You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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@using NzbDrone.Web.Helpers
@model NzbDrone.Web.Models.HistoryModel
<tr class="@Model.EpisodeId">
<td><img alt='@Model.Indexer' src='@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/Indexers/")@(Model.Indexer).png' /></td>
<td>@Html.ActionLink(Model.SeriesTitle, "Details", "Series", new { seriesId = Model.SeriesId }, null)</td>
@*Commands Column*@
@Ajax.ImageActionLink("../../Content/Images/X.png", new { Alt = "Delete", Title = "Delete from history", @class = "searchImage" }, "Delete", "History", new { HistoryId = Model.HistoryId }, new AjaxOptions { OnSuccess = "reloadHistoryGrid" }, null)
@Ajax.ImageActionLink("../../Content/Images/Downloading.png", new { Alt = "Redownload", Title = "Redownlod Episode", @class = "searchImage" }, "Redownload", "History", new { HistoryId = @Model.HistoryId, EpisodeId = @Model.EpisodeId }, new AjaxOptions { OnSuccess = "reloadHistoryGrid" }, null)
@*Details Column*@
<b>Overview: </b>@Model.EpisodeOverview<br/>
<b>NZB Title: </b>@Model.NzbTitle<br/>
<b>Proper: </b>@Model.IsProper