using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Abstractions; using System.IO.Abstractions.TestingHelpers; using System.Linq; using FizzWare.NBuilder; using FluentAssertions; using Moq; using NUnit.Framework; using NzbDrone.Common.Disk; using NzbDrone.Core.Books; using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.BookImport; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities; using NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders; using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework; using NzbDrone.Test.Common; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.MediaFiles.DiskScanServiceTests { [TestFixture] public class ScanFixture : FileSystemTest { private Author _author; private string _rootFolder; private string _otherAuthorFolder; [SetUp] public void Setup() { _rootFolder = @"C:\Test\Music".AsOsAgnostic(); _otherAuthorFolder = @"C:\Test\Music\OtherAuthor".AsOsAgnostic(); var authorFolder = @"C:\Test\Music\Author".AsOsAgnostic(); _author = Builder.CreateNew() .With(s => s.Path = authorFolder) .Build(); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(s => s.GetBestRootFolder(It.IsAny())) .Returns(new RootFolder { Path = _rootFolder }); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(s => s.GetAuthors(It.IsAny>())) .Returns(new List()); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.IsAny>(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())) .Returns(new List>()); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(v => v.GetFilesByAuthor(It.IsAny())) .Returns(new List()); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(v => v.GetFilesWithBasePath(It.IsAny())) .Returns(new List()); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(v => v.FilterUnchangedFiles(It.IsAny>(), It.IsAny())) .Returns((List files, FilterFilesType filter) => files); } private void GivenRootFolder(params string[] subfolders) { FileSystem.AddDirectory(_rootFolder); foreach (var folder in subfolders) { FileSystem.AddDirectory(folder); } } private void GivenAuthorFolder() { GivenRootFolder(_author.Path); } private List GivenFiles(IEnumerable files, DateTimeOffset? lastWrite = null) { if (lastWrite == null) { TestLogger.Debug("Using default lastWrite"); lastWrite = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); } foreach (var file in files) { FileSystem.AddFile(file, new MockFileData(string.Empty) { LastWriteTime = lastWrite.Value }); } return files.Select(x => DiskProvider.GetFileInfo(x)).ToList(); } private void GivenKnownFiles(IEnumerable files, DateTimeOffset? lastWrite = null) { if (lastWrite == null) { TestLogger.Debug("Using default lastWrite"); lastWrite = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); } Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(x => x.GetFilesWithBasePath(_author.Path)) .Returns(files.Select(x => new BookFile { Path = x, Modified = lastWrite.Value.UtcDateTime }).ToList()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_if_root_folder_does_not_exist() { Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); ExceptionVerification.ExpectedWarns(1); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.FolderExists(_author.Path), Times.Never()); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.Clean(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny>()), Times.Never()); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.IsAny>(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Never()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_if_root_folder_is_empty() { GivenRootFolder(); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); ExceptionVerification.ExpectedWarns(1); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetFiles(_author.Path, SearchOption.AllDirectories), Times.Never()); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.Clean(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny>()), Times.Never()); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.IsAny>(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Never()); } [Test] public void should_clean_if_folder_does_not_exist() { GivenRootFolder(_otherAuthorFolder); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); DiskProvider.FolderExists(_author.Path).Should().BeFalse(); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.Clean(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny>()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_find_files_at_root_of_author_folder() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 2), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_extras_subfolder() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "EXTRAS", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Extras", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "EXTRAs", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "ExTrAs", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_AppleDouble_subfolder() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".AppleDouble", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".appledouble", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_scan_extras_author_and_subfolders() { _author.Path = @"C:\Test\Music\Extras".AsOsAgnostic(); GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Extras", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".AppleDouble", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 2", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 2", ""), }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 4), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_scan_files_that_start_with_period() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Book 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_subfolders_that_start_with_period() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".@__thumb", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".@__THUMB", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".hidden", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_subfolder_of_season_folder_that_starts_with_a_period() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ".@__thumb", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ".@__THUMB", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ".hidden", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ".AppleDouble", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_Synology_eaDir() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "@eaDir", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_scan_thumb_folder() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".@__thumb", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_scan_dotHack_folder() { _author.Path = @"C:\Test\Music\.hack".AsOsAgnostic(); GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 2), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_exclude_osx_metadata_files() { GivenAuthorFolder(); GivenFiles(new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, ".DS_STORE"), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "._24 The Status Quo"), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "24 The Status Quo") }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(v => v.GetImportDecisions(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 1), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once()); } private void GivenRejections() { Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(x => x.GetImportDecisions(It.IsAny>(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())) .Returns((List fileList, IdentificationOverrides idOverrides, ImportDecisionMakerInfo idInfo, ImportDecisionMakerConfig idConfig) => fileList.Select(x => new LocalBook { Author = _author, Path = x.FullName, Modified = x.LastWriteTimeUtc, FileTrackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo() }) .Select(x => new ImportDecision(x, new Rejection("Reject"))) .ToList()); } [Test] public void should_insert_new_unmatched_files_when_all_new() { var files = new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }; GivenFiles(files); GivenKnownFiles(new List()); GivenRejections(); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.AddMany(It.Is>(l => l.Select(t => t.Path).SequenceEqual(files))), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_insert_new_unmatched_files_when_some_known() { var files = new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }; GivenFiles(files); GivenKnownFiles(files.GetRange(1, 1)); GivenRejections(); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.AddMany(It.Is>(l => l.Select(t => t.Path).SequenceEqual(files.GetRange(0, 1)))), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_not_insert_files_when_all_known() { var files = new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }; GivenFiles(files); GivenKnownFiles(files); GivenRejections(); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.AddMany(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 0)), Times.Once()); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.AddMany(It.Is>(l => l.Count > 0)), Times.Never()); } [Test] public void should_not_update_info_for_unchanged_known_files() { var files = new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }; GivenFiles(files); GivenKnownFiles(files); GivenRejections(); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.Update(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 0)), Times.Once()); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.Update(It.Is>(l => l.Count > 0)), Times.Never()); } [Test] public void should_update_info_for_changed_known_files() { var files = new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", "") }; GivenFiles(files, new DateTime(2019, 2, 1)); GivenKnownFiles(files); GivenRejections(); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.Update(It.Is>(l => l.Count == 2)), Times.Once()); } [Test] public void should_update_fields_for_updated_files() { var files = new List { Path.Combine(_author.Path, "Season 1", ""), }; GivenKnownFiles(files); FileSystem.AddFile(files[0], new MockFileData("".PadRight(100)) { LastWriteTime = new DateTime(2019, 2, 1) }); var localTrack = Builder.CreateNew() .With(x => x.Path = files[0]) .With(x => x.Modified = new DateTime(2019, 2, 1)) .With(x => x.Size = 100) .With(x => x.Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MOBI)) .With(x => x.FileTrackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo { MediaInfo = Builder.CreateNew().Build() }) .Build(); Mocker.GetMock() .Setup(x => x.GetImportDecisions(It.IsAny>(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())) .Returns(new List> { new ImportDecision(localTrack, new Rejection("Reject")) }); Subject.Scan(new List { _author.Path }); Mocker.GetMock() .Verify(x => x.Update(It.Is>( l => l.Count == 1 && l[0].Path == localTrack.Path && l[0].Modified == localTrack.Modified && l[0].Size == localTrack.Size && l[0].Quality.Equals(localTrack.Quality) && l[0].MediaInfo.AudioFormat == localTrack.FileTrackInfo.MediaInfo.AudioFormat)), Times.Once()); } } }