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using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common;
namespace NzbDrone.Common.Test
public class LevenshteinDistanceFixture : TestBase
[TestCase("", "", 0)]
[TestCase("abc", "abc", 0)]
[TestCase("abc", "abcd", 1)]
[TestCase("abcd", "abc", 1)]
[TestCase("abc", "abd", 1)]
[TestCase("abc", "adc", 1)]
[TestCase("abcdefgh", "abcghdef", 4)]
[TestCase("a.b.c.", "abc", 3)]
[TestCase("Agents Of SHIELD", "Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.", 15)]
[TestCase("Agents of cracked", "Agents of shield", 6)]
[TestCase("ABCxxx", "ABC1xx", 1)]
[TestCase("ABC1xx", "ABCxxx", 1)]
public void LevenshteinDistance(string text, string other, int expected)
[TestCase("hello", "hello")]
[TestCase("hello", "bye")]
[TestCase("a longer string", "a different long string")]
public void FuzzyMatchSymmetric(string a, string b)
[TestCase("", "", 0)]
[TestCase("a", "", 0)]
[TestCase("", "a", 0)]
public void FuzzyMatchEmptyValuesReturnZero(string a, string b, double expected)
[TestCase("AVERY", "GARVEY", 3)]
[TestCase("ADCROFT", "ADDESSI", 5)]
[TestCase("BAIRD", "BAISDEN", 3)]
[TestCase("BOGGAN", "BOGGS", 2)]
[TestCase("CLAYTON", "CLEARY", 5)]
[TestCase("DYBAS", "DYCKMAN", 4)]
[TestCase("EMINETH", "EMMERT", 4)]
[TestCase("GALANTE", "GALICKI", 4)]
[TestCase("HARDIN", "HARDING", 1)]
[TestCase("KEHOE", "KEHR", 2)]
[TestCase("LOWRY", "LUBARSKY", 5)]
[TestCase("MAGALLAN", "MAGANA", 3)]
[TestCase("MAYO", "MAYS", 1)]
[TestCase("MOENY", "MOFFETT", 4)]
[TestCase("PARE", "PARENT", 2)]
[TestCase("RAMEY", "RAMFREY", 2)]
public void BMtest(string a, string b, int expected)
ModifiedBerghelRoachEditDistance.GetDistance(a, b, 10).Should().Be(expected);