You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget;
using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Configuration
public interface IConfigService
IEnumerable<Config> All();
Dictionary<String, Object> AllWithDefaults();
String NzbsOrgUId { get; set; }
String NzbsOrgHash { get; set; }
String NzbsrusUId { get; set; }
String NzbsrusHash { get; set; }
String FileSharingTalkUid { get; set; }
String FileSharingTalkSecret { get; set; }
String SabHost { get; set; }
int SabPort { get; set; }
String SabApiKey { get; set; }
String SabUsername { get; set; }
String SabPassword { get; set; }
String SabTvCategory { get; set; }
SabPriorityType SabBacklogTvPriority { get; set; }
SabPriorityType SabRecentTvPriority { get; set; }
String DownloadClientTvDirectory { get; set; }
bool UseSeasonFolder { get; set; }
string SortingSeasonFolderFormat { get; set; }
int DefaultQualityProfile { get; set; }
Boolean XbmcUpdateLibrary { get; set; }
Boolean XbmcCleanLibrary { get; set; }
Boolean XbmcUpdateWhenPlaying { get; set; }
string XbmcHosts { get; set; }
string XbmcUsername { get; set; }
string XbmcPassword { get; set; }
string UpdateUrl { get; set; }
string SmtpServer { get; set; }
int SmtpPort { get; set; }
Boolean SmtpUseSsl { get; set; }
string SmtpUsername { get; set; }
string SmtpPassword { get; set; }
string SmtpFromAddress { get; set; }
string SmtpToAddresses { get; set; }
string TwitterAccessToken { get; set; }
string TwitterAccessTokenSecret { get; set; }
string GrowlHost { get; set; }
string GrowlPassword { get; set; }
string ProwlApiKeys { get; set; }
int ProwlPriority { get; set; }
bool EnableBacklogSearching { get; set; }
bool AutoIgnorePreviouslyDownloadedEpisodes { get; set; }
int Retention { get; set; }
Guid UGuid { get; }
DownloadClientType DownloadClient { get; set; }
string BlackholeDirectory { get; set; }
string ServiceRootUrl { get; }
Boolean PlexUpdateLibrary { get; set; }
string PlexServerHost { get; set; }
string PlexClientHosts { get; set; }
string PlexUsername { get; set; }
string PlexPassword { get; set; }
Boolean MetadataUseBanners { get; set; }
string PneumaticDirectory { get; set; }
string RecycleBin { get; set; }
int RssSyncInterval { get; set; }
string OmgwtfnzbsUsername { get; set; }
string OmgwtfnzbsApiKey { get; set; }
Boolean IgnoreArticlesWhenSortingSeries { get; set; }
Boolean DownloadClientUseSceneName { get; set; }
String NzbgetUsername { get; set; }
String NzbgetPassword { get; set; }
String NzbgetHost { get; set; }
Int32 NzbgetPort { get; set; }
String NzbgetTvCategory { get; set; }
Int32 NzbgetPriority { get; set; }
PriorityType NzbgetBacklogTvPriority { get; set; }
PriorityType NzbgetRecentTvPriority { get; set; }
12 years ago
string NzbRestrictions { get; set; }
string GetValue(string key, object defaultValue, bool persist = false);
void SetValue(string key, string value);
void SaveValues(Dictionary<string, object> configValues);