using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Download; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities; using NzbDrone.Core.ThingiProvider; using NzbDrone.Core.Tv; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Notifications { public class NotificationService : IHandle, IHandle, IHandle { private readonly INotificationFactory _notificationFactory; private readonly Logger _logger; public NotificationService(INotificationFactory notificationFactory, Logger logger) { _notificationFactory = notificationFactory; _logger = logger; } private string GetMessage(Series series, List episodes, QualityModel quality) { var qualityString = quality.Quality.ToString(); if (quality.Revision.Version > 1) { if (series.SeriesType == SeriesTypes.Anime) { qualityString += " v" + quality.Revision.Version; } else { qualityString += " Proper"; } } if (series.SeriesType == SeriesTypes.Daily) { var episode = episodes.First(); return String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2} [{3}]", series.Title, episode.AirDate, episode.Title, qualityString); } var episodeNumbers = String.Concat(episodes.Select(e => e.EpisodeNumber) .Select(i => String.Format("x{0:00}", i))); var episodeTitles = String.Join(" + ", episodes.Select(e => e.Title)); return String.Format("{0} - {1}{2} - {3} [{4}]", series.Title, episodes.First().SeasonNumber, episodeNumbers, episodeTitles, qualityString); } private bool ShouldHandleSeries(ProviderDefinition definition, Series series) { var notificationDefinition = (NotificationDefinition) definition; if (notificationDefinition.Tags.Empty()) { _logger.Debug("No tags set for this notification."); return true; } if (notificationDefinition.Tags.Intersect(series.Tags).Any()) { _logger.Debug("Notification and series have one or more matching tags."); return true; } //TODO: this message could be more clear _logger.Debug("{0} does not have any tags that match {1}'s tags", notificationDefinition.Name, series.Title); return false; } public void Handle(EpisodeGrabbedEvent message) { var messageBody = GetMessage(message.Episode.Series, message.Episode.Episodes, message.Episode.ParsedEpisodeInfo.Quality); foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnGrabEnabled()) { try { if (!ShouldHandleSeries(notification.Definition, message.Episode.Series)) continue; notification.OnGrab(messageBody); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.ErrorException("Unable to send OnGrab notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name, ex); } } } public void Handle(EpisodeDownloadedEvent message) { var downloadMessage = new DownloadMessage(); downloadMessage.Message = GetMessage(message.Episode.Series, message.Episode.Episodes, message.Episode.Quality); downloadMessage.Series = message.Episode.Series; downloadMessage.EpisodeFile = message.EpisodeFile; downloadMessage.OldFiles = message.OldFiles; foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnDownloadEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleSeries(notification.Definition, message.Episode.Series)) { if (downloadMessage.OldFiles.Empty() || ((NotificationDefinition)notification.Definition).OnUpgrade) { notification.OnDownload(downloadMessage); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.WarnException("Unable to send OnDownload notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name, ex); } } } public void Handle(SeriesRenamedEvent message) { foreach (var notification in _notificationFactory.OnRenameEnabled()) { try { if (ShouldHandleSeries(notification.Definition, message.Series)) { notification.OnRename(message.Series); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.WarnException("Unable to send OnRename notification to: " + notification.Definition.Name, ex); } } } } }