Windows installer improvements

Co-Authored-By: Mark McDowall <>
(cherry picked from commit 02c95658c4a5d38e1d0997ed5ef9bbd219ffc32c)
pull/2848/head v0.3.3.2171
Qstick 4 years ago committed by Bogdan
parent f75add984f
commit 2e39c7340c

@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: "desktopIcon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"
Name: "windowsService"; Description: "Install Windows Service (Starts when the computer starts as the LocalService user, you will need to change the user to access network shares)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
Name: "startupShortcut"; Description: "Create shortcut in Startup folder (Starts when you log into Windows)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive
Name: "windowsService"; Description: "Install Windows Service (Starts when the computer starts as the LocalService user, you will need to change the user to access network shares)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive
Name: "startupShortcut"; Description: "Create shortcut in Startup folder (Starts when you log into Windows)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
Name: "none"; Description: "Do not start automatically"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
@ -72,12 +72,13 @@ Filename: "{app}\bin\Readarr.exe"; Description: "Open Readarr Web UI"; Flags: po
Filename: "{app}\bin\Readarr.exe"; Description: "Start Readarr"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait; Tasks: startupShortcut none;
Filename: "{app}\bin\Readarr.Console.exe"; Parameters: "/u"; Flags: waituntilterminated skipifdoesntexist
Filename: "{app}\bin\readarr.console.exe"; Parameters: "/u"; Flags: waituntilterminated skipifdoesntexist
function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String;
ResultCode: Integer;
Exec(ExpandConstant('{commonappdata}\Readarr\bin\Readarr.Console.exe'), '/u', '', 0, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
Exec('net', 'stop readarr', '', 0, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
Exec('sc', 'delete readarr', '', 0, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
