using FizzWare.NBuilder; using FluentAssertions; using NUnit.Framework; using NzbDrone.Core.Books; using NzbDrone.Core.Organizer; using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework; using NzbDrone.Test.Common; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.OrganizerTests { [TestFixture] [Ignore("Don't use book folder in readarr")] public class BuildFilePathFixture : CoreTest { private NamingConfig _namingConfig; [SetUp] public void Setup() { _namingConfig = NamingConfig.Default; Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(c => c.GetConfig()).Returns(_namingConfig); } [Test] public void should_clean_book_folder_when_it_contains_illegal_characters_in_book_or_author_title() { var filename = @"bookfile"; var expectedPath = @"C:\Test\Fake- The Author\Fake- The Book\"; var fakeAuthor = Builder.CreateNew() .With(s => s.Name = "Fake: The Author") .With(s => s.Path = @"C:\Test\Fake- The Author".AsOsAgnostic()) .Build(); var fakeBook = Builder.CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = "Fake: Book") .Build(); var fakeEdition = Builder .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = fakeBook.Title) .With(s => s.Book = fakeBook) .Build(); Subject.BuildBookFilePath(fakeAuthor, fakeEdition, filename, ".mobi").Should().Be(expectedPath.AsOsAgnostic()); } } }