#! /bin/bash
set -e
outputFolder = '_output'
testPackageFolder = '_tests'
#Artifact variables
artifactsFolder = "_artifacts" ;
ProgressStart( )
echo " Start ' $1 ' "
ProgressEnd( )
echo " Finish ' $1 ' "
UpdateVersionNumber( )
if [ " $LIDARRVERSION " != "" ] ; then
echo "Updating Version Info"
sed -i'' -e " s/<AssemblyVersion>[0-9.*]\+<\/AssemblyVersion>/<AssemblyVersion> $LIDARRVERSION <\/AssemblyVersion>/g " src/Directory.Build.props
sed -i'' -e " s/<AssemblyConfiguration>[\$()A-Za-z-]\+<\/AssemblyConfiguration>/<AssemblyConfiguration> ${ BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME } <\/AssemblyConfiguration>/g " src/Directory.Build.props
sed -i'' -e " s/<string><\/string>/<string> $LIDARRVERSION <\/string>/g " macOS/Lidarr.app/Contents/Info.plist
CleanFolder( )
local path = $1
find $path -name "*.transform" -exec rm "{}" \;
echo "Removing FluentValidation.Resources files"
find $path -name "FluentValidation.resources.dll" -exec rm "{}" \;
find $path -name "App.config" -exec rm "{}" \;
echo "Removing vshost files"
find $path -name "*.vshost.exe" -exec rm "{}" \;
echo "Removing Empty folders"
find $path -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \;
LintUI( )
ProgressStart 'ESLint'
yarn lint
ProgressEnd 'ESLint'
ProgressStart 'Stylelint'
if [ " $os " = "windows" ] ; then
yarn stylelint-windows
yarn stylelint-linux
ProgressEnd 'Stylelint'
Build( )
ProgressStart 'Build'
rm -rf $outputFolder
rm -rf $testPackageFolder
if [ $os = "windows" ] ; then
slnFile = src/Lidarr.Windows.sln
slnFile = src/Lidarr.Posix.sln
dotnet clean $slnFile -c Debug
dotnet clean $slnFile -c Release
if [ [ -z " $RID " || -z " $FRAMEWORK " ] ] ;
dotnet msbuild -restore $slnFile -p:Configuration= Release -t:PublishAllRids
dotnet msbuild -restore $slnFile -p:Configuration= Release -p:RuntimeIdentifiers= $RID -t:PublishAllRids
ProgressEnd 'Build'
YarnInstall( )
ProgressStart 'yarn install'
yarn install
ProgressEnd 'yarn install'
RunGulp( )
ProgressStart 'Running gulp'
yarn run build --production
ProgressEnd 'Running gulp'
PackageFiles( )
local folder = " $1 "
local framework = " $2 "
local runtime = " $3 "
rm -rf $folder
mkdir -p $folder
cp -r $outputFolder /$framework /$runtime /publish/* $folder
cp -r $outputFolder /Lidarr.Update/$framework /$runtime /publish $folder /Lidarr.Update
cp -r $outputFolder /UI $folder
CleanFolder $folder
echo "Adding LICENSE"
cp LICENSE.md $folder
PackageLinux( )
local framework = " $1 "
local runtime = " $2 "
ProgressStart " Creating $runtime Package for $framework "
local folder = $artifactsFolder /$runtime /$framework /Lidarr
PackageFiles " $folder " " $framework " " $runtime "
echo "Removing Service helpers"
rm -f $folder /ServiceUninstall.*
rm -f $folder /ServiceInstall.*
echo "Removing Lidarr.Windows"
rm $folder /Lidarr.Windows.*
echo "Adding Lidarr.Mono to UpdatePackage"
cp $folder /Lidarr.Mono.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
if [ " $framework " = "netcoreapp3.0" ] ; then
cp $folder /Mono.Posix.NETStandard.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
cp $folder /libMonoPosixHelper.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
ProgressEnd " Creating $runtime Package for $framework "
PackageMacOS( )
local framework = " $1 "
ProgressStart " Creating MacOS Package for $framework "
local folder = $artifactsFolder /macos/$framework /Lidarr
PackageFiles " $folder " " $framework " "osx-x64"
if [ " $framework " = "net462" ] ; then
echo "Adding Startup script"
cp macOS/Lidarr $folder
echo "Removing Service helpers"
rm -f $folder /ServiceUninstall.*
rm -f $folder /ServiceInstall.*
echo "Removing Lidarr.Windows"
rm $folder /Lidarr.Windows.*
echo "Adding Lidarr.Mono to UpdatePackage"
cp $folder /Lidarr.Mono.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
if [ " $framework " = "netcoreapp3.0" ] ; then
cp $folder /Mono.Posix.NETStandard.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
cp $folder /libMonoPosixHelper.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
ProgressEnd 'Creating MacOS Package'
PackageMacOSApp( )
local framework = " $1 "
ProgressStart " Creating macOS App Package for $framework "
local folder = $artifactsFolder /macos-app/$framework
rm -rf $folder
mkdir -p $folder
cp -r macOS/Lidarr.app $folder
mkdir -p $folder /Lidarr.app/Contents/MacOS
echo "Copying Binaries"
cp -r $artifactsFolder /macos/$framework /Lidarr/* $folder /Lidarr.app/Contents/MacOS
echo "Removing Update Folder"
rm -r $folder /Lidarr.app/Contents/MacOS/Lidarr.Update
ProgressEnd 'Creating macOS App Package'
PackageWindows( )
local framework = " $1 "
ProgressStart " Creating Windows Package for $framework "
local folder = $artifactsFolder /windows/$framework /Lidarr
PackageFiles " $folder " " $framework " "win-x64"
echo "Removing Lidarr.Mono"
rm -f $folder /Lidarr.Mono.*
rm -f $folder /Mono.Posix.NETStandard.*
rm -f $folder /libMonoPosixHelper.*
echo "Adding Lidarr.Windows to UpdatePackage"
cp $folder /Lidarr.Windows.* $folder /Lidarr.Update
ProgressEnd 'Creating Windows Package'
Package( )
local framework = " $1 "
local runtime = " $2 "
local SPLIT
IFS = '-' read -ra SPLIT <<< " $runtime "
case " ${ SPLIT [0] } " in
PackageLinux " $framework " " $runtime "
; ;
PackageWindows " $framework "
; ;
PackageMacOS " $framework "
PackageMacOSApp " $framework "
; ;
PackageTests( )
local framework = " $1 "
local runtime = " $2 "
cp test.sh " $testPackageFolder / $framework / $runtime /publish "
rm -f $testPackageFolder /$framework /$runtime /*.log.config
# geckodriver.exe isn't copied by dotnet publish
if [ " $runtime " = "win-x64" ] ;
curl -Lso gecko.zip "https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.24.0/geckodriver-v0.24.0-win64.zip"
unzip -o gecko.zip
cp geckodriver.exe " $testPackageFolder / $framework /win-x64/publish "
CleanFolder " $testPackageFolder / $framework / $runtime "
ProgressEnd 'Creating Test Package'
# Use mono or .net depending on OS
case " $( uname -s) " in
# on windows, use dotnet
os = "windows"
; ;
# otherwise use mono
os = "posix"
; ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "No arguments provided, building everything"
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
while [ [ $# -gt 0 ] ]
key = " $1 "
case $key in
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
shift # past argument
; ;
-r| --runtime)
RID = " $2 "
shift # past argument
shift # past value
; ;
-f| --framework)
FRAMEWORK = " $2 "
shift # past argument
shift # past value
; ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
shift # past argument
; ;
shift # past argument
; ;
shift # past argument
; ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
shift # past argument
; ;
*) # unknown option
POSITIONAL += ( " $1 " ) # save it in an array for later
shift # past argument
; ;
set -- " ${ POSITIONAL [@] } " # restore positional parameters
if [ " $BACKEND " = "YES" ] ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
if [ [ -z " $RID " || -z " $FRAMEWORK " ] ] ;
PackageTests "netcoreapp3.0" "win-x64"
PackageTests "netcoreapp3.0" "linux-x64"
PackageTests "netcoreapp3.0" "osx-x64"
PackageTests "net462" "linux-x64"
PackageTests " $FRAMEWORK " " $RID "
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
if [ " $FRONTEND " = "YES" ] ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
if [ " $LINT " = "YES" ] ;
if [ -z " $FRONTEND " ] ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
if [ " $PACKAGES " = "YES" ] ;
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago
if [ [ -z " $RID " || -z " $FRAMEWORK " ] ] ;
Package "netcoreapp3.0" "win-x64"
Package "netcoreapp3.0" "linux-x64"
Package "netcoreapp3.0" "linux-arm64"
Package "netcoreapp3.0" "linux-arm"
Package "netcoreapp3.0" "osx-x64"
Package "net462" "linux-x64"
Package " $FRAMEWORK " " $RID "
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments
* Change Task Type to Bash
* Checkout submodules
* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests
* Oops Forget Steps
* bad name
* test script fixes
* add tests to build job
* fixup tests
* name test runs
* fpcalc and artifacts
* Try to fix installer
* Publish separately
* Try publish
* Another go at artifacts
* Tidy up
* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version
* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10
* Try pipeline artifacts again
* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward
* Fix installer publish
* first go at test job seperation
* job names and depends/consitions for tests
* pusblish single file test artifact
* pipeline artifact for test
* blitz the pattern filter
* windows test jobs
* mac tests, checkout on test jobs
* try to download build artifact to test job
* download and extract artifact
* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests
* fixup! tests
* integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* fixup! integration test fixes
* more fixup
* use bash cp
* test fixups
* mkdir before copy
* linux works! add osx integration tests
* im tooo tired
* coverage attempt
* coverage seperate stage
* windows paths for integration test
* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works
* fix test script
* one last go
* Simplify installer, try to fix name
* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build
* Try adding a matrix
* Try matrix jobs not stages
* Try to fix package step
* Remove opencover install
* Try to fix tests
* coverage fixes
* revert build.sh changes
* triggers so we don't double build
* Publish coverage package so we can debug
* try coverage no build, output artifact
* use the full pipeline workspace from build job
* fix automation tests for new ui
* Assorted fix attempts
* Another go
* MacOS debug
* Tidy up, try to fix mac
* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests
* Add cross platform automation tests
* Fix packages
* Try to fix Automation tests
* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages
* Fixes
* delete logentries reference
* run automation tests in headless mode
* try install firefox mac
* Revert "try install firefox mac"
This reverts commit 4684bb19018747cb00407e1d8df64391f44f5183.
* test sonarcloud prepare outputs
* basic analyze and upload
* don't limit fetch depth on analyze
* manual scanner do front and backend?
* full analyize with tests, coverage
* should depend on tests, coverage
* no need for condition on coverage
* Fix up build numbering
* Try to fix sonar
* Separate coverage calculation and publication
* Try to fix coverage upload
6 years ago