New: Add more information about Windows service to installer

Closes #520
bakerboy448 3 years ago committed by Robin Dadswell
parent cf0a15a308
commit b25f8449a2

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: "desktopIcon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"
Name: "windowsService"; Description: "Install Windows Service (Starts when the computer starts)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
Name: "windowsService"; Description: "Install Windows Service (Starts when the computer starts as the LocalService user, you will need to change the user to access network shares)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
Name: "startupShortcut"; Description: "Create shortcut in Startup folder (Starts when you log into Windows)"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive
Name: "none"; Description: "Do not start automatically"; GroupDescription: "Start automatically"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
