using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.ServiceModel.Syndication; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using NzbDrone.Common; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Model; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers { class Omgwtfnzbs : IndexerBase { public Omgwtfnzbs(HttpProvider httpProvider, IConfigService configService) : base(httpProvider, configService) { } public override string Name { get { return "omgwtfnzbs"; } } protected override string[] Urls { get { return new string[] { String.Format(",20&user={0}&api={1}&eng=1", _configService.OmgwtfnzbsUsername, _configService.OmgwtfnzbsApiKey) }; } } public override bool IsConfigured { get { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_configService.OmgwtfnzbsUsername) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_configService.OmgwtfnzbsApiKey); } } protected override IList GetEpisodeSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, int seasonNumber, int episodeNumber) { var searchUrls = new List(); foreach (var url in Urls) { searchUrls.Add(String.Format("{0}&search={1}+S{2:00}E{3:00}", url, seriesTitle, seasonNumber, episodeNumber)); } return searchUrls; } protected override IList GetDailyEpisodeSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, DateTime date) { var searchUrls = new List(); foreach (var url in Urls) { searchUrls.Add(String.Format("{0}&search={1}+{2:yyyy MM dd}", url, seriesTitle, date)); } return searchUrls; } protected override IList GetSeasonSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, int seasonNumber) { var searchUrls = new List(); foreach (var url in Urls) { searchUrls.Add(String.Format("{0}&search={1}+S{2:00}", url, seriesTitle, seasonNumber)); } return searchUrls; } protected override IList GetPartialSeasonSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, int seasonNumber, int episodeWildcard) { var searchUrls = new List(); foreach (var url in Urls) { searchUrls.Add(String.Format("{0}&search={1}+S{2:00}E{3}", url, seriesTitle, seasonNumber, episodeWildcard)); } return searchUrls; } protected override string NzbDownloadUrl(SyndicationItem item) { return item.Links[0].Uri.ToString(); } protected override string NzbInfoUrl(SyndicationItem item) { //Todo: Me thinks I need to parse details to get this... var match = Regex.Match(item.Summary.Text, @"(?:\View NZB\:\<\/b\>\s\.+)(?:\""\starget)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); if(match.Success) { return match.Groups["URL"].Value; } return String.Empty; } protected override EpisodeParseResult CustomParser(SyndicationItem item, EpisodeParseResult currentResult) { if (currentResult != null) { var sizeString = Regex.Match(item.Summary.Text, @"Size:\<\/b\>\s\d+\.\d{1,2}\s\w{2}\
", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled).Value; currentResult.Size = Parser.GetReportSize(sizeString); } return currentResult; } } }