You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
4.1 KiB

"name": "lidarr",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Lidarr",
"scripts": {
"build": "gulp build",
"start": "gulp watch",
"watch": "gulp watch",
"clean": "rimraf ./_output/UI",
"eslint": "esprint check",
Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
"eslint-fix": "eslint --fix frontend/** ",
"stylelint-linux": "stylelint $(find frontend -name '*.css') --config frontend/.stylelintrc",
"stylelint-windows": "stylelint frontend/**/*.css --config frontend/.stylelintrc"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"author": "Team Lidarr",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"readmeFilename": "",
8 years ago
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8 years ago