returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Remote download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#bad-remote-path-mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#docker-bad-remote-path-mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.","#docker-bad-remote-path-mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Remote download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#bad-remote-path-mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#docker-bad-remote-path-mapping");
// if it's a remote client/docker, likely missing path mappings
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.","#docker-bad-remote-path-mapping");