You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Books;
using NzbDrone.Core.IndexerSearch.Definitions;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Parser
public interface IParsingService
Author GetAuthor(string title);
RemoteBook Map(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null);
RemoteBook Map(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, int authorId, IEnumerable<int> bookIds);
List<Book> GetBooks(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, Author author, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null);
ParsedBookInfo ParseBookTitleFuzzy(string title);
// Music stuff here
Book GetLocalBook(string filename, Author author);
public class ParsingService : IParsingService
private readonly IAuthorService _authorService;
private readonly IBookService _bookService;
private readonly IEditionService _editionService;
private readonly IMediaFileService _mediaFileService;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public ParsingService(IAuthorService authorService,
IBookService bookService,
IEditionService editionService,
IMediaFileService mediaFileService,
Logger logger)
_bookService = bookService;
_editionService = editionService;
_authorService = authorService;
_mediaFileService = mediaFileService;
_logger = logger;
public Author GetAuthor(string title)
var parsedBookInfo = Parser.ParseBookTitle(title);
if (parsedBookInfo != null && !parsedBookInfo.AuthorName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
title = parsedBookInfo.AuthorName;
var authorInfo = _authorService.FindByName(title);
if (authorInfo == null)
_logger.Debug("Trying inexact author match for {0}", title);
authorInfo = _authorService.FindByNameInexact(title);
return authorInfo;
public RemoteBook Map(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null)
var remoteBook = new RemoteBook
ParsedBookInfo = parsedBookInfo,
var author = GetAuthor(parsedBookInfo, searchCriteria);
if (author == null)
return remoteBook;
remoteBook.Author = author;
remoteBook.Books = GetBooks(parsedBookInfo, author, searchCriteria);
return remoteBook;
public List<Book> GetBooks(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, Author author, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null)
var bookTitle = parsedBookInfo.BookTitle;
var result = new List<Book>();
if (parsedBookInfo.BookTitle == null)
return new List<Book>();
Book bookInfo = null;
if (parsedBookInfo.Discography)
if (parsedBookInfo.DiscographyStart > 0)
return _bookService.AuthorBooksBetweenDates(author,
new DateTime(parsedBookInfo.DiscographyStart, 1, 1),
new DateTime(parsedBookInfo.DiscographyEnd, 12, 31),
if (parsedBookInfo.DiscographyEnd > 0)
return _bookService.AuthorBooksBetweenDates(author,
new DateTime(1800, 1, 1),
new DateTime(parsedBookInfo.DiscographyEnd, 12, 31),
return _bookService.GetBooksByAuthor(author.Id);
if (searchCriteria != null)
var cleanTitle = Parser.CleanAuthorName(parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
bookInfo = searchCriteria.Books.ExclusiveOrDefault(e => e.Title == bookTitle || e.CleanTitle == cleanTitle);
if (bookInfo == null)
// TODO: Search by Title and Year instead of just Title when matching
bookInfo = _bookService.FindByTitle(author.AuthorMetadataId, parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
if (bookInfo == null)
var edition = _editionService.FindByTitle(author.AuthorMetadataId, parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
bookInfo = edition?.Book.Value;
if (bookInfo == null)
_logger.Debug("Trying inexact book match for {0}", parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
bookInfo = _bookService.FindByTitleInexact(author.AuthorMetadataId, parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
if (bookInfo == null)
_logger.Debug("Trying inexact edition match for {0}", parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
var edition = _editionService.FindByTitleInexact(author.AuthorMetadataId, parsedBookInfo.BookTitle);
bookInfo = edition?.Book.Value;
if (bookInfo != null)
_logger.Debug("Unable to find {0}", parsedBookInfo);
return result;
public RemoteBook Map(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, int authorId, IEnumerable<int> bookIds)
return new RemoteBook
ParsedBookInfo = parsedBookInfo,
Author = _authorService.GetAuthor(authorId),
Books = _bookService.GetBooks(bookIds)
private Author GetAuthor(ParsedBookInfo parsedBookInfo, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria)
Author author = null;
if (searchCriteria != null)
if (searchCriteria.Author.CleanName == parsedBookInfo.AuthorName.CleanAuthorName())
return searchCriteria.Author;
author = _authorService.FindByName(parsedBookInfo.AuthorName);
if (author == null)
_logger.Debug("Trying inexact author match for {0}", parsedBookInfo.AuthorName);
author = _authorService.FindByNameInexact(parsedBookInfo.AuthorName);
if (author == null)
_logger.Debug("No matching author {0}", parsedBookInfo.AuthorName);
return null;
return author;
public ParsedBookInfo ParseBookTitleFuzzy(string title)
var bestScore = 0.0;
Author bestAuthor = null;
Book bestBook = null;
var possibleAuthors = _authorService.GetReportCandidates(title);
foreach (var author in possibleAuthors)
_logger.Trace($"Trying possible author {author}");
var authorMatch = title.FuzzyMatch(author.Metadata.Value.Name, 0.5);
var possibleBooks = _bookService.GetCandidates(author.AuthorMetadataId, title);
foreach (var book in possibleBooks)
var bookMatch = title.FuzzyMatch(book.Title, 0.5);
var score = (authorMatch.Item3 + bookMatch.Item3) / 2;
_logger.Trace($"Book {book} has score {score}");
if (score > bestScore)
bestAuthor = author;
bestBook = book;
var possibleEditions = _editionService.GetCandidates(author.AuthorMetadataId, title);
foreach (var edition in possibleEditions)
var editionMatch = title.FuzzyMatch(edition.Title, 0.5);
var score = (authorMatch.Item3 + editionMatch.Item3) / 2;
_logger.Trace($"Edition {edition} has score {score}");
if (score > bestScore)
bestAuthor = author;
bestBook = edition.Book.Value;
_logger.Trace($"Best match: {bestAuthor} {bestBook}");
if (bestAuthor != null)
return Parser.ParseBookTitleWithSearchCriteria(title, bestAuthor, new List<Book> { bestBook });
return null;
public Book GetLocalBook(string filename, Author author)
if (Path.HasExtension(filename))
filename = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
var tracksInBook = _mediaFileService.GetFilesByAuthor(author.Id)
.FindAll(s => Path.GetDirectoryName(s.Path) == filename)
.DistinctBy(s => s.EditionId)
return tracksInBook.Count == 1 ? _bookService.GetBook(tracksInBook.First().EditionId) : null;