You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.Goodreads
internal static class XmlExtensions
public static string ElementAsString(this XElement element, XName name, bool trim = false)
var el = element.Element(name);
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(el?.Value)
? null
: (trim ? el.Value.Trim() : el.Value);
public static long ElementAsLong(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return long.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? value : default(long);
4 years ago
public static long? ElementAsNullableLong(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return long.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? new long?(value) : null;
4 years ago
public static int ElementAsInt(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return int.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? value : default(int);
4 years ago
public static int? ElementAsNullableInt(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return int.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? new int?(value) : null;
4 years ago
public static decimal ElementAsDecimal(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return decimal.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? value : default(decimal);
4 years ago
public static decimal? ElementAsNullableDecimal(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return decimal.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? new decimal?(value) : null;
4 years ago
public static DateTime? ElementAsDate(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return DateTime.TryParseExact(el?.Value, "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out var date)
4 years ago
? new DateTime?(date)
: null;
public static DateTime? ElementAsDateTime(this XElement element, XName name)
var dateElement = element.Element(name);
if (dateElement != null)
var value = dateElement.Value;
// The Goodreads date includes the timezone as -hhmm whereas C# wants it to be -hh:mm
// This regex corrects the format and hopefully doesn't mess anything else up...
var validDateFormat = Regex.Replace(value, @"(.*) ([+-]\d{2})(\d{2}) (.*)", "$1 $2:$3 $4");
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(
"ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy",
out var localDate))
4 years ago
return localDate.ToUniversalTime();
else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(
out localDate))
return localDate.ToUniversalTime();
return null;
public static DateTime? ElementAsMonthYear(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return DateTime.TryParseExact(el?.Value, "MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out var date)
4 years ago
? new DateTime?(date)
: null;
/// <summary>
/// Goodreads sometimes returns dates as three separate fields.
/// This method parses out each one and returns a date object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The parent element of the date elements.</param>
/// <param name="prefix">The common prefix for the three Goodreads date elements.</param>
/// <returns>A date object after parsing the three Goodreads date fields.</returns>
public static DateTime? ElementAsMultiDateField(this XElement element, string prefix)
var publicationYear = element.ElementAsNullableInt(prefix + "_year");
var publicationMonth = element.ElementAsNullableInt(prefix + "_month");
var publicationDay = element.ElementAsNullableInt(prefix + "_day");
if (!publicationYear.HasValue &&
!publicationMonth.HasValue &&
return null;
if (!publicationYear.HasValue || publicationYear <= 0)
4 years ago
return null;
if (!publicationDay.HasValue)
publicationDay = 1;
if (!publicationMonth.HasValue)
publicationMonth = 1;
return new DateTime(publicationYear.Value, publicationMonth.Value, publicationDay.Value, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
4 years ago
return null;
public static bool ElementAsBool(this XElement element, XName name)
var el = element.Element(name);
return bool.TryParse(el?.Value, out var value) ? value : false;
4 years ago
public static List<T> ParseChildren<T>(this XElement element, XName parentName, XName childName)
where T : GoodreadsResource, new()
return ParseChildren(
(childElement) =>
var child = new T();
return child;
public static List<T> ParseChildren<T>(this XElement element, XName parentName, XName childName, Func<XElement, T> parseChild)
var parentElement = element.Element(parentName);
if (parentElement != null)
var childElements = parentElement.Descendants(childName);
if (childElements.Any())
var children = new List<T>();
foreach (var childElement in childElements)
return children;
return null;
public static List<T> ParseChildren<T>(this XElement element)
where T : GoodreadsResource, new()
var childElements = element.Elements();
if (childElements.Any())
var children = new List<T>();
foreach (var childElement in childElements)
var child = new T();
return children;
return null;
public static string AttributeAsString(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
var attr = element.Attribute(attributeName);
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attr?.Value) ? null : attr.Value;
public static int AttributeAsInt(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
var attr = element.Attribute(attributeName);
return int.TryParse(attr?.Value, out var value) ? value : default(int);
4 years ago
public static long? AttributeAsNullableLong(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
var attr = element.Attribute(attributeName);
return long.TryParse(attr?.Value, out var value) ? new long?(value) : null;
4 years ago
public static bool AttributeAsBool(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
var attr = element.Attribute(attributeName);
return bool.TryParse(attr?.Value, out var value) ? value : false;
4 years ago