import _ from 'lodash'; import persistState from 'redux-localstorage'; import actions from 'Store/Actions'; import migrate from 'Store/Migrators/migrate'; const columnPaths = []; const paths = _.reduce([...actions], (acc, action) => { if (action.persistState) { action.persistState.forEach((path) => { if (path.match(/\.columns$/)) { columnPaths.push(path); } acc.push(path); }); } return acc; }, []); function mergeColumns(path, initialState, persistedState, computedState) { const initialColumns = _.get(initialState, path); const persistedColumns = _.get(persistedState, path); if (!persistedColumns || !persistedColumns.length) { return; } const columns = []; initialColumns.forEach((initialColumn) => { const persistedColumnIndex = _.findIndex(persistedColumns, { name: }); const column = Object.assign({}, initialColumn); const persistedColumn = persistedColumnIndex > -1 ? persistedColumns[persistedColumnIndex] : undefined; if (persistedColumn) { column.isVisible = persistedColumn.isVisible; } // If there is a persisted column, it's index doesn't exceed the column list // and it's modifiable, insert it in the proper position. if (persistedColumn && columns.length - 1 > persistedColumnIndex && persistedColumn.isModifiable !== false) { columns.splice(persistedColumnIndex, 0, column); } else { columns.push(column); } // Set the columns in the persisted state _.set(computedState, path, columns); }); } function slicer(paths_) { return (state) => { const subset = {}; paths_.forEach((path) => { _.set(subset, path, _.get(state, path)); }); return subset; }; } function serialize(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2); } function merge(initialState, persistedState) { if (!persistedState) { return initialState; } const computedState = {}; _.merge(computedState, initialState, persistedState); columnPaths.forEach((columnPath) => { mergeColumns(columnPath, initialState, persistedState, computedState); }); return computedState; } const config = { slicer, serialize, merge, key: 'readarr' }; export default function createPersistState() { // Migrate existing local storage before proceeding const persistedState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(config.key)); migrate(persistedState); localStorage.setItem(config.key, serialize(persistedState)); return persistState(paths, config); }