'use strict'; define( [ 'app', 'marionette', 'System/StatusModel', 'System/About/View', 'Logs/Layout', 'Shared/Toolbar/ToolbarLayout', 'Shared/LoadingView' ], function (App, Marionette, StatusModel, AboutView, LogsLayout, ToolbarLayout, LoadingView) { return Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: 'System/LayoutTemplate', regions: { toolbar : '#toolbar', about : '#about', loading : '#loading' }, leftSideButtons: { type : 'default', storeState: false, items : [ { title: 'Logs', icon : 'icon-book', route: 'logs' }, { title : 'Check for Update', icon : 'icon-nd-update', command: 'applicationUpdate' }, // { // title : 'Restart', // icon : 'icon-repeat', // command : 'restart', // successMessage: 'NzbDrone restart has been triggered', // errorMessage : 'Failed to restart NzbDrone' // }, // { // title : 'Shutdown', // icon : 'icon-power-off', // command : 'shutdown', // successMessage: 'NzbDrone shutdown has started', // errorMessage : 'Failed to shutdown NzbDrone' // } ] }, initialize: function () { this.statusModel = StatusModel; }, onRender: function () { this._showToolbar(); this.about.show(new AboutView({ model: this.statusModel })); }, _showToolbar: function () { this.toolbar.show(new ToolbarLayout({ left : [ this.leftSideButtons ], context: this })); } }); });