@ -29,27 +29,29 @@ function mergeColumns(path, initialState, persistedState, computedState) {
const columns = [ ] ;
initialColumns . forEach ( ( initialColumn ) => {
const persistedColumnIndex = _ . findIndex ( persistedColumns , { name : initialColumn . name } ) ;
const column = Object . assign ( { } , initialColumn ) ;
const persistedColumn = persistedColumnIndex > - 1 ? persistedColumns [ persistedColumnIndex ] : undefined ;
// Add persisted columns in the same order they're currently in
// as long as they haven't been removed.
persistedColumns . forEach ( ( persistedColumn ) => {
const columnIndex = initialColumns . findIndex ( ( i ) => i . name === persistedColumn . name ) ;
if ( persistedColumn ) {
column . isVisible = persistedColumn . isVisible ;
if ( columnIndex >= 0 ) {
column s. push ( { ... persistedColumn } ) ;
} ) ;
// If there is a persisted column, it's index doesn't exceed the column list
// and it's modifiable, insert it in the proper position.
// Add any columns added to the app in the initial position.
initialColumns . forEach ( ( initialColumn , index ) => {
const persistedColumnIndex = persistedColumns . findIndex ( ( i ) => i . name === initialColumn . name ) ;
const column = Object . assign ( { } , initialColumn ) ;
if ( persistedColumn && columns . length - 1 > persistedColumnIndex && persistedColumn . isModifiable !== false ) {
columns . splice ( persistedColumnIndex , 0 , column ) ;
} else {
columns . push ( column ) ;
if ( persistedColumnIndex === - 1 ) {
columns . splice ( index , 0 , column ) ;
// Set the columns in the persisted state
_ . set ( computedState , path , columns ) ;
} ) ;
// Set the columns in the persisted state
_ . set ( computedState , path , columns ) ;
function slicer ( paths _ ) {