You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
6.9 KiB

// Regular
import {
faBookmark as farBookmark,
faCalendar as farCalendar,
faCircle as farCircle,
faClock as farClock,
faClone as farClone,
faDotCircle as farDotCircle,
faFile as farFile,
faFileArchive as farFileArchive,
faFileAudio as farFileAudio,
faFolder as farFolder,
faHdd as farHdd,
faKeyboard as farKeyboard,
4 years ago
faObjectGroup as farObjectGroup,
faObjectUngroup as farObjectUngroup
} from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
// Solid
import {
faArrowCircleLeft as fasArrowCircleLeft,
faArrowCircleRight as fasArrowCircleRight,
faArrowCircleUp as fasArrowCircleUp,
faBackward as fasBackward,
faBan as fasBan,
faBars as fasBars,
faBolt as fasBolt,
faBook as fasBook,
faBookmark as fasBookmark,
faBookReader as fasBookReader,
faBroadcastTower as fasBroadcastTower,
4 years ago
faBug as fasBug,
faCalendarAlt as fasCalendarAlt,
faCaretDown as fasCaretDown,
faCheck as fasCheck,
4 years ago
faCheckCircle as fasCheckCircle,
faCheckSquare as fasCheckSquare,
faChevronCircleDown as fasChevronCircleDown,
faChevronCircleRight as fasChevronCircleRight,
faChevronCircleUp as fasChevronCircleUp,
faCircle as fasCircle,
faCloud as fasCloud,
4 years ago
faCloudDownloadAlt as fasCloudDownloadAlt,
faCog as fasCog,
faCogs as fasCogs,
faCopy as fasCopy,
faDesktop as fasDesktop,
faDownload as fasDownload,
faEdit as fasEdit,
faEllipsisH as fasEllipsisH,
faExclamationCircle as fasExclamationCircle,
faExclamationTriangle as fasExclamationTriangle,
faExternalLinkAlt as fasExternalLinkAlt,
faEye as fasEye,
faFastBackward as fasFastBackward,
faFastForward as fasFastForward,
faFileExport as fasFileExport,
Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
faFileImport as fasFileImport,
faFileInvoice as farFileInvoice,
faFilter as fasFilter,
faFolderOpen as fasFolderOpen,
faForward as fasForward,
faHeart as fasHeart,
faHistory as fasHistory,
faHome as fasHome,
faInfoCircle as fasInfoCircle,
faLaptop as fasLaptop,
faLevelUpAlt as fasLevelUpAlt,
4 years ago
faLongArrowAltRight as fasLongArrowAltRight,
faMedkit as fasMedkit,
faMinus as fasMinus,
faPause as fasPause,
faPlay as fasPlay,
faPlus as fasPlus,
faPowerOff as fasPowerOff,
faQuestion as fasQuestion,
faQuestionCircle as fasQuestionCircle,
faRedoAlt as fasRedoAlt,
faRetweet as fasRetweet,
faRocket as fasRocket,
4 years ago
faRss as fasRss,
faSave as fasSave,
faSearch as fasSearch,
faSearchPlus as fasSearchPlus,
faSignOutAlt as fasSignOutAlt,
faSitemap as fasSitemap,
faSort as fasSort,
faSortDown as fasSortDown,
faSortUp as fasSortUp,
4 years ago
faSpinner as fasSpinner,
faStar as fasStar,
faStop as fasStop,
faSync as fasSync,
faTable as fasTable,
4 years ago
faTags as fasTags,
faTh as fasTh,
faThList as fasThList,
faTimes as fasTimes,
faTimesCircle as fasTimesCircle,
4 years ago
faTrashAlt as fasTrashAlt,
faUser as fasUser,
faUserPlus as fasUserPlus,
faVial as fasVial,
faWrench as fasWrench
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
// Icons
export const ACTIONS = fasBolt;
export const ACTIVITY = farClock;
export const ADD = fasPlus;
export const ADD_MISSING_AUTHORS = fasSearchPlus;
export const ALTERNATE_TITLES = farClone;
export const ADVANCED_SETTINGS = fasCog;
export const ARROW_LEFT = fasArrowCircleLeft;
export const ARROW_RIGHT = fasArrowCircleRight;
export const ARROW_RIGHT_NO_CIRCLE = fasLongArrowAltRight;
export const ARROW_UP = fasArrowCircleUp;
export const BACKUP = farFileArchive;
export const BAN = fasBan;
export const BOOK = fasBook;
export const BUG = fasBug;
export const CALENDAR = fasCalendarAlt;
export const CALENDAR_O = farCalendar;
export const CARET_DOWN = fasCaretDown;
export const CHECK = fasCheck;
export const CHECK_INDETERMINATE = fasMinus;
export const CHECK_CIRCLE = fasCheckCircle;
export const CHECK_SQUARE = fasCheckSquare;
export const CIRCLE = fasCircle;
export const CIRCLE_OUTLINE = farCircle;
export const CLEAR = fasTrashAlt;
export const CLIPBOARD = fasCopy;
export const CLOSE = fasTimes;
export const CLONE = farClone;
export const COLLAPSE = fasChevronCircleUp;
export const COMPUTER = fasDesktop;
export const DANGER = fasExclamationCircle;
export const DELETE = fasTrashAlt;
export const DOWNLOAD = fasDownload;
export const DOWNLOADED = fasDownload;
export const DOWNLOADING = fasCloudDownloadAlt;
export const DRIVE = farHdd;
export const EDIT = fasWrench;
export const TRACK_FILE = farFileAudio;
export const EXPAND = fasChevronCircleDown;
export const EXPAND_INDETERMINATE = fasChevronCircleRight;
export const EXPORT = fasFileExport;
export const EXTERNAL_LINK = fasExternalLinkAlt;
export const FATAL = fasTimesCircle;
export const FILE = farFile;
Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
export const FILEIMPORT = fasFileImport;
export const FILTER = fasFilter;
export const FOLDER = farFolder;
export const FOLDER_OPEN = fasFolderOpen;
export const GROUP = farObjectGroup;
export const HEALTH = fasMedkit;
export const HEART = fasHeart;
export const HISTORY = fasHistory;
export const HOUSEKEEPING = fasHome;
export const IGNORE = fasTimesCircle;
export const INFO = fasInfoCircle;
export const INTERACTIVE = fasUser;
export const KEYBOARD = farKeyboard;
export const LOGOUT = fasSignOutAlt;
export const MEDIA_INFO = farFileInvoice;
export const MISSING = fasExclamationTriangle;
export const MONITORED = fasBookmark;
export const NETWORK = fasBroadcastTower;
export const NAVBAR_COLLAPSE = fasBars;
export const NOT_AIRED = farClock;
export const ORGANIZE = fasSitemap;
export const OVERFLOW = fasEllipsisH;
export const OVERVIEW = fasThList;
export const PAGE_FIRST = fasFastBackward;
export const PAGE_PREVIOUS = fasBackward;
export const PAGE_NEXT = fasForward;
export const PAGE_LAST = fasFastForward;
export const PARENT = fasLevelUpAlt;
export const PAUSED = fasPause;
export const PENDING = farClock;
export const PROFILE = fasUser;
export const POSTER = fasTh;
export const QUEUED = fasCloud;
export const QUICK = fasRocket;
export const REFRESH = fasSync;
export const REMOVE = fasTimes;
export const REORDER = fasBars;
export const RESCAN = fasFolderOpen;
export const RESTART = fasRedoAlt;
export const RESTORE = fasHistory;
export const RETAG = fasEdit;
export const RSS = fasRss;
export const SAVE = fasSave;
export const SCHEDULED = farClock;
export const SCORE = fasUserPlus;
export const SEARCH = fasSearch;
export const AUTHOR_CONTINUING = fasPlay;
export const AUTHOR_ENDED = fasStop;
export const SETTINGS = fasCogs;
export const SHUTDOWN = fasPowerOff;
export const SORT = fasSort;
export const SORT_ASCENDING = fasSortUp;
export const SORT_DESCENDING = fasSortDown;
export const SPINNER = fasSpinner;
export const STAR_FULL = fasStar;
export const SUBTRACT = fasMinus;
export const SYSTEM = fasLaptop;
export const TABLE = fasTable;
export const TAGS = fasTags;
export const TBA = fasQuestionCircle;
export const TEST = fasVial;
export const UNGROUP = farObjectUngroup;
export const UNKNOWN = fasQuestion;
export const UNMONITORED = farBookmark;
export const UPDATE = fasRetweet;
export const UNSAVED_SETTING = farDotCircle;
export const VIEW = fasEye;
export const WARNING = fasExclamationTriangle;
export const WIKI = fasBookReader;