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using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation;
using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation.Extensions;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo
public static class MediaInfoFormatter
private const string VideoDynamicRangeHdr = "HDR";
private static readonly Regex PositionRegex = new Regex(@"(?<position>^\d\.\d)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Logger Logger = NzbDroneLogger.GetLogger(typeof(MediaInfoFormatter));
public static decimal FormatAudioChannels(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
var audioChannels = FormatAudioChannelsFromAudioChannelPositions(mediaInfo);
if (audioChannels == null || audioChannels == 0.0m)
audioChannels = mediaInfo.AudioChannels;
return audioChannels.Value;
public static string FormatAudioCodec(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo, string sceneName)
if (mediaInfo.AudioFormat == null)
return null;
var audioFormat = mediaInfo.AudioFormat;
var audioCodecID = mediaInfo.AudioCodecID ?? string.Empty;
var audioProfile = mediaInfo.AudioProfile ?? string.Empty;
if (audioFormat.Empty())
return string.Empty;
// see definitions here
if (audioCodecID == "thd+")
return "TrueHD Atmos";
if (audioFormat == "truehd")
return "TrueHD";
if (audioFormat == "flac")
return "FLAC";
if (audioFormat == "dts")
if (audioProfile == "DTS:X")
return "DTS-X";
if (audioProfile == "DTS-HD MA")
return "DTS-HD MA";
if (audioProfile == "DTS-ES")
return "DTS-ES";
if (audioProfile == "DTS-HD HRA")
return "DTS-HD HRA";
if (audioProfile == "DTS Express")
return "DTS Express";
if (audioProfile == "DTS 96/24")
return "DTS 96/24";
return "DTS";
if (audioCodecID == "ec+3")
return "EAC3 Atmos";
if (audioFormat == "eac3")
return "EAC3";
if (audioFormat == "ac3")
return "AC3";
if (audioFormat == "aac")
if (audioCodecID == "A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR")
return "HE-AAC";
return "AAC";
if (audioFormat == "mp3")
return "MP3";
if (audioFormat == "mp2")
return "MP2";
if (audioFormat == "opus")
return "Opus";
if (audioFormat.StartsWith("pcm_") || audioFormat.StartsWith("adpcm_"))
return "PCM";
if (audioFormat == "vorbis")
return "Vorbis";
if (audioFormat == "wmav1" ||
audioFormat == "wmav2" ||
audioFormat == "wmapro")
return "WMA";
.Message("Unknown audio format: '{0}' in '{1}'. Streams: {2}", audioFormat, sceneName, mediaInfo.RawStreamData)
.WriteSentryWarn("UnknownAudioFormatFFProbe", mediaInfo.ContainerFormat, mediaInfo.AudioFormat, audioCodecID)
return mediaInfo.AudioFormat;
public static string FormatVideoCodec(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo, string sceneName)
if (mediaInfo.VideoFormat == null)
return null;
var videoFormat = mediaInfo.VideoFormat;
var videoCodecID = mediaInfo.VideoCodecID ?? string.Empty;
var result = videoFormat.Trim();
if (videoFormat.Empty())
return result;
// see definitions here:
if (videoCodecID == "x264")
return "x264";
if (videoFormat == "h264")
return GetSceneNameMatch(sceneName, "AVC", "x264", "h264");
if (videoCodecID == "x265")
return "x265";
if (videoFormat == "hevc")
return GetSceneNameMatch(sceneName, "HEVC", "x265", "h265");
if (videoFormat == "mpeg2video")
return "MPEG2";
if (videoFormat == "mpeg1video")
return "MPEG";
if (videoFormat == "mpeg4" || videoFormat.Contains("msmpeg4"))
if (videoCodecID == "XVID")
return "XviD";
if (videoCodecID == "DIV3" ||
videoCodecID == "DX50" ||
videoCodecID.ToUpperInvariant() == "DIVX")
return "DivX";
return "";
if (videoFormat == "vc1")
return "VC1";
if (videoFormat == "av1")
return "AV1";
if (videoFormat.Contains("vp6"))
return "VP6";
if (videoFormat == "vp7" ||
videoFormat == "vp8" ||
videoFormat == "vp9")
return videoFormat.ToUpperInvariant();
if (videoFormat == "wmv1" ||
videoFormat == "wmv2" ||
videoFormat == "wmv3")
return "WMV";
if (videoFormat == "qtrle" ||
videoFormat == "rpza" ||
videoFormat == "rv10" ||
videoFormat == "rv20" ||
videoFormat == "rv30" ||
videoFormat == "rv40" ||
videoFormat == "cinepak" ||
videoFormat == "rawvideo" ||
videoFormat == "msvideo1")
return "";
.Message("Unknown video format: '{0}' in '{1}'. Streams: {2}", videoFormat, sceneName, mediaInfo.RawStreamData)
.WriteSentryWarn("UnknownVideoFormatFFProbe", mediaInfo.ContainerFormat, videoFormat, videoCodecID)
return result;
private static decimal? FormatAudioChannelsFromAudioChannelPositions(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
if (mediaInfo.AudioChannelPositions == null)
return 0;
var match = PositionRegex.Match(mediaInfo.AudioChannelPositions);
if (match.Success)
return decimal.Parse(match.Groups["position"].Value, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return 0;
private static string GetSceneNameMatch(string sceneName, params string[] tokens)
sceneName = sceneName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? Parser.Parser.RemoveFileExtension(sceneName) : string.Empty;
foreach (var token in tokens)
if (sceneName.ContainsIgnoreCase(token))
return token;
// Last token is the default.
return tokens.Last();
public static string FormatVideoDynamicRange(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
return mediaInfo.VideoHdrFormat != HdrFormat.None ? VideoDynamicRangeHdr : "";
public static string FormatVideoDynamicRangeType(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
switch (mediaInfo.VideoHdrFormat)
case HdrFormat.DolbyVision:
return "DV";
case HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHdr10:
return "DV HDR10";
case HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHlg:
return "DV HLG";
case HdrFormat.DolbyVisionSdr:
return "DV SDR";
case HdrFormat.Hdr10:
return "HDR10";
case HdrFormat.Hdr10Plus:
return "HDR10Plus";
case HdrFormat.Hlg10:
return "HLG";
case HdrFormat.Pq10:
return "PQ";
return "";