using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.TPL; using NzbDrone.Core.Books; using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine; using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers; using NzbDrone.Core.IndexerSearch.Definitions; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; namespace NzbDrone.Core.IndexerSearch { public interface ISearchForReleases { List BookSearch(int bookId, bool missingOnly, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch); List AuthorSearch(int authorId, bool missingOnly, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch); } public class ReleaseSearchService : ISearchForReleases { private readonly IIndexerFactory _indexerFactory; private readonly IBookService _bookService; private readonly IAuthorService _authorService; private readonly IMakeDownloadDecision _makeDownloadDecision; private readonly Logger _logger; public ReleaseSearchService(IIndexerFactory indexerFactory, IBookService bookService, IAuthorService authorService, IMakeDownloadDecision makeDownloadDecision, Logger logger) { _indexerFactory = indexerFactory; _bookService = bookService; _authorService = authorService; _makeDownloadDecision = makeDownloadDecision; _logger = logger; } public List BookSearch(int bookId, bool missingOnly, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch) { var book = _bookService.GetBook(bookId); return BookSearch(book, missingOnly, userInvokedSearch, interactiveSearch); } public List AuthorSearch(int authorId, bool missingOnly, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch) { var author = _authorService.GetAuthor(authorId); return AuthorSearch(author, missingOnly, userInvokedSearch, interactiveSearch); } public List AuthorSearch(Author author, bool missingOnly, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch) { var searchSpec = Get(author, userInvokedSearch, interactiveSearch); var books = _bookService.GetBooksByAuthor(author.Id); books = books.Where(a => a.Monitored).ToList(); searchSpec.Books = books; return Dispatch(indexer => indexer.Fetch(searchSpec), searchSpec); } public List BookSearch(Book book, bool missingOnly, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch) { var author = _authorService.GetAuthor(book.AuthorId); var searchSpec = Get(author, new List { book }, userInvokedSearch, interactiveSearch); searchSpec.BookTitle = book.Editions.Value.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Monitored).Title; // searchSpec.BookIsbn = book.Isbn13; if (book.ReleaseDate.HasValue) { searchSpec.BookYear = book.ReleaseDate.Value.Year; } return Dispatch(indexer => indexer.Fetch(searchSpec), searchSpec); } private TSpec Get(Author author, List books, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch) where TSpec : SearchCriteriaBase, new() { var spec = new TSpec(); spec.Books = books; spec.Author = author; spec.UserInvokedSearch = userInvokedSearch; spec.InteractiveSearch = interactiveSearch; return spec; } private static TSpec Get(Author author, bool userInvokedSearch, bool interactiveSearch) where TSpec : SearchCriteriaBase, new() { var spec = new TSpec(); spec.Author = author; spec.UserInvokedSearch = userInvokedSearch; spec.InteractiveSearch = interactiveSearch; return spec; } private List Dispatch(Func> searchAction, SearchCriteriaBase criteriaBase) { var indexers = criteriaBase.InteractiveSearch ? _indexerFactory.InteractiveSearchEnabled() : _indexerFactory.AutomaticSearchEnabled(); // Filter indexers to untagged indexers and indexers with intersecting tags indexers = indexers.Where(i => i.Definition.Tags.Empty() || i.Definition.Tags.Intersect(criteriaBase.Author.Tags).Any()).ToList(); var reports = new List(); _logger.ProgressInfo("Searching indexers for {0}. {1} active indexers", criteriaBase, indexers.Count); var taskList = new List(); var taskFactory = new TaskFactory(TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskContinuationOptions.None); foreach (var indexer in indexers) { var indexerLocal = indexer; taskList.Add(taskFactory.StartNew(() => { try { var indexerReports = searchAction(indexerLocal); lock (reports) { reports.AddRange(indexerReports); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error(e, "Error while searching for {0}", criteriaBase); } }).LogExceptions()); } Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray()); _logger.Debug("Total of {0} reports were found for {1} from {2} indexers", reports.Count, criteriaBase, indexers.Count); return _makeDownloadDecision.GetSearchDecision(reports, criteriaBase).ToList(); } } }