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// using FluentAssertions;
// using NUnit.Framework;
// using NzbDrone.Core.CustomFormats;
// using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo;
// using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
// using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Augmenters;
// using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities;
// namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.ParserTests.ParsingServiceTests.AugmentersTests
// {
// [TestFixture]
// public class AugmentWithMediaInfoFixture : AugmentMovieInfoFixture<AugmentWithMediaInfo>
// {
// [TestCase(Resolution.R720p, Source.BLURAY, Resolution.R1080p)]
// [TestCase(Resolution.R1080p, Source.TV, Resolution.R720p)]
// public void should_correct_resolution(Resolution resolution, Source source, Resolution realResolution)
// {
// var quality = new QualityModel
// {
// Source = source,
// Resolution = resolution,
// };
// MovieInfo.Quality = quality;
// var realWidth = 480;
// switch (realResolution)
// {
// case Resolution.R720p:
// realWidth = 1280;
// break;
// case Resolution.R1080p:
// realWidth = 1920;
// break;
// case Resolution.R2160p:
// realWidth = 2160;
// break;
// }
// var mediaInfo = new MediaInfoModel
// {
// Width = realWidth
// };
// var movieInfo = Subject.AugmentMovieInfo(MovieInfo, mediaInfo);
// movieInfo.Quality.Resolution.Should().BeEquivalentTo(realResolution);
// movieInfo.Quality.QualityDetectionSource.Should().BeEquivalentTo(QualityDetectionSource.MediaInfo);
// }
// [TestCase(Resolution.R720P, Source.BLURAY, Resolution.R1080P, Modifier.BRDISK)]
// [TestCase(Resolution.R1080P, Source.BLURAY, Resolution.R720P, Modifier.REMUX)]
// [TestCase(Resolution.R480P, Source.BLURAY, Resolution.R720P)]
// [TestCase(Resolution.R720P, Source.DVD, Resolution.R480P)]
// public void should_not_correct_resolution(Resolution resolution, Source source, Resolution realResolution, Modifier modifier = Modifier.NONE)
// {
// var quality = new QualityModel
// {
// Source = source,
// Resolution = resolution,
// Modifier = modifier,
// };
// MovieInfo.Quality = quality;
// var realWidth = 480;
// switch (realResolution)
// {
// case Resolution.R720P:
// realWidth = 1280;
// break;
// case Resolution.R1080P:
// realWidth = 1920;
// break;
// case Resolution.R2160P:
// realWidth = 2160;
// break;
// }
// var mediaInfo = new MediaInfoModel
// {
// Width = realWidth
// };
// var movieInfo = Subject.AugmentMovieInfo(MovieInfo, mediaInfo);
// movieInfo.Quality.Resolution.Should().BeEquivalentTo(resolution);
// movieInfo.Quality.QualityDetectionSource.Should().BeEquivalentTo(QualityDetectionSource.Name);
// }
// }
// }