#! /bin/bash PLATFORM=$1 TYPE=$2 COVERAGE=$3 WHERE="Category!=ManualTest" TEST_PATTERN="*Test.dll" FILES=( "Readarr.Api.Test.dll" "Readarr.Automation.Test.dll" "Readarr.Common.Test.dll" "Readarr.Core.Test.dll" "Readarr.Host.Test.dll" "Readarr.Integration.Test.dll" "Readarr.Libraries.Test.dll" "Readarr.Mono.Test.dll" "Readarr.Update.Test.dll" "Readarr.Windows.Test.dll" ) ASSMEBLIES="" TEST_LOG_FILE="TestLog.txt" echo "test dir: $TEST_DIR" if [ -z "$TEST_DIR" ]; then TEST_DIR="." fi if [ -d "$TEST_DIR/_tests" ]; then TEST_DIR="$TEST_DIR/_tests" fi rm -f "$TEST_LOG_FILE" # Uncomment to log test output to a file instead of the console export READARR_TESTS_LOG_OUTPUT="File" VSTEST_PARAMS="--logger:nunit;LogFilePath=TestResult.xml" if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Mac" ]; then export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="$TEST_DIR:$MONOPREFIX/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib" echo $DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH mono --version # To debug which libraries are being loaded: # export DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=YES fi if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Windows" ]; then mkdir -p "$ProgramData/Readarr" WHERE="$WHERE&Category!=LINUX" elif [ "$PLATFORM" = "Linux" ] || [ "$PLATFORM" = "Mac" ] ; then mkdir -p ~/.config/Readarr WHERE="$WHERE&Category!=WINDOWS" else echo "Platform must be provided as first arguement: Windows, Linux or Mac" exit 1 fi if [ "$TYPE" = "Unit" ]; then WHERE="$WHERE&Category!=IntegrationTest&Category!=AutomationTest" elif [ "$TYPE" = "Integration" ] || [ "$TYPE" = "int" ] ; then WHERE="$WHERE&Category=IntegrationTest" VSTEST_PARAMS="$VSTEST_PARAMS --settings:$TEST_DIR/integration.runsettings" elif [ "$TYPE" = "Automation" ] ; then WHERE="$WHERE&Category=AutomationTest" else echo "Type must be provided as second argument: Unit, Integration or Automation" exit 2 fi for i in "${FILES[@]}"; do ASSEMBLIES="$ASSEMBLIES $TEST_DIR/$i" done DOTNET_PARAMS="$ASSEMBLIES --filter:$WHERE $VSTEST_PARAMS" if [ "$COVERAGE" = "Coverage" ]; then dotnet test $DOTNET_PARAMS --settings:"src/coverlet.runsettings" --results-directory:./CoverageResults EXIT_CODE=$? elif [ "$COVERAGE" = "Test" ] ; then dotnet test $DOTNET_PARAMS EXIT_CODE=$? else echo "Run Type must be provided as third argument: Coverage or Test" exit 3 fi if [ "$EXIT_CODE" -ge 0 ]; then echo "Failed tests: $EXIT_CODE" exit 0 else exit $EXIT_CODE fi