@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ class BookDetails extends Component {
isEditBookModalOpen : false ,
isDeleteBookModalOpen : false ,
selectedTabIndex : 0 ,
titleWidth : 0
titleWidth : 0 ,
overviewHeight : 0
} ;
@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ class BookDetails extends Component {
this . setState ( { titleWidth : width } ) ;
onOverviewMeasure = ( { height } ) => {
this . setState ( { overviewHeight : height } ) ;
// Render
@ -149,10 +154,11 @@ class BookDetails extends Component {
isEditBookModalOpen ,
isDeleteBookModalOpen ,
selectedTabIndex ,
titleWidth ,
} = this . state ;
const marqueeWidth = ( titleWidth - 1 5 0) ;
const marqueeWidth = ( titleWidth - 1 7 0) ;
return (
< PageContent title = { title } >
@ -227,51 +233,52 @@ class BookDetails extends Component {
/ >
< div className = { styles . info } >
< Measure onMeasure = { this . onTitleMeasure } >
< div className = { styles . titleRow } >
< div className = { styles . titleContainer } >
< div className = { styles . toggleMonitoredContainer } >
< MonitorToggleButton
className = { styles . monitorToggleButton }
monitored = { monitored }
isSaving = { isSaving }
size = { 40 }
onPress = { onMonitorTogglePress }
/ >
< / d i v >
< div className = { styles . title } style = { { width : marqueeWidth } } >
< Marquee text = { title } / >
< / d i v >
< Measure
onMeasure = { this . onTitleMeasure }
className = { styles . titleRow }
< div className = { styles . titleContainer } >
< div className = { styles . toggleMonitoredContainer } >
< MonitorToggleButton
className = { styles . monitorToggleButton }
monitored = { monitored }
isSaving = { isSaving }
size = { 40 }
onPress = { onMonitorTogglePress }
/ >
< / d i v >
< div className = { styles . title } style = { { width : marqueeWidth } } >
< Marquee text = { title } / >
< / d i v >
< div className = { styles . bookNavigationButtons } >
< IconButton
className = { styles . bookNavigationButton }
name = { icons . ARROW _LEFT }
size = { 30 }
title = { ` Go to ${ previousBook . title } ` }
to = { ` /book/ ${ previousBook . titleSlug } ` }
/ >
< / d i v >
< IconButton
className = { styles . bookNavigationButton }
name = { icons . ARROW _UP }
size = { 30 }
title = { ` Go to ${ author . authorName } ` }
to = { ` /author/ ${ author . titleSlug } ` }
/ >
< div className = { styles . bookNavigationButtons } >
< IconButton
className = { styles . bookNavigationButton }
name = { icons . ARROW _LEFT }
size = { 30 }
title = { ` Go to ${ previousBook . title } ` }
to = { ` /book/ ${ previousBook . titleSlug } ` }
/ >
< IconButton
className = { styles . bookNavigationButton }
name = { icons . ARROW _RIGHT }
size = { 30 }
title = { ` Go to ${ nextBook . title } ` }
to = { ` /book/ ${ nextBook . titleSlug } ` }
/ >
< / d i v >
< IconButton
className = { styles . bookNavigationButton }
name = { icons . ARROW _UP }
size = { 30 }
title = { ` Go to ${ author . authorName } ` }
to = { ` /author/ ${ author . titleSlug } ` }
/ >
< IconButton
className = { styles . bookNavigationButton }
name = { icons . ARROW _RIGHT }
size = { 30 }
title = { ` Go to ${ nextBook . title } ` }
to = { ` /book/ ${ nextBook . titleSlug } ` }
/ >
< / d i v >
< / M e a s u r e >
@ -370,12 +377,15 @@ class BookDetails extends Component {
/ >
< / d i v >
< div className = { styles . overview } >
< Measure
onMeasure = { this . onOverviewMeasure }
className = { styles . overview }
< TextTruncate
line = { Math . floor ( 125 / ( defaultFontSize * lineHeight ) ) }
line = { Math . floor ( overviewHeight / ( defaultFontSize * lineHeight ) ) }
text = { stripHtml ( overview ) }
/ >
< / di v >
< / Me a s u r e >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
@ -509,7 +519,6 @@ BookDetails.propTypes = {
author : PropTypes . object ,
previousBook : PropTypes . object ,
nextBook : PropTypes . object ,
isSmallScreen : PropTypes . bool . isRequired ,
onMonitorTogglePress : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
onRefreshPress : PropTypes . func ,
onSearchPress : PropTypes . func . isRequired