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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Abstractions;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
namespace NzbDrone.Common.Disk
public interface IDiskProvider
long? GetAvailableSpace(string path);
void InheritFolderPermissions(string filename);
void SetPermissions(string path, string mask);
void CopyPermissions(string sourcePath, string targetPath);
long? GetTotalSize(string path);
DateTime FolderGetCreationTime(string path);
DateTime FolderGetLastWrite(string path);
DateTime FileGetLastWrite(string path);
void EnsureFolder(string path);
bool FolderExists(string path);
bool FileExists(string path);
bool FileExists(string path, StringComparison stringComparison);
bool FolderWritable(string path);
bool FolderEmpty(string path);
string[] GetDirectories(string path);
string[] GetFiles(string path, SearchOption searchOption);
long GetFolderSize(string path);
long GetFileSize(string path);
void CreateFolder(string path);
void DeleteFile(string path);
void CopyFile(string source, string destination, bool overwrite = false);
void MoveFile(string source, string destination, bool overwrite = false);
void MoveFolder(string source, string destination);
bool TryCreateHardLink(string source, string destination);
void DeleteFolder(string path, bool recursive);
string ReadAllText(string filePath);
void WriteAllText(string filename, string contents);
void FolderSetLastWriteTime(string path, DateTime dateTime);
void FileSetLastWriteTime(string path, DateTime dateTime);
bool IsFileLocked(string path);
string GetPathRoot(string path);
string GetParentFolder(string path);
void SetPermissions(string filename, WellKnownSidType accountSid, FileSystemRights rights, AccessControlType controlType);
FileAttributes GetFileAttributes(string path);
void EmptyFolder(string path);
string GetVolumeLabel(string path);
FileStream OpenReadStream(string path);
FileStream OpenWriteStream(string path);
List<IMount> GetMounts();
IMount GetMount(string path);
IDirectoryInfo GetDirectoryInfo(string path);
List<IDirectoryInfo> GetDirectoryInfos(string path);
IFileInfo GetFileInfo(string path);
List<IFileInfo> GetFileInfos(string path, SearchOption searchOption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
void RemoveEmptySubfolders(string path);
void SaveStream(Stream stream, string path);
bool IsValidFilePermissionMask(string mask);