import _ from 'lodash'; import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions'; import { CLEAR_PENDING_CHANGES, REMOVE_ITEM, SET, UPDATE, UPDATE_ITEM, UPDATE_SERVER_SIDE_COLLECTION } from 'Store/Actions/baseActions'; import getSectionState from 'Utilities/State/getSectionState'; import updateSectionState from 'Utilities/State/updateSectionState'; const omittedProperties = [ 'section', 'id' ]; function createItemMap(data) { return data.reduce((acc, d, index) => { acc[] = index; return acc; }, {}); } export default function createHandleActions(handlers, defaultState, section) { return handleActions({ [SET]: function(state, { payload }) { const payloadSection = payload.section; const [baseSection] = payloadSection.split('.'); if (section === baseSection) { const newState = Object.assign(getSectionState(state, payloadSection), _.omit(payload, omittedProperties)); return updateSectionState(state, payloadSection, newState); } return state; }, [UPDATE]: function(state, { payload }) { const payloadSection = payload.section; const [baseSection] = payloadSection.split('.'); if (section === baseSection) { const newState = getSectionState(state, payloadSection); if (_.isArray( { newState.items =; newState.itemMap = createItemMap(; } else { newState.item =; } return updateSectionState(state, payloadSection, newState); } return state; }, [UPDATE_ITEM]: function(state, { payload }) { const { section: payloadSection, updateOnly = false, ...otherProps } = payload; const [baseSection] = payloadSection.split('.'); if (section === baseSection) { const newState = getSectionState(state, payloadSection); const items = newState.items; // Client side collections that are created by adding items to an // existing array may not have an itemMap, the array is probably empty, // but on the offchance it's not create a new item map based on the // items in the array. const itemMap = newState.itemMap ?? createItemMap(items); const index = in itemMap ? itemMap[] : -1; newState.items = [...items]; // TODO: Move adding to it's own reducer if (index >= 0) { const item = items[index]; const newItem = { ...item, ...otherProps }; // if the item to update is equal to existing, then don't actually update // to prevent costly reselections if (_.isEqual(item, newItem)) { return state; } newState.items.splice(index, 1, newItem); } else if (!updateOnly) { const newIndex = newState.items.push({ ...otherProps }) - 1; newState.itemMap = { ...itemMap }; newState.itemMap[] = newIndex; } return updateSectionState(state, payloadSection, newState); } return state; }, [CLEAR_PENDING_CHANGES]: function(state, { payload }) { const payloadSection = payload.section; const [baseSection] = payloadSection.split('.'); if (section === baseSection) { const newState = getSectionState(state, payloadSection); newState.pendingChanges = {}; if (newState.hasOwnProperty('saveError')) { newState.saveError = null; } return updateSectionState(state, payloadSection, newState); } return state; }, [REMOVE_ITEM]: function(state, { payload }) { const payloadSection = payload.section; const [baseSection] = payloadSection.split('.'); if (section === baseSection) { const newState = getSectionState(state, payloadSection); newState.items = [...newState.items]; _.remove(newState.items, { id: }); newState.itemMap = createItemMap(newState.items); return updateSectionState(state, payloadSection, newState); } return state; }, [UPDATE_SERVER_SIDE_COLLECTION]: function(state, { payload }) { const payloadSection = payload.section; const [baseSection] = payloadSection.split('.'); if (section === baseSection) { const data =; const newState = getSectionState(state, payloadSection); const serverState = _.omit(data, ['records']); const calculatedState = { totalPages: Math.max(Math.ceil(data.totalRecords / data.pageSize), 1), items: data.records, itemMap: createItemMap(data.records) }; return updateSectionState(state, payloadSection, Object.assign(newState, serverState, calculatedState)); } return state; }, ...handlers }, defaultState); }