using System.Collections.Generic; using NzbDrone.Common.Reflection; using NzbDrone.Core.ThingiProvider; using Readarr.Http.ClientSchema; using Readarr.Http.REST; namespace Readarr.Api.V1 { public class ProviderResource : RestResource { public string Name { get; set; } public List Fields { get; set; } public string ImplementationName { get; set; } public string Implementation { get; set; } public string ConfigContract { get; set; } public string InfoLink { get; set; } public ProviderMessage Message { get; set; } public HashSet Tags { get; set; } public List Presets { get; set; } } public class ProviderResourceMapper where TProviderResource : ProviderResource, new() where TProviderDefinition : ProviderDefinition, new() { public virtual TProviderResource ToResource(TProviderDefinition definition) { return new TProviderResource { Id = definition.Id, Name = definition.Name, ImplementationName = definition.ImplementationName, Implementation = definition.Implementation, ConfigContract = definition.ConfigContract, Message = definition.Message, Tags = definition.Tags, Fields = SchemaBuilder.ToSchema(definition.Settings), //readarr/supported is an disambagation page. the # should be a header on the page with appropiate details/link InfoLink = string.Format("{0}", definition.Implementation.ToLower()) }; } public virtual TProviderDefinition ToModel(TProviderResource resource) { if (resource == null) { return default(TProviderDefinition); } var definition = new TProviderDefinition { Id = resource.Id, Name = resource.Name, ImplementationName = resource.ImplementationName, Implementation = resource.Implementation, ConfigContract = resource.ConfigContract, Message = resource.Message, Tags = resource.Tags }; var configContract = ReflectionExtensions.CoreAssembly.FindTypeByName(definition.ConfigContract); definition.Settings = (IProviderConfig)SchemaBuilder.ReadFromSchema(resource.Fields, configContract); return definition; } } }