import _ from 'lodash'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import hasDifferentItems from 'Utilities/Object/hasDifferentItems'; import { align, icons, sortDirections } from 'Helpers/Props'; import LoadingIndicator from 'Components/Loading/LoadingIndicator'; import PageContent from 'Components/Page/PageContent'; import PageContentBodyConnector from 'Components/Page/PageContentBodyConnector'; import PageJumpBar from 'Components/Page/PageJumpBar'; import PageToolbar from 'Components/Page/Toolbar/PageToolbar'; import PageToolbarSeparator from 'Components/Page/Toolbar/PageToolbarSeparator'; import PageToolbarSection from 'Components/Page/Toolbar/PageToolbarSection'; import PageToolbarButton from 'Components/Page/Toolbar/PageToolbarButton'; import NoArtist from 'Artist/NoArtist'; import ArtistIndexTableConnector from './Table/ArtistIndexTableConnector'; import ArtistIndexPosterOptionsModal from './Posters/Options/ArtistIndexPosterOptionsModal'; import ArtistIndexPostersConnector from './Posters/ArtistIndexPostersConnector'; import ArtistIndexBannerOptionsModal from './Banners/Options/ArtistIndexBannerOptionsModal'; import ArtistIndexBannersConnector from './Banners/ArtistIndexBannersConnector'; import ArtistIndexFooter from './ArtistIndexFooter'; import ArtistIndexFilterMenu from './Menus/ArtistIndexFilterMenu'; import ArtistIndexSortMenu from './Menus/ArtistIndexSortMenu'; import ArtistIndexViewMenu from './Menus/ArtistIndexViewMenu'; import styles from './ArtistIndex.css'; function getViewComponent(view) { if (view === 'posters') { return ArtistIndexPostersConnector; } if (view === 'banners') { return ArtistIndexBannersConnector; } return ArtistIndexTableConnector; } class ArtistIndex extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this._viewComponent = null; this.state = { contentBody: null, jumpBarItems: [], isPosterOptionsModalOpen: false, isBannerOptionsModalOpen: false, isRendered: false }; } componentDidMount() { this.setJumpBarItems(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { items, sortKey, sortDirection } = this.props; if ( hasDifferentItems(prevProps.items, items) || sortKey !== prevProps.sortKey || sortDirection !== prevProps.sortDirection ) { this.setJumpBarItems(); } } // // Control setContentBodyRef = (ref) => { this.setState({ contentBody: ref }); } setViewComponentRef = (ref) => { this._viewComponent = ref; } setJumpBarItems() { const { items, sortKey, sortDirection } = this.props; // Reset if not sorting by sortName if (sortKey !== 'sortName') { this.setState({ jumpBarItems: [] }); return; } const characters = _.reduce(items, (acc, item) => { const firstCharacter = item.sortName.charAt(0); if (isNaN(firstCharacter)) { acc.push(firstCharacter); } else { acc.push('#'); } return acc; }, []).sort(); // Reverse if sorting descending if (sortDirection === sortDirections.DESCENDING) { characters.reverse(); } this.setState({ jumpBarItems: _.sortedUniq(characters) }); } // // Listeners onPosterOptionsPress = () => { this.setState({ isPosterOptionsModalOpen: true }); } onPosterOptionsModalClose = () => { this.setState({ isPosterOptionsModalOpen: false }); } onBannerOptionsPress = () => { this.setState({ isBannerOptionsModalOpen: true }); } onBannerOptionsModalClose = () => { this.setState({ isBannerOptionsModalOpen: false }); } onJumpBarItemPress = (item) => { const viewComponent = this._viewComponent.getWrappedInstance(); viewComponent.scrollToFirstCharacter(item); } onRender = () => { this.setState({ isRendered: true }, () => { const { scrollTop, isSmallScreen } = this.props; if (isSmallScreen) { // Seems to result in the view being off by 125px (distance to the top of the page) // document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = scrollTop; // This works, but then jumps another 1px after scrolling document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTop; } }); } onScroll = ({ scrollTop }) => { this.props.onScroll({ scrollTop }); } // // Render render() { const { isFetching, isPopulated, error, items, filterKey, filterValue, sortKey, sortDirection, view, isRefreshingArtist, isRssSyncExecuting, scrollTop, onSortSelect, onFilterSelect, onViewSelect, onRefreshArtistPress, onRssSyncPress, ...otherProps } = this.props; const { contentBody, jumpBarItems, isPosterOptionsModalOpen, isBannerOptionsModalOpen, isRendered } = this.state; const ViewComponent = getViewComponent(view); const isLoaded = !error && isPopulated && !!items.length && contentBody; return ( { view === 'posters' && } { view === 'posters' && } { view === 'banners' && } { view === 'banners' && }
{ isFetching && !isPopulated && } { !isFetching && !!error &&
Unable to load artist
} { isLoaded &&
} { !error && isPopulated && !items.length && }
{ isLoaded && !!jumpBarItems.length && }
); } } ArtistIndex.propTypes = { isFetching: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isPopulated: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, error: PropTypes.object, items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, filterKey: PropTypes.string, filterValue: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]), sortKey: PropTypes.string, sortDirection: PropTypes.oneOf(sortDirections.all), view: PropTypes.string.isRequired, isRefreshingArtist: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isRssSyncExecuting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, scrollTop: PropTypes.number.isRequired, isSmallScreen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onSortSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFilterSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onViewSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRefreshArtistPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRssSyncPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onScroll: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default ArtistIndex;