You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
4 years ago
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NLog;
4 years ago
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Books;
using NzbDrone.Core.Books.Calibre;
using NzbDrone.Core.ImportLists;
using NzbDrone.Core.Lifecycle;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events;
using NzbDrone.Core.Profiles.Releases;
using NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Profiles.Metadata
public interface IMetadataProfileService
MetadataProfile Add(MetadataProfile profile);
void Update(MetadataProfile profile);
void Delete(int id);
List<MetadataProfile> All();
MetadataProfile Get(int id);
bool Exists(int id);
4 years ago
List<Book> FilterBooks(Author input, int profileId);
public class MetadataProfileService : IMetadataProfileService, IHandle<ApplicationStartedEvent>
public const string NONE_PROFILE_NAME = "None";
public const double NONE_PROFILE_MIN_POPULARITY = 1e10;
4 years ago
private static readonly Regex PartOrSetRegex = new Regex(@"(?<from>\d+) of (?<to>\d+)|(?<from>\d+)\s?/\s?(?<to>\d+)|(?<from>\d+)\s?-\s?(?<to>\d+)",
RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
4 years ago
private readonly IMetadataProfileRepository _profileRepository;
private readonly IAuthorService _authorService;
private readonly IBookService _bookService;
private readonly IEditionService _editionService;
private readonly IMediaFileService _mediaFileService;
private readonly IImportListFactory _importListFactory;
private readonly IRootFolderService _rootFolderService;
private readonly ITermMatcherService _termMatcherService;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public MetadataProfileService(IMetadataProfileRepository profileRepository,
IAuthorService authorService,
IBookService bookService,
IEditionService editionService,
IMediaFileService mediaFileService,
IImportListFactory importListFactory,
IRootFolderService rootFolderService,
ITermMatcherService termMatcherService,
Logger logger)
_profileRepository = profileRepository;
_authorService = authorService;
_bookService = bookService;
_editionService = editionService;
_mediaFileService = mediaFileService;
_importListFactory = importListFactory;
_rootFolderService = rootFolderService;
_termMatcherService = termMatcherService;
_logger = logger;
public MetadataProfile Add(MetadataProfile profile)
return _profileRepository.Insert(profile);
public void Update(MetadataProfile profile)
if (profile.Name == NONE_PROFILE_NAME)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not permitted to alter None metadata profile");
public void Delete(int id)
var profile = _profileRepository.Get(id);
if (profile.Name == NONE_PROFILE_NAME ||
_authorService.GetAllAuthors().Any(c => c.MetadataProfileId == id) ||
_importListFactory.All().Any(c => c.MetadataProfileId == id) ||
_rootFolderService.All().Any(c => c.DefaultMetadataProfileId == id))
throw new MetadataProfileInUseException(profile.Name);
public List<MetadataProfile> All()
return _profileRepository.All().ToList();
public MetadataProfile Get(int id)
return _profileRepository.Get(id);
public bool Exists(int id)
return _profileRepository.Exists(id);
4 years ago
public List<Book> FilterBooks(Author input, int profileId)
var seriesLinks = input.Series.Value.SelectMany(x => x.LinkItems.Value)
.GroupBy(x => x.Book.Value)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.ToList());
var dbAuthor = _authorService.FindById(input.ForeignAuthorId);
var localBooks = new List<Book>();
if (dbAuthor != null)
localBooks = _bookService.GetBooksByAuthorMetadataId(dbAuthor.AuthorMetadataId);
var editions = _editionService.GetEditionsByAuthor(dbAuthor.Id).GroupBy(x => x.BookId).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.ToList());
foreach (var book in localBooks)
if (editions.TryGetValue(book.Id, out var bookEditions))
book.Editions = bookEditions;
book.Editions = new List<Edition>();
var localFiles = _mediaFileService.GetFilesByAuthor(dbAuthor?.Id ?? 0);
return FilterBooks(input.Books.Value, localBooks, localFiles, seriesLinks, profileId);
4 years ago
private List<Book> FilterBooks(IEnumerable<Book> remoteBooks, List<Book> localBooks, List<BookFile> localFiles, Dictionary<Book, List<SeriesBookLink>> seriesLinks, int metadataProfileId)
4 years ago
var profile = Get(metadataProfileId);
_logger.Trace($"Filtering:\n{remoteBooks.Select(x => x.ToString()).Join("\n")}");
var hash = new HashSet<Book>(remoteBooks);
var titles = new HashSet<string>(remoteBooks.Select(x => x.Title));
var localHash = new HashSet<string>(localBooks.Where(x => x.AddOptions.AddType == BookAddType.Manual).Select(x => x.ForeignBookId));
localHash.UnionWith(localFiles.Select(x => x.Edition.Value.Book.Value.ForeignBookId));
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, BookAllowedByRating, "rating criteria not met");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !p.SkipMissingDate || x.ReleaseDate.HasValue, "release date is missing");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !p.SkipPartsAndSets || !IsPartOrSet(x, seriesLinks.GetValueOrDefault(x), titles), "book is part of set");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !p.SkipSeriesSecondary || !seriesLinks.ContainsKey(x) || seriesLinks[x].Any(y => y.IsPrimary), "book is a secondary series item");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !MatchesTerms(x.Title, p.Ignored), "contains ignored terms");
foreach (var book in hash)
var localEditions = localBooks.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ForeignBookId == book.ForeignBookId)?.Editions.Value ?? new List<Edition>();
book.Editions = FilterEditions(book.Editions.Value, localEditions, localFiles, profile);
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => x.Editions.Value.Any(e => e.PageCount > p.MinPages) || x.Editions.Value.All(e => e.PageCount == 0), "minimum page count not met");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignBookId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => x.Editions.Value.Any(), "all editions filtered out");
return hash.ToList();
private List<Edition> FilterEditions(IEnumerable<Edition> editions, List<Edition> localEditions, List<BookFile> localFiles, MetadataProfile profile)
var allowedLanguages = profile.AllowedLanguages.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? new HashSet<string>(profile.AllowedLanguages.Trim(',').Split(',').Select(x => x.CanonicalizeLanguage())) : new HashSet<string>();
4 years ago
var hash = new HashSet<Edition>(editions);
4 years ago
var localHash = new HashSet<string>(localEditions.Where(x => x.ManualAdd).Select(x => x.ForeignEditionId));
localHash.UnionWith(localFiles.Select(x => x.Edition.Value.ForeignEditionId));
4 years ago
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignEditionId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !allowedLanguages.Any() || allowedLanguages.Contains(x.Language?.CanonicalizeLanguage()), "edition language not allowed");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignEditionId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !p.SkipMissingIsbn || x.Isbn13.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() || x.Asin.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(), "isbn and asin is missing");
FilterByPredicate(hash, x => x.ForeignEditionId, localHash, profile, (x, p) => !MatchesTerms(x.Title, p.Ignored), "contains ignored terms");
4 years ago
return hash.ToList();
private void FilterByPredicate<T>(HashSet<T> remoteItems, Func<T, string> getId, HashSet<string> localItems, MetadataProfile profile, Func<T, MetadataProfile, bool> bookAllowed, string message)
4 years ago
var filtered = new HashSet<T>(remoteItems.Where(x => !bookAllowed(x, profile) && !localItems.Contains(getId(x))));
4 years ago
if (filtered.Any())
_logger.Trace($"Skipping {filtered.Count} {typeof(T).Name} because {message}:\n{filtered.ConcatToString(x => x.ToString(), "\n")}");
remoteItems.RemoveWhere(x => filtered.Contains(x));
4 years ago
private bool BookAllowedByRating(Book b, MetadataProfile p)
// hack for the 'none' metadata profile
return false;
return (b.Ratings.Popularity >= p.MinPopularity) || b.ReleaseDate > DateTime.UtcNow;
4 years ago
private bool IsPartOrSet(Book book, List<SeriesBookLink> seriesLinks, HashSet<string> titles)
4 years ago
if (seriesLinks != null &&
seriesLinks.Any(x => x.Position.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) &&
!seriesLinks.Any(s => double.TryParse(s.Position, out _)))
// No non-empty series entries parse to a number, so all like 1-3 etc.
return true;
// Skip things of form Title1 / Title2 when Title1 and Title2 are already in the list
var bookTitles = new[] { book.Title }.Concat(book.Editions.Value.Select(x => x.Title)).ToList();
foreach (var title in bookTitles)
var split = title.Split('/').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList();
if (split.Count > 1 && split.All(x => titles.Contains(x)))
return true;
4 years ago
var match = PartOrSetRegex.Match(book.Title);
4 years ago
if (match.Groups["from"].Success)
var from = int.Parse(match.Groups["from"].Value);
return from <= 1800 || from > DateTime.UtcNow.Year;
4 years ago
return false;
private bool MatchesTerms(string value, string terms)
if (terms.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
return false;
var split = terms.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
var foundTerms = ContainsAny(split, value);
return foundTerms.Any();
private List<string> ContainsAny(List<string> terms, string title)
return terms.Where(t => _termMatcherService.IsMatch(t, title)).ToList();
public void Handle(ApplicationStartedEvent message)
var profiles = All();
// Name is a unique property
var emptyProfile = profiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == NONE_PROFILE_NAME);
// make sure empty profile exists and is actually empty
4 years ago
// TODO: reinstate
if (emptyProfile != null &&
emptyProfile.MinPopularity == NONE_PROFILE_MIN_POPULARITY)
if (!profiles.Any())
_logger.Info("Setting up standard metadata profile");
4 years ago
Add(new MetadataProfile
Name = "Standard",
MinPopularity = 350,
4 years ago
SkipMissingDate = true,
SkipPartsAndSets = true,
AllowedLanguages = "eng, null"
4 years ago
if (emptyProfile != null)
// emptyProfile is not the correct empty profile - move it out of the way
_logger.Info($"Renaming non-empty metadata profile {emptyProfile.Name}");
var names = profiles.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
var i = 1;
emptyProfile.Name = $"{NONE_PROFILE_NAME}.{i}";
while (names.Contains(emptyProfile.Name))
_logger.Info("Setting up empty metadata profile");
4 years ago
Add(new MetadataProfile
4 years ago