You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

196 lines
6.8 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Ninject;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers
public class SabProvider
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private readonly ConfigProvider _configProvider;
private readonly HttpProvider _httpProvider;
public SabProvider()
public SabProvider(ConfigProvider configProvider, HttpProvider httpProvider)
_configProvider = configProvider;
_httpProvider = httpProvider;
public virtual bool AddByUrl(string url, string title)
string cat = _configProvider.SabTvCategory;
int priority = (int)_configProvider.SabTvPriority;
string name = GetNzbName(url);
string nzbName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title);
string action = string.Format("mode=addurl&name={0}&priority={1}&pp=3&cat={2}&nzbname={3}",
name, priority, cat, nzbName);
if (url.ToLower().Contains("newzbin"))
action = action.Replace("mode=addurl", "mode=addid");
string request = GetSabRequest(action);
Logger.Info("Adding report [{0}] to the queue.", title);
string response = _httpProvider.DownloadString(request).Replace("\n", String.Empty);
Logger.Debug("Queue Response: [{0}]", response);
if (response == "ok")
return true;
Logger.Warn("SAB returned unexpected response '{0}'", response);
return false;
private static string GetNzbName(string urlString)
var url = new Uri(urlString);
if (url.Host.ToLower().Contains("newzbin"))
var postId = Regex.Match(urlString, @"\d{5,10}").Value;
return postId;
return urlString.Replace("&", "%26");
public virtual bool IsInQueue(string title)
const string action = "mode=queue&output=xml";
string request = GetSabRequest(action);
string response = _httpProvider.DownloadString(request);
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(response);
//If an Error Occurred, return)
if (xDoc.Descendants("error").Count() != 0)
throw new ApplicationException(xDoc.Descendants("error").FirstOrDefault().Value);
if (xDoc.Descendants("queue").Count() == 0)
Logger.Debug("SAB Queue is empty. retiring false");
return false;
//Get the Count of Items in Queue where 'filename' is Equal to goodName, if not zero, return true (isInQueue)))
if (
s => s.Element("filename").Value.Equals(title, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).Count() !=
Logger.Debug("Episode in queue - '{0}'", title);
return true;
return false; //Not in Queue
public virtual String GetSabTitle(EpisodeParseResult parseResult)
//Handle Full Naming
if (parseResult.FullSeason)
var seasonResult = String.Format("{0} - Season {1} [{2}]", new DirectoryInfo(parseResult.Series.Path).Name,
parseResult.SeasonNumber, parseResult.Quality.QualityType);
if (parseResult.Quality.Proper)
seasonResult += " [Proper]";
return seasonResult;
if (parseResult.Series.IsDaily)
var dailyResult = String.Format("{0} - {1:yyyy-MM-dd} - {2} [{3}]", new DirectoryInfo(parseResult.Series.Path).Name,
parseResult.AirDate, parseResult.EpisodeTitle, parseResult.Quality.QualityType);
if (parseResult.Quality.Proper)
dailyResult += " [Proper]";
return dailyResult;
//Show Name - 1x01-1x02 - Episode Name
//Show Name - 1x01 - Episode Name
var episodeString = new List<String>();
foreach (var episode in parseResult.EpisodeNumbers)
episodeString.Add(String.Format("{0}x{1}", parseResult.SeasonNumber, episode));
var epNumberString = String.Join("-", episodeString);
var result = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2} [{3}]", new DirectoryInfo(parseResult.Series.Path).Name, epNumberString, parseResult.EpisodeTitle, parseResult.Quality.QualityType);
if (parseResult.Quality.Proper)
result += " [Proper]";
return result;
public virtual SabnzbdCategoryModel GetCategories(string host = null, int port = 0, string apiKey = null, string username = null, string password = null)
//Get saved values if any of these are defaults
if (host == null)
host = _configProvider.SabHost;
if (port == 0)
port = _configProvider.SabPort;
if (apiKey == null)
apiKey = _configProvider.SabApiKey;
if (username == null)
username = _configProvider.SabUsername;
if (password == null)
password = _configProvider.SabPassword;
const string action = "mode=get_cats&output=json";
var command = string.Format(@"http://{0}:{1}/api?{2}&apikey={3}&ma_username={4}&ma_password={5}",
host, port, action, apiKey, username, password);
var response = _httpProvider.DownloadString(command);
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response))
return new SabnzbdCategoryModel{categories = new List<string>()};
var deserialized = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<SabnzbdCategoryModel>(response);
return deserialized;
private string GetSabRequest(string action)
return string.Format(@"http://{0}:{1}/api?{2}&apikey={3}&ma_username={4}&ma_password={5}",