", "NetCore": ".NET", "Never": "Never", "New": "New", "NextExecution": "Next Execution", "NoAltTitle": "No alternative titles.", "NoBackupsAreAvailable": "No backups are available", "NoChange": "No Change", "NoChanges": "No Changes", "NoCollections": "No collections found, to get started you'll want to add a new movie, or import some existing ones", "NoDownloadClientsFound": "No download clients found", "NoEventsFound": "No events found", "NoHistory": "No history", "NoHistoryBlocklist": "No history blocklist", "NoHistoryFound": "No history found", "NoImportListsFound": "No import lists found", "NoIndexersFound": "No indexers found", "NoIssuesWithYourConfiguration": "No issues with your configuration", "NoLeaveIt": "No, Leave It", "NoLimitForAnyRuntime": "No limit for any runtime", "NoLinks": "No Links", "NoListRecommendations": "No list items or recommendations found, to get started you'll want to add a new movie, import some existing ones, or add a list.", "NoLogFiles": "No log files", "NoMatchFound": "No match found!", "NoMinimumForAnyRuntime": "No minimum for any runtime", "NoMoveFilesSelf": " No, I'll Move the Files Myself", "NoMoviesExist": "No movies found, to get started you'll want to add a new movie or import some existing ones.", "NoResultsFound": "No results found", "NoTagsHaveBeenAddedYet": "No tags have been added yet", "NoUpdatesAreAvailable": "No updates are available", "None": "None", "NotAvailable": "Not Available", "NotMonitored": "Not Monitored", "NotificationStatusAllClientHealthCheckMessage": "All notifications are unavailable due to failures", "NotificationStatusSingleClientHealthCheckMessage": "Notifications unavailable due to failures: {notificationNames}", "NotificationTriggers": "Notification Triggers", "NotificationTriggersHelpText": "Select which events should trigger this notification", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsConfigurationKey": "Apprise Configuration Key", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsConfigurationKeyHelpText": "Configuration Key for the Persistent Storage Solution. Leave empty if Stateless URLs is used.", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsNotificationType": "Apprise Notification Type", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsPasswordHelpText": "HTTP Basic Auth Password", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsServerUrl": "Apprise Server URL", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsServerUrlHelpText": "Apprise server URL, including http(s):// and port if needed", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsStatelessUrls": "Apprise Stateless URLs", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsStatelessUrlsHelpText": "One or more URLs separated by commas identifying where the notification should be sent to. Leave empty if Persistent Storage is used.", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsTags": "Apprise Tags", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsTagsHelpText": "Optionally notify only those tagged accordingly.", "NotificationsAppriseSettingsUsernameHelpText": "HTTP Basic Auth Username", "NotificationsCustomScriptSettingsArguments": "Arguments", "NotificationsCustomScriptSettingsArgumentsHelpText": "Arguments to pass to the script", "NotificationsCustomScriptSettingsName": "Custom Script", "NotificationsCustomScriptSettingsProviderMessage": "Testing will execute the script with the EventType set to {eventTypeTest}, ensure your script handles this correctly", "NotificationsCustomScriptValidationFileDoesNotExist": "File does not exist", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsAuthor": "Author", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsAuthorHelpText": "Override the embed author that shows for this notification. Blank is instance name", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsAvatar": "Avatar", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsAvatarHelpText": "Change the avatar that is used for messages from this integration", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsOnGrabFields": "On Grab Fields", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsOnGrabFieldsHelpText": "Change the fields that are passed in for this 'on grab' notification", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsOnImportFields": "On Import Fields", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsOnImportFieldsHelpText": "Change the fields that are passed in for this 'on import' notification", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsOnManualInteractionFields": "On Manual Interaction Fields", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsOnManualInteractionFieldsHelpText": "Change the fields that are passed in for this 'on manual interation' notification", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsUsernameHelpText": "The username to post as, defaults to Discord webhook default", "NotificationsDiscordSettingsWebhookUrlHelpText": "Discord channel webhook url", "NotificationsEmailSettingsBccAddress": "BCC Address(es)", "NotificationsEmailSettingsBccAddressHelpText": "Comma separated list of email bcc recipients", "NotificationsEmailSettingsCcAddress": "CC Address(es)", "NotificationsEmailSettingsCcAddressHelpText": "Comma separated list of email cc recipients", "NotificationsEmailSettingsFromAddress": "From Address", "NotificationsEmailSettingsName": "Email", "NotificationsEmailSettingsRecipientAddress": "Recipient Address(es)", "NotificationsEmailSettingsRecipientAddressHelpText": "Comma separated list of email recipients", "NotificationsEmailSettingsServer": "Server", "NotificationsEmailSettingsServerHelpText": "Hostname or IP of Email server", "NotificationsEmailSettingsUseEncryption": "Use Encryption", "NotificationsEmailSettingsUseEncryptionHelpText": "Whether to prefer using encryption if configured on the server, to always use encryption via SSL (Port 465 only) or StartTLS (any other port) or to never use encryption", "NotificationsEmbySettingsSendNotifications": "Send Notifications", "NotificationsEmbySettingsSendNotificationsHelpText": "Have MediaBrowser send notifications to configured providers", "NotificationsEmbySettingsUpdateLibraryHelpText": "Update Library on Import, Rename, or Delete?", "NotificationsGotifySettingIncludeMoviePoster": "Include Movie Poster", "NotificationsGotifySettingIncludeMoviePosterHelpText": "Include movie poster in message", "NotificationsGotifySettingsAppToken": "App Token", "NotificationsGotifySettingsAppTokenHelpText": "The Application Token generated by Gotify", "NotificationsGotifySettingsPriorityHelpText": "Priority of the notification", "NotificationsGotifySettingsServer": "Gotify Server", "NotificationsGotifySettingsServerHelpText": "Gotify server URL, including http(s):// and port if needed", "NotificationsJoinSettingsApiKeyHelpText": "The API Key from your Join account settings (click Join API button).", "NotificationsJoinSettingsDeviceIds": "Device IDs", "NotificationsJoinSettingsDeviceIdsHelpText": "Deprecated, use Device Names instead. Comma separated list of Device IDs you'd like to send notifications to. If unset, all devices will receive notifications.", "NotificationsJoinSettingsDeviceNames": "Device Names", "NotificationsJoinSettingsDeviceNamesHelpText": "Comma separated list of full or partial device names you'd like to send notifications to. If unset, all devices will receive notifications.", "NotificationsJoinSettingsNotificationPriority": "Notification Priority", "NotificationsJoinValidationInvalidDeviceId": "Device IDs appear invalid.", "NotificationsKodiSettingAlwaysUpdate": "Always Update", "NotificationsKodiSettingAlwaysUpdateHelpText": "Update library even when a video is playing?", "NotificationsKodiSettingsCleanLibrary": "Clean Library", "NotificationsKodiSettingsCleanLibraryHelpText": "Clean library after update", "NotificationsKodiSettingsDisplayTime": "Display Time", "NotificationsKodiSettingsDisplayTimeHelpText": "How long the notification will be displayed for (In seconds)", "NotificationsKodiSettingsGuiNotification": "GUI Notification", "NotificationsKodiSettingsUpdateLibraryHelpText": "Update library on Import & Rename?", "NotificationsMailgunSettingsApiKeyHelpText": "The API key generated from MailGun", "NotificationsMailgunSettingsSenderDomain": "Sender Domain", "NotificationsMailgunSettingsUseEuEndpoint": "Use EU Endpoint", "NotificationsMailgunSettingsUseEuEndpointHelpText": "Enable to use the EU MailGun endpoint", "NotificationsNotifiarrSettingsApiKeyHelpText": "Your API key from your profile", "NotificationsNtfySettingsAccessToken": "Access Token", "NotificationsNtfySettingsAccessTokenHelpText": "Optional token-based authorization. Takes priority over username/password", "NotificationsNtfySettingsClickUrl": "Click Url", "NotificationsNtfySettingsClickUrlHelpText": "Optional link when user clicks notification", "NotificationsNtfySettingsPasswordHelpText": "Optional password", "NotificationsNtfySettingsServerUrl": "Server URL", "NotificationsNtfySettingsServerUrlHelpText": "Leave blank to use public server ({url})", "NotificationsNtfySettingsTagsEmojis": "Ntfy Tags and Emojis", "NotificationsNtfySettingsTagsEmojisHelpText": "Optional list of tags or emojis to use", "NotificationsNtfySettingsTopics": "Topics", "NotificationsNtfySettingsTopicsHelpText": "List of Topics to send notifications to", "NotificationsNtfySettingsUsernameHelpText": "Optional username", "NotificationsNtfyValidationAuthorizationRequired": "Authorization is required", "NotificationsPlexSettingsAuthToken": "Auth Token", "NotificationsPlexSettingsAuthenticateWithPlexTv": "Authenticate with Plex.tv", "NotificationsPlexValidationNoMovieLibraryFound": "At least one Movie library is required", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingSenderId": "Sender ID", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingSenderIdHelpText": "The device ID to send notifications from, use device_iden in the device's URL on pushbullet.com (leave blank to send from yourself)", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingsAccessToken": "Access Token", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingsChannelTags": "Channel Tags", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingsChannelTagsHelpText": "List of Channel Tags to send notifications to", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingsDeviceIds": "Device IDs", "NotificationsPushBulletSettingsDeviceIdsHelpText": "List of device IDs (leave blank to send to all devices)", "NotificationsPushcutSettingsApiKeyHelpText": "API Keys can be managed in the Account view of the Pushcut app", "NotificationsPushcutSettingsNotificationName": "Notification Name", "NotificationsPushcutSettingsNotificationNameHelpText": "Notification name from Notifications tab of the Pushcut app", "NotificationsPushcutSettingsTimeSensitive": "Time Sensitive", "NotificationsPushcutSettingsTimeSensitiveHelpText": "Enable to mark the notification as \"Time Sensitive\"", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsDevices": "Devices", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsDevicesHelpText": "List of device names (leave blank to send to all devices)", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsExpire": "Expire", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsExpireHelpText": "Maximum time to retry Emergency alerts, maximum 86400 seconds\"", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsRetry": "Retry", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsRetryHelpText": "Interval to retry Emergency alerts, minimum 30 seconds", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsSound": "Sound", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsSoundHelpText": "Notification sound, leave blank to use the default", "NotificationsPushoverSettingsUserKey": "User Key", "NotificationsSendGridSettingsApiKeyHelpText": "The API Key generated by SendGrid", "NotificationsSettingsUpdateLibrary": "Update Library", "NotificationsSettingsUpdateMapPathsFrom": "Map Paths From", "NotificationsSettingsUpdateMapPathsFromHelpText": "{appName} path, used to modify series paths when {serviceName} sees library path location differently from {appName} (Requires 'Update Library')", "NotificationsSettingsUpdateMapPathsTo": "Map Paths To", "NotificationsSettingsUpdateMapPathsToHelpText": "{serviceName} path, used to modify series paths when {serviceName} sees library path location differently from {appName} (Requires 'Update Library')", "NotificationsSettingsUseSslHelpText": "Connect to {serviceName} over HTTPS instead of HTTP", "NotificationsSettingsWebhookMethod": "Method", "NotificationsSettingsWebhookMethodHelpText": "Which HTTP method to use submit to the Webservice", "NotificationsSettingsWebhookUrl": "Webhook URL", "NotificationsSignalSettingsGroupIdPhoneNumber": "Group ID / Phone Number", "NotificationsSignalSettingsGroupIdPhoneNumberHelpText": "Group ID / Phone Number of the receiver", "NotificationsSignalSettingsPasswordHelpText": "Password used to authenticate requests toward signal-api", "NotificationsSignalSettingsSenderNumber": "Sender Number", "NotificationsSignalSettingsSenderNumberHelpText": "Phone number of the sender register in signal-api", "NotificationsSignalSettingsUsernameHelpText": "Username used to authenticate requests toward signal-api", "NotificationsSignalValidationSslRequired": "SSL seems to be required", "NotificationsSimplepushSettingsEvent": "Event", "NotificationsSimplepushSettingsEventHelpText": "Customize the behavior of push notifications", "NotificationsSimplepushSettingsKey": "Key", "NotificationsSlackSettingsChannel": "Channel", "NotificationsSlackSettingsChannelHelpText": "Overrides the default channel for the incoming webhook (#other-channel)", "NotificationsSlackSettingsIcon": "Icon", "NotificationsSlackSettingsIconHelpText": "Change the icon that is used for messages posted to Slack (Emoji or URL)", "NotificationsSlackSettingsUsernameHelpText": "Username to post to Slack as", "NotificationsSlackSettingsWebhookUrlHelpText": "Slack channel webhook url", "NotificationsSynologySettingsUpdateLibraryHelpText": "Call synoindex on localhost to update a library file", "NotificationsSynologyValidationInvalidOs": "Must be a Synology", "NotificationsSynologyValidationTestFailed": "Not a Synology or synoindex not available", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsBotToken": "Bot Token", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsChatId": "Chat ID", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsChatIdHelpText": "You must start a conversation with the bot or add it to your group to receive messages", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsSendSilently": "Send Silently", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsSendSilentlyHelpText": "Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsTopicId": "Topic ID", "NotificationsTelegramSettingsTopicIdHelpText": "Specify a Topic ID to send notifications to that topic. Leave blank to use the general topic (Supergroups only)", "NotificationsTraktSettingsAccessToken": "Access Token", "NotificationsTraktSettingsAuthUser": "Auth User", "NotificationsTraktSettingsAuthenticateWithTrakt": "Authenticate with Trakt", "NotificationsTraktSettingsExpires": "Expires", "NotificationsTraktSettingsRefreshToken": "Refresh Token", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsAccessToken": "Access Token", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsAccessTokenSecret": "Access Token Secret", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsConnectToTwitter": "Connect to Twitter / X", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsConsumerKey": "Consumer Key", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsConsumerKeyHelpText": "Consumer key from a Twitter application", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsConsumerSecret": "Consumer Secret", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsConsumerSecretHelpText": "Consumer secret from a Twitter application", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsDirectMessage": "Direct Message", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsDirectMessageHelpText": "Send a direct message instead of a public message", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsMention": "Mention", "NotificationsTwitterSettingsMentionHelpText": "Mention this user in sent tweets", "NotificationsValidationInvalidAccessToken": "Access Token is invalid", "NotificationsValidationInvalidApiKey": "API Key is invalid", "NotificationsValidationInvalidApiKeyExceptionMessage": "API Key is invalid: {exceptionMessage}", "NotificationsValidationInvalidAuthenticationToken": "Authentication Token is invalid", "NotificationsValidationInvalidHttpCredentials": "HTTP Auth credentials are invalid: {exceptionMessage}", "NotificationsValidationInvalidUsernamePassword": "Invalid username or password", "NotificationsValidationUnableToConnect": "Unable to connect: {exceptionMessage}", "NotificationsValidationUnableToConnectToApi": "Unable to connect to {service} API. Server connection failed: ({responseCode}) {exceptionMessage}", "NotificationsValidationUnableToConnectToService": "Unable to connect to {serviceName}", "NotificationsValidationUnableToSendTestMessage": "Unable to send test message: {exceptionMessage}", "NotificationsValidationUnableToSendTestMessageApiResponse": "Unable to send test message. Response from API: {error}", "OAuthPopupMessage": "Pop-ups are being blocked by your browser", "Ok": "Ok", "OnApplicationUpdate": "On Application Update", "OnApplicationUpdateHelpText": "On Application Update", "OnDownloadHelpText": "On Import", "OnGrab": "On Grab", "OnGrabHelpText": "On Grab", "OnHealthIssue": "On Health Issue", "OnHealthIssueHelpText": "On Health Issue", "OnHealthRestored": "On Health Restored", "OnHealthRestoredHelpText": "On Health Restored", "OnImport": "On Import", "OnLatestVersion": "The latest version of {appName} is already installed", "OnManualInteractionRequired": "On Manual Interaction Required", "OnManualInteractionRequiredHelpText": "On Manual Interaction Required", "OnMovieAdded": "On Movie Added", "OnMovieAddedHelpText": "On Movie Added", "OnMovieDelete": "On Movie Delete", "OnMovieDeleteHelpText": "On Movie Delete", "OnMovieFileDelete": "On Movie File Delete", "OnMovieFileDeleteForUpgrade": "On Movie File Delete For Upgrade", "OnMovieFileDeleteForUpgradeHelpText": "On Movie File Delete For Upgrade", "OnMovieFileDeleteHelpText": "On Movie File Delete", "OnRename": "On Rename", "OnRenameHelpText": "On Rename", "OnUpgrade": "On Upgrade", "OnUpgradeHelpText": "On Upgrade", "OnlyTorrent": "Only Torrent", "OnlyUsenet": "Only Usenet", "OpenBrowserOnStart": "Open browser on start", "OpenThisModal": "Open This Modal", "Options": "Options", "Or": "or", "Organize": "Organize", "OrganizeConfirm": "Are you sure you want to organize all files in the {count} selected movie(s)?", "OrganizeLoadError": "Error loading previews", "OrganizeModalHeader": "Organize & Rename", "OrganizeNamingPattern": "Naming pattern: `{standardMovieFormat}`", "OrganizeNothingToRename": "Success! My work is done, no files to rename.", "OrganizeRelativePaths": "All paths are relative to: `{path}`", "OrganizeRenamingDisabled": "Renaming is disabled, nothing to rename", "OrganizeSelectedMovies": "Organize Selected Movies", "Original": "Original", "OriginalLanguage": "Original Language", "OriginalTitle": "Original Title", "OutputPath": "Output Path", "OverrideAndAddToDownloadQueue": "Override and add to download queue", "OverrideGrabModalTitle": "Override and Grab - {title}", "OverrideGrabNoLanguage": "At least one language must be selected", "OverrideGrabNoMovie": "Movie must be selected", "OverrideGrabNoQuality": "Quality must be selected", "Overview": "Overview", "OverviewOptions": "Overview Options", "PackageVersion": "Package Version", "PackageVersionInfo": "{packageVersion} by {packageAuthor}", "Parse": "Parse", "ParseModalErrorParsing": "Error parsing, please try again.", "ParseModalHelpText": "Enter a release title in the input above", "ParseModalHelpTextDetails": "{appName} will attempt to parse the title and show you details about it", "ParseModalUnableToParse": "Unable to parse the provided title, please try again.", "Password": "Password", "PasswordConfirmation": "Password Confirmation", "Path": "Path", "Paused": "Paused", "Peers": "Peers", "Pending": "Pending", "PendingChangesDiscardChanges": "Discard changes and leave", "PendingChangesMessage": "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to leave this page?", "PendingChangesStayReview": "Stay and review changes", "PendingDownloadClientUnavailable": "Pending - Download client is unavailable", "Permissions": "Permissions", "PhysicalRelease": "Physical Release", "PhysicalReleaseDate": "Physical Release Date", "Popularity": "Popularity", "PopularityIndex": "Current Popularity Index", "Port": "Port", "PortNumber": "Port Number", "PosterOptions": "Poster Options", "PosterSize": "Poster Size", "Posters": "Posters", "PreferAndUpgrade": "Prefer and Upgrade", "PreferIndexerFlags": "Prefer Indexer Flags", "PreferIndexerFlagsHelpText": "Prioritize releases with special flags", "PreferTorrent": "Prefer Torrent", "PreferUsenet": "Prefer Usenet", "Preferred": "Preferred", "PreferredProtocol": "Preferred Protocol", "PreferredSize": "Preferred Size", "Presets": "Presets", "PreviewRename": "Preview Rename", "PreviewRenameHelpText": "Tip: To preview a rename... select 'Cancel' then click any movie title and use the", "PreviouslyInstalled": "Previously Installed", "Priority": "Priority", "PrioritySettings": "Priority: {priority}", "ProcessingFolders": "Processing Folders", "Profiles": "Profiles", "ProfilesSettingsSummary": "Quality, Language, Delay and Release profiles", "Progress": "Progress", "Proper": "Proper", "Protocol": "Protocol", "ProtocolHelpText": "Choose which protocol(s) to use and which one is preferred when choosing between otherwise equal releases", "Proxy": "Proxy", "ProxyBypassFilterHelpText": "Use ',' as a separator, and '*.' as a wildcard for subdomains", "ProxyCheckBadRequestMessage": "Failed to test proxy. StatusCode: {statusCode}", "ProxyCheckFailedToTestMessage": "Failed to test proxy: {url}", "ProxyCheckResolveIpMessage": "Failed to resolve the IP Address for the Configured Proxy Host {proxyHostName}", "ProxyPasswordHelpText": "You only need to enter a username and password if one is required. Leave them blank otherwise.", "ProxyType": "Proxy Type", "ProxyUsernameHelpText": "You only need to enter a username and password if one is required. Leave them blank otherwise.", "PtpOldSettingsCheckMessage": "The following PassThePopcorn indexers have deprecated settings and should be updated: {0}", "PublishedDate": "Published Date", "Qualities": "Qualities", "QualitiesHelpText": "Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked. Qualities within the same group are equal. Only checked qualities are wanted", "QualitiesLoadError": "Unable to load qualities", "Quality": "Quality", "QualityCutoffNotMet": "Quality cutoff has not been met", "QualityDefinitions": "Quality Definitions", "QualityLimitsHelpText": "Limits are automatically adjusted for the movie runtime.", "QualityProfile": "Quality Profile", "QualityProfileInUse": "Can't delete a quality profile that is attached to a movie, list, or collection", "QualityProfiles": "Quality Profiles", "QualitySettings": "Quality Settings", "QualitySettingsSummary": "Quality sizes and naming", "Queue": "Queue", "QueueFilterHasNoItems": "Selected queue filter has no items", "QueueIsEmpty": "Queue is empty", "QueueLoadError": "Failed to load Queue", "Queued": "Queued", "QuickImport": "Move Automatically", "RSS": "RSS", "RSSHelpText": "Will be used when {appName} periodically looks for releases via RSS Sync", "RSSIsNotSupportedWithThisIndexer": "RSS is not supported with this indexer", "RSSSyncInterval": "RSS Sync Interval", "RSSSyncIntervalHelpTextWarning": "This will apply to all indexers, please follow the rules set forth by them", "RadarrSupportsAnyDownloadClient": "{appName} supports many popular torrent and usenet download clients.", "RadarrSupportsAnyIndexer": "{appName} supports any indexer that uses the Newznab standard, as well as other indexers listed below.", "RadarrSupportsAnyRSSMovieListsAsWellAsTheOneStatedBelow": "{appName} supports any RSS movie lists as well as the one stated below.", "RadarrSupportsCustomConditionsAgainstTheReleasePropertiesBelow": "{appName} supports custom conditions against the release properties below.", "RadarrTags": "{appName} Tags", "Rating": "Rating", "Ratings": "Ratings", "ReadTheWikiForMoreInformation": "Read the Wiki for more information", "Real": "Real", "Reason": "Reason", "RecentChanges": "Recent Changes", "RecentFolders": "Recent Folders", "RecycleBinCleanupDaysHelpText": "Set to 0 to disable automatic cleanup", "RecycleBinCleanupDaysHelpTextWarning": "Files in the recycle bin older than the selected number of days will be cleaned up automatically", "RecycleBinHelpText": "Movie files will go here when deleted instead of being permanently deleted", "RecycleBinUnableToWriteHealthCheck": "Unable to write to configured recycling bin folder: {path}. Ensure this path exists and is writable by the user running {appName}", "RecyclingBin": "Recycling Bin", "RecyclingBinCleanup": "Recycling Bin Cleanup", "Reddit": "Reddit", "Refresh": "Refresh", "RefreshAndScan": "Refresh & Scan", "RefreshCollections": "Refresh Collections", "RefreshInformationAndScanDisk": "Refresh information and scan disk", "RefreshLists": "Refresh Lists", "RefreshMonitoredIntervalHelpText": "How often to refresh monitored downloads from download clients, minimum 1 minute", "RefreshMovie": "Refresh movie", "RegularExpressionsCanBeTested": "Regular expressions can be tested ", "RejectionCount": "Rejection Count", "Rejections": "Rejections", "RelativePath": "Relative Path", "ReleaseBranchCheckOfficialBranchMessage": "Branch {0} is not a valid {appName} release branch, you will not receive updates", "ReleaseDates": "Release Dates", "ReleaseGroup": "Release Group", "ReleaseGroups": "Release Groups", "ReleaseHash": "Release Hash", "ReleaseProfiles": "Release Profiles", "ReleaseProfilesLoadError": "Unable to load Release Profiles", "ReleaseRejected": "Release Rejected", "ReleaseStatus": "Release Status", "ReleaseTitle": "Release Title", "Released": "Released", "ReleasedMsg": "Movie is released", "Reload": "Reload", "RemotePath": "Remote Path", "RemotePathMappingCheckBadDockerPath": "You are using docker; download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in {path} but this is not a valid {osName} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.", "RemotePathMappingCheckDockerFolderMissing": "You are using docker; download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in {path} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.", "RemotePathMappingCheckDownloadPermissions": "{appName} can see but not access downloaded movie {path}. Likely permissions error.", "RemotePathMappingCheckFileRemoved": "File {path} was removed part way through processing.", "RemotePathMappingCheckFilesBadDockerPath": "You are using docker; download client {downloadClientName} reported files in {path} but this is not a valid {osName} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.", "RemotePathMappingCheckFilesGenericPermissions": "Download client {downloadClientName} reported files in {path} but {appName} cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.", "RemotePathMappingCheckFilesLocalWrongOSPath": "Local download client {downloadClientName} reported files in {path} but this is not a valid {osName} path. Review your download client settings.", "RemotePathMappingCheckFilesWrongOSPath": "Remote download client {downloadClientName} reported files in {path} but this is not a valid {osName} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.", "RemotePathMappingCheckFolderPermissions": "{appName} can see but not access download directory {path}. Likely permissions error.", "RemotePathMappingCheckGenericPermissions": "Download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in {path} but {appName} cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.", "RemotePathMappingCheckImportFailed": "{appName} failed to import a movie. Check your logs for details.", "RemotePathMappingCheckLocalFolderMissing": "Remote download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in {path} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing or incorrect remote path mapping.", "RemotePathMappingCheckLocalWrongOSPath": "Local download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in {path} but this is not a valid {osName} path. Review your download client settings.", "RemotePathMappingCheckRemoteDownloadClient": "Remote download client {downloadClientName} reported files in {path} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing remote path mapping.", "RemotePathMappingCheckWrongOSPath": "Remote download client {downloadClientName} places downloads in {path} but this is not a valid {osName} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.", "RemotePathMappings": "Remote Path Mappings", "RemotePathMappingsInfo": "Remote Path Mappings are very rarely required, if {appName} and your download client are on the same system it is better to match your paths. For more information see the [wiki]({wikiLink}).", "Remove": "Remove", "RemoveCompleted": "Remove Completed", "RemoveCompletedDownloads": "Remove Completed Downloads", "RemoveCompletedDownloadsHelpText": "Remove imported downloads from download client history", "RemoveDownloadsAlert": "The Remove settings were moved to the individual Download Client settings in the table above.", "RemoveFailed": "Remove Failed", "RemoveFailedDownloads": "Remove Failed Downloads", "RemoveFailedDownloadsHelpText": "Remove failed downloads from download client history", "RemoveFilter": "Remove filter", "RemoveFromBlocklist": "Remove from blocklist", "RemoveFromDownloadClient": "Remove from Download Client", "RemoveFromDownloadClientHint": "Removes download and file(s) from download client", "RemoveFromQueue": "Remove from queue", "RemoveHelpTextWarning": "Removing will remove the download and the file(s) from the download client.", "RemoveMovieAndDeleteFiles": "Remove Movie and Delete Files", "RemoveMovieAndKeepFiles": "Remove Movie and Keep Files", "RemoveMultipleFromDownloadClientHint": "Removes downloads and files from download client", "RemoveQueueItem": "Remove - {sourceTitle}", "RemoveQueueItemConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove '{sourceTitle}' from the queue?", "RemoveQueueItemRemovalMethod": "Removal Method", "RemoveQueueItemRemovalMethodHelpTextWarning": "'Remove from Download Client' will remove the download and the file(s) from the download client.", "RemoveQueueItemsRemovalMethodHelpTextWarning": "'Remove from Download Client' will remove the downloads and the files from the download client.", "RemoveRootFolder": "Remove root folder", "RemoveSelected": "Remove Selected", "RemoveSelectedBlocklistMessageText": "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from the blocklist?", "RemoveSelectedItem": "Remove Selected Item", "RemoveSelectedItemQueueMessageText": "Are you sure you want to remove 1 item from the queue?", "RemoveSelectedItems": "Remove Selected Items", "RemoveSelectedItemsQueueMessageText": "Are you sure you want to remove {selectedCount} items from the queue?", "RemoveTagsAutomatically": "Remove Tags Automatically", "RemoveTagsAutomaticallyHelpText": "Remove tags automatically if conditions are not met", "RemovedFromTaskQueue": "Removed from task queue", "RemovedMovieCheckMultipleMessage": "Movies {movies} were removed from TMDb", "RemovedMovieCheckSingleMessage": "Movie {movie} was removed from TMDb", "RemovingTag": "Removing tag", "RenameFiles": "Rename Files", "RenameMovies": "Rename Movies", "RenameMoviesHelpText": "{appName} will use the existing file name if renaming is disabled", "Renamed": "Renamed", "Reorder": "Reorder", "Replace": "Replace", "ReplaceIllegalCharacters": "Replace Illegal Characters", "ReplaceIllegalCharactersHelpText": "Replace illegal characters. If unchecked, {appName} will remove them instead", "ReplaceWithDash": "Replace with Dash", "ReplaceWithSpaceDash": "Replace with Space Dash", "ReplaceWithSpaceDashSpace": "Replace with Space Dash Space", "Required": "Required", "RequiredHelpText": "This {0} condition must match for the custom format to apply. Otherwise a single {1} match is sufficient.", "RequiredRestrictionHelpText": "The release must contain at least one of these terms (case insensitive)", "RequiredRestrictionPlaceHolder": "Add new restriction", "RescanAfterRefreshHelpText": "Rescan the movie folder after refreshing the movie", "RescanAfterRefreshHelpTextWarning": "{appName} will not automatically detect changes to files when not set to 'Always'", "RescanMovieFolderAfterRefresh": "Rescan Movie Folder after Refresh", "Reset": "Reset", "ResetAPIKey": "Reset API Key", "ResetAPIKeyMessageText": "Are you sure you want to reset your API Key?", "ResetDefinitionTitlesHelpText": "Reset definition titles as well as values", "ResetDefinitions": "Reset Definitions", "ResetQualityDefinitions": "Reset Quality Definitions", "ResetQualityDefinitionsMessageText": "Are you sure you want to reset quality definitions?", "ResetTitles": "Reset Titles", "Restart": "Restart", "RestartNow": "Restart Now", "RestartRadarr": "Restart {appName}", "RestartReloadNote": "Note: {appName} will automatically restart and reload the UI during the restore process.", "RestartRequiredHelpTextWarning": "Requires restart to take effect", "Restore": "Restore", "RestoreBackup": "Restore Backup", "Restrictions": "Restrictions", "Result": "Result", "Retention": "Retention", "RetentionHelpText": "Usenet only: Set to zero to set for unlimited retention", "RetryingDownloadOn": "Retrying download on {date} at {time}", "RootFolder": "Root Folder", "RootFolderCheckMultipleMessage": "Multiple root folders are missing: {rootFolderPaths}", "RootFolderCheckSingleMessage": "Missing root folder: {rootFolderPath}", "RootFolderPath": "Root Folder Path", "RootFolders": "Root Folders", "RottenTomatoesRating": "Tomato Rating", "RssSync": "RSS Sync", "RssSyncHelpText": "Interval in minutes. Set to zero to disable (this will stop all automatic release grabbing)", "Runtime": "Runtime", "SSLCertPassword": "SSL Cert Password", "SSLCertPasswordHelpText": "Password for pfx file", "SSLCertPath": "SSL Cert Path", "SSLCertPathHelpText": "Path to pfx file", "SSLPort": "SSL Port", "Save": "Save", "SaveChanges": "Save Changes", "SaveSettings": "Save Settings", "Scheduled": "Scheduled", "Score": "Score", "Script": "Script", "ScriptImportPathHelpText": "The path to the script to use for importing", "ScriptPath": "Script Path", "ScrollMovies": "Scroll Movies", "Search": "Search", "SearchAll": "Search All", "SearchCutoffUnmet": "Search Cutoff Unmet", "SearchFailedPleaseTryAgainLater": "Search failed, please try again later.", "SearchFiltered": "Search Filtered", "SearchForMissing": "Search for Missing", "SearchForMovie": "Search for movie", "SearchMissing": "Search Missing", "SearchMovie": "Search Movie", "SearchMoviesConfirmationMessageText": "Are you sure you want to run a search for {count} movie(s)?", "SearchOnAdd": "Search on Add", "SearchOnAddCollectionHelpText": "Search for movies on this collection when added to library", "SearchOnAddHelpText": "Search for movies on this list when added to library", "SearchSelected": "Search Selected", "Seconds": "Seconds", "Security": "Security", "Seeders": "Seeders", "SelectAll": "Select All", "SelectDownloadClientModalTitle": "{modalTitle} - Select Download Client", "SelectDropdown": "Select...", "SelectFolder": "Select Folder", "SelectFolderModalTitle": "{modalTitle} - Select Folder", "SelectLanguage": "Select Language", "SelectLanguageModalTitle": "{modalTitle} - Select Language", "SelectLanguages": "Select Languages", "SelectMovie": "Select Movie", "SelectQuality": "Select Quality", "SelectReleaseGroup": "Select Release Group", "SendAnonymousUsageData": "Send Anonymous Usage Data", "SetPermissions": "Set Permissions", "SetPermissionsLinuxHelpText": "Should chmod be run when files are imported/renamed?", "SetPermissionsLinuxHelpTextWarning": "If you're unsure what these settings do, do not alter them.", "SetReleaseGroup": "Set Release Group", "SetReleaseGroupModalTitle": "{modalTitle} - Set Release Group", "SetTags": "Set Tags", "Settings": "Settings", "SettingsEnableColorImpairedMode": "Enable Color-Impaired Mode", "SettingsEnableColorImpairedModeHelpText": "Altered style to allow color-impaired users to better distinguish color coded information", "SettingsFirstDayOfWeek": "First Day of Week", "SettingsLongDateFormat": "Long Date Format", "SettingsRemotePathMappingHostHelpText": "The same host you specified for the remote Download Client", "SettingsRemotePathMappingLocalPath": "Local Path", "SettingsRemotePathMappingLocalPathHelpText": "Path that {appName} should use to access the remote path locally", "SettingsRemotePathMappingRemotePath": "Remote Path", "SettingsRemotePathMappingRemotePathHelpText": "Root path to the directory that the Download Client accesses", "SettingsRuntimeFormat": "Runtime Format", "SettingsShortDateFormat": "Short Date Format", "SettingsShowRelativeDates": "Show Relative Dates", "SettingsShowRelativeDatesHelpText": "Show relative (Today/Yesterday/etc) or absolute dates", "SettingsTheme": "Theme", "SettingsThemeHelpText": "Change Application UI Theme, 'Auto' Theme will use your OS Theme to set Light or Dark mode. Inspired by Theme.Park", "SettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format", "SettingsWeekColumnHeader": "Week Column Header", "ShouldMonitorHelpText": "Should Movies or Collections added by this list be added as monitored", "ShowAdvanced": "Show Advanced", "ShowCertification": "Show Certification", "ShowCinemaRelease": "Show Cinema Release Date", "ShowCinemaReleaseHelpText": "Show cinema release date under poster", "ShowCollectionDetails": "Show Collection Status", "ShowDateAdded": "Show Date Added", "ShowGenres": "Show Genres", "ShowImdbRating": "Show IMDb Rating", "ShowImdbRatingHelpText": "Show IMDb rating under poster", "ShowMonitored": "Show Monitored", "ShowMonitoredHelpText": "Show monitored status under poster", "ShowMovieInformation": "Show Movie Information", "ShowMovieInformationHelpText": "Show movie genres and certification", "ShowOverview": "Show Overview", "ShowPath": "Show Path", "ShowPosters": "Show Posters", "ShowQualityProfile": "Show Quality Profile", "ShowQualityProfileHelpText": "Show quality profile under poster", "ShowRatings": "Show Ratings", "ShowReleaseDate": "Show Release Date", "ShowReleaseDateHelpText": "Show release date under poster", "ShowRottenTomatoesRating": "Show Tomato Rating", "ShowRottenTomatoesRatingHelpText": "Show Tomato rating under poster", "ShowSearch": "Show Search", "ShowSearchHelpText": "Show search button on hover", "ShowSizeOnDisk": "Show Size on Disk", "ShowStudio": "Show Studio", "ShowTitle": "Show Title", "ShowTitleHelpText": "Show movie title under poster", "ShowTmdbRating": "Show TMDb Rating", "ShowTmdbRatingHelpText": "Show TMDb rating under poster", "ShowUnknownMovieItems": "Show Unknown Movie Items", "ShowUnknownMovieItemsHelpText": "Show items without a movie in the queue. This could include removed movies or anything else in {appName}'s category", "ShowYear": "Show Year", "ShownClickToHide": "Shown, click to hide", "Shutdown": "Shutdown", "Size": "Size", "SizeLimit": "Size Limit", "SizeOnDisk": "Size on Disk", "SkipFreeSpaceCheck": "Skip Free Space Check", "SkipFreeSpaceCheckWhenImportingHelpText": "Use when {appName} is unable to detect free space of your root folder during file import", "SkipRedownload": "Skip Redownload", "SkipRedownloadHelpText": "Prevents {appName} from trying to download an alternative release for this item", "Small": "Small", "Socks4": "Socks4", "Socks5": "Socks5 (Support TOR)", "SomeResultsHiddenFilter": "Some results are hidden by the applied filter", "SorryThatMovieCannotBeFound": "Sorry, that movie cannot be found.", "Sort": "Sort", "Source": "Source", "SourcePath": "Source Path", "SourceRelativePath": "Source Relative Path", "SourceTitle": "Source Title", "SqliteVersionCheckUpgradeRequiredMessage": "Currently installed SQLite version {0} is no longer supported. Please upgrade SQLite to at least version {1}.", "StandardMovieFormat": "Standard Movie Format", "StartImport": "Start Import", "StartProcessing": "Start Processing", "StartSearchForMissingMovie": "Start search for missing movie", "StartTypingOrSelectAPathBelow": "Start typing or select a path below", "Started": "Started", "StartupDirectory": "Startup Directory", "Status": "Status", "StopSelecting": "Stop Selecting", "Studio": "Studio", "Style": "Style", "SubfolderWillBeCreatedAutomaticallyInterp": "'{0}' subfolder will be created automatically", "SubtitleLanguages": "Subtitle Languages", "SuggestTranslationChange": "Suggest translation change", "Sunday": "Sunday", "System": "System", "SystemTimeCheckMessage": "System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected", "TMDBId": "TMDb Id", "TMDb": "TMDb", "Table": "Table", "TableOptions": "Table Options", "TableOptionsButton": "Table Options Button", "TableOptionsColumnsMessage": "Choose which columns are visible and which order they appear in", "TablePageSize": "Page Size", "TablePageSizeHelpText": "Number of items to show on each page", "TablePageSizeMaximum": "Page size must not exceed {maximumValue}", "TablePageSizeMinimum": "Page size must be at least {minimumValue}", "TagCannotBeDeletedWhileInUse": "Cannot be deleted while in use", "TagDetails": "Tag Details - {label}", "TagIsNotUsedAndCanBeDeleted": "Tag is not used and can be deleted", "Tags": "Tags", "TagsSettingsSummary": "See all tags and how they are used. Unused tags can be removed", "TaskUserAgentTooltip": "User-Agent provided by the app that called the API", "Tasks": "Tasks", "Test": "Test", "TestAll": "Test All", "TestAllClients": "Test All Clients", "TestAllIndexers": "Test All Indexers", "TestAllLists": "Test All Lists", "TestParsing": "Test Parsing", "TheLogLevelDefault": "The log level defaults to 'Info' and can be changed in [General Settings](/settings/general)", "ThereWasAnErrorLoadingThisItem": "There was an error loading this item", "ThereWasAnErrorLoadingThisPage": "There was an error loading this page", "ThisCannotBeCancelled": "This cannot be cancelled once started without disabling all of your indexers.", "ThisConditionMatchesUsingRegularExpressions": "This condition matches using Regular Expressions. Note that the characters {0} have special meanings and need escaping with a {1}", "Time": "Time", "TimeFormat": "Time Format", "Timeleft": "Time Left", "Title": "Title", "Titles": "Titles", "TmdbIdHelpText": "The TMDb Id of the movie to exclude", "TmdbRating": "TMDb Rating", "TmdbVotes": "TMDb Votes", "Today": "Today", "Tomorrow": "Tomorrow", "TorrentDelay": "Torrent Delay", "TorrentDelayHelpText": "Delay in minutes to wait before grabbing a torrent", "TorrentDelayTime": "Torrent Delay: {0}", "Torrents": "Torrents", "TorrentsDisabled": "Torrents Disabled", "TotalFileSize": "Total File Size", "TotalMovies": "Total Movies", "TotalSpace": "Total Space", "Trace": "Trace", "Trailer": "Trailer", "Trakt": "Trakt", "Trigger": "Trigger", "True": "True", "Type": "Type", "UI": "UI", "UILanguage": "UI Language", "UILanguageHelpText": "Language that {appName} will use for UI", "UILanguageHelpTextWarning": "Browser Reload Required", "UISettings": "UI Settings", "UISettingsSummary": "Calendar, date and color impaired options", "URLBase": "URL Base", "Umask": "Umask", "UnableToAddANewConditionPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new condition, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewCustomFormatPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new custom format, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewDownloadClientPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new download client, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewIndexerPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new indexer, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewListExclusionPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new list exclusion, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewListPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new list, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewNotificationPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new notification, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewQualityProfilePleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new quality profile, please try again.", "UnableToAddANewRemotePathMappingPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new remote path mapping, please try again.", "UnableToLoadAltTitle": "Unable to load alternative titles.", "UnableToLoadAutoTagging": "Unable to load auto tagging", "UnableToLoadCollections": "Unable to load collections", "UnableToLoadCustomFormats": "Unable to load Custom Formats", "UnableToLoadDelayProfiles": "Unable to load Delay Profiles", "UnableToLoadDownloadClientOptions": "Unable to load download client options", "UnableToLoadGeneralSettings": "Unable to load General settings", "UnableToLoadIndexerOptions": "Unable to load indexer options", "UnableToLoadIndexers": "Unable to load Indexers", "UnableToLoadListExclusions": "Unable to load List Exclusions", "UnableToLoadListOptions": "Unable to load list options", "UnableToLoadLists": "Unable to load Lists", "UnableToLoadManualImportItems": "Unable to load manual import items", "UnableToLoadMediaManagementSettings": "Unable to load Media Management settings", "UnableToLoadMetadata": "Unable to load Metadata", "UnableToLoadMovies": "Unable to load movies", "UnableToLoadNamingSettings": "Unable to load Naming settings", "UnableToLoadNotifications": "Unable to load Notifications", "UnableToLoadQualityDefinitions": "Unable to load Quality Definitions", "UnableToLoadQualityProfiles": "Unable to load Quality Profiles", "UnableToLoadRemotePathMappings": "Unable to load Remote Path Mappings", "UnableToLoadRestrictions": "Unable to load Restrictions", "UnableToLoadRootFolders": "Unable to load root folders", "UnableToLoadTags": "Unable to load Tags", "UnableToLoadUISettings": "Unable to load UI settings", "Unavailable": "Unavailable", "Ungroup": "Ungroup", "Unknown": "Unknown", "UnknownEventTooltip": "Unknown event", "Unlimited": "Unlimited", "UnmappedFilesOnly": "Unmapped Files Only", "UnmappedFolders": "Unmapped Folders", "Unmonitored": "Unmonitored", "Unreleased": "Unreleased", "UnsavedChanges": "Unsaved Changes", "UnselectAll": "Unselect All", "UpdateAll": "Update All", "UpdateAutomaticallyHelpText": "Automatically download and install updates. You will still be able to install from System: Updates", "UpdateAvailable": "New update is available", "UpdateCheckStartupNotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{startupFolder}' is not writable by the user '{userName}'.", "UpdateCheckStartupTranslocationMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{startupFolder}' is in an App Translocation folder.", "UpdateCheckUINotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because UI folder '{uiFolder}' is not writable by the user '{userName}'.", "UpdateFiltered": "Update Filtered", "UpdateMechanismHelpText": "Use {appName}'s built-in updater or a script", "UpdateRadarrDirectlyLoadError": "Unable to update {appName} directly,", "UpdateScriptPathHelpText": "Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handle the remainder of the update process", "UpdateSelected": "Update Selected", "UpdaterLogFiles": "Updater Log Files", "Updates": "Updates", "UpgradeAllowedHelpText": "If disabled qualities will not be upgraded", "UpgradeUntilCustomFormatScore": "Upgrade Until Custom Format Score", "UpgradeUntilQuality": "Upgrade Until Quality", "UpgradeUntilThisQualityIsMetOrExceeded": "Upgrade until this quality is met or exceeded", "UpgradesAllowed": "Upgrades Allowed", "UpperCase": "Uppercase", "Uptime": "Uptime", "UrlBaseHelpText": "For reverse proxy support, default is empty", "UseHardlinksInsteadOfCopy": "Use Hardlinks instead of Copy", "UseProxy": "Use Proxy", "UseScriptImportHelpText": "Copy files for importing using a script (ex. for transcoding)", "Usenet": "Usenet", "UsenetDelay": "Usenet Delay", "UsenetDelayHelpText": "Delay in minutes to wait before grabbing a release from Usenet", "UsenetDelayTime": "Usenet Delay: {0}", "UsenetDisabled": "Usenet Disabled", "Username": "Username", "Version": "Version", "VideoCodec": "Video Codec", "VideoDynamicRange": "Video Dynamic Range", "View": "View", "VisitGithubCustomFormatsAphrodite": "Visit the wiki for more details: ", "Waiting": "Waiting", "WaitingToImport": "Waiting to Import", "WaitingToProcess": "Waiting to Process", "Wanted": "Wanted", "Warn": "Warn", "Week": "Week", "WeekColumnHeader": "Week Column Header", "WeekColumnHeaderHelpText": "Shown above each column when week is the active view", "Weeks": "Weeks", "WhatsNew": "What's new?", "WhitelistedHardcodedSubsHelpText": "Subtitle tags set here will not be considered hardcoded", "WhitelistedSubtitleTags": "Whitelisted Subtitle Tags", "WhySearchesCouldBeFailing": "Click here to find out why searches could be failing", "Wiki": "Wiki", "WouldYouLikeToRestoreBackup": "Would you like to restore the backup '{name}'?", "Year": "Year", "YesCancel": "Yes, Cancel", "YesMoveFiles": "Yes, Move the Files", "Yesterday": "Yesterday", "YouCanAlsoSearch": "You can also search using TMDb ID or IMDb ID of a movie. e.g. `tmdb:71663`" }