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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Ninject;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository;
using PetaPoco;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Jobs
/// <summary>
/// Provides a background task runner, tasks could be queue either by the scheduler using QueueScheduled()
/// or by explicitly calling QueueJob(type,int)
/// </summary>
public class JobProvider
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private readonly IDatabase _database;
private readonly NotificationProvider _notificationProvider;
private readonly IList<IJob> _jobs;
private static readonly object ExecutionLock = new object();
private Thread _jobThread;
private static bool _isRunning;
private static readonly List<JobQueueItem> _queue = new List<JobQueueItem>();
private ProgressNotification _notification;
public JobProvider(IDatabase database, NotificationProvider notificationProvider, IList<IJob> jobs)
_database = database;
_notificationProvider = notificationProvider;
_jobs = jobs;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JobProvider"/> class. by AutoMoq
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Should only be used by AutoMoq</remarks>
public JobProvider() { }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the active queue.
/// </summary>
public static List<JobQueueItem> Queue
return _queue;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of all registered jobs
/// </summary>
public virtual List<JobDefinition> All()
return _database.Fetch<JobDefinition>().ToList();
/// <summary>
/// Adds/Updates definitions for a job
/// </summary>
/// <param name="definitions">Settings to be added/updated</param>
public virtual void SaveDefinition(JobDefinition definitions)
if (definitions.Id == 0)
Logger.Trace("Adding job definitions for {0}", definitions.Name);
Logger.Trace("Updating job definitions for {0}", definitions.Name);
/// <summary>
/// Iterates through all registered jobs and queues any that are due for an execution.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Will ignore request if queue is already running.</remarks>
public virtual void QueueScheduled()
lock (ExecutionLock)
if (_isRunning)
Logger.Trace("Queue is already running. Ignoring scheduler's request.");
var counter = 0;
var pendingJobs = All().Where(
t => t.Enable &&
(DateTime.Now - t.LastExecution) > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(t.Interval)
).Select(c => _jobs.Where(t => t.GetType().ToString() == c.TypeName).Single());
foreach (var job in pendingJobs)
Logger.Trace("{0} Scheduled tasks have been added to the queue", counter);
/// <summary>
/// Queues the execution of a job asynchronously
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jobType">Type of the job that should be queued.</param>
/// <param name="targetId">The targetId could be any Id parameter eg. SeriesId. it will be passed to the job implementation
/// to allow it to filter it's target of execution.</param>
/// /// <param name="secondaryTargetId">The secondaryTargetId could be any Id parameter eg. SeasonNumber. it will be passed to
/// the timer implementation to further allow it to filter it's target of execution</param>
/// <remarks>Job is only added to the queue if same job with the same targetId doesn't already exist in the queue.</remarks>
public virtual void QueueJob(Type jobType, int targetId = 0, int secondaryTargetId = 0)
Logger.Debug("Adding [{0}:{1}] to the queue", jobType.Name, targetId);
lock (ExecutionLock)
lock (Queue)
var queueItem = new JobQueueItem
JobType = jobType,
TargetId = targetId,
SecondaryTargetId = secondaryTargetId
if (!Queue.Contains(queueItem))
Logger.Trace("Job [{0}:{1}] added to the queue", jobType.Name, targetId);
Logger.Info("[{0}:{1}] already exists in the queue. Skipping.", jobType.Name, targetId);
if (_isRunning)
Logger.Trace("Queue is already running. No need to start it up.");
_isRunning = true;
if (_jobThread == null || !_jobThread.IsAlive)
Logger.Trace("Initializing queue processor thread");
ThreadStart starter = () =>
catch (Exception e)
Logger.ErrorException("Error has occurred in queue processor thread", e);
_isRunning = false;
_jobThread = new Thread(starter) { Name = "JobQueueThread" };
Logger.Error("Execution lock has fucked up. Thread still active. Ignoring request.");
/// <summary>
/// Starts processing of queue synchronously.
/// </summary>
private void ProcessQueue()
using (NestedDiagnosticsContext.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
JobQueueItem job = null;
lock (Queue)
if (Queue.Count != 0)
job = Queue.First();
if (job != null)
Execute(job.JobType, job.TargetId, job.SecondaryTargetId);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.FatalException("An error has occurred while processing queued job.", e);
} while (Queue.Count != 0);
Logger.Trace("Finished processing jobs in the queue.");
/// <summary>
/// Executes the job synchronously
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jobType">Type of the job that should be executed</param>
/// <param name="targetId">The targetId could be any Id parameter eg. SeriesId. it will be passed to the timer implementation
/// to allow it to filter it's target of execution</param>
/// /// <param name="secondaryTargetId">The secondaryTargetId could be any Id parameter eg. SeasonNumber. it will be passed to
/// the timer implementation to further allow it to filter it's target of execution</param>
private void Execute(Type jobType, int targetId = 0, int secondaryTargetId = 0)
var jobImplementation = _jobs.Where(t => t.GetType() == jobType).Single();
if (jobImplementation == null)
Logger.Error("Unable to locate implementation for '{0}'. Make sure it is properly registered.", jobType);
var settings = All().Where(j => j.TypeName == jobType.ToString()).Single();
using (_notification = new ProgressNotification(jobImplementation.Name))
Logger.Debug("Starting '{0}' job. Last execution {1}", settings.Name, settings.LastExecution);
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
jobImplementation.Start(_notification, targetId, secondaryTargetId);
_notification.Status = ProgressNotificationStatus.Completed;
settings.LastExecution = DateTime.Now;
settings.Success = true;
Logger.Debug("Job '{0}' successfully completed in {1}.{2} seconds.", jobImplementation.Name, sw.Elapsed.Seconds, sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 100,
catch (Exception e)
Logger.ErrorException("An error has occurred while executing job " + jobImplementation.Name, e);
_notification.Status = ProgressNotificationStatus.Failed;
_notification.CurrentMessage = jobImplementation.Name + " Failed.";
settings.LastExecution = DateTime.Now;
settings.Success = false;
//Only update last execution status if was triggered by the scheduler
if (targetId == 0)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes jobs in the database using the IJob instances that are
/// registered using ninject
/// </summary>
public virtual void Initialize()
Logger.Debug("Initializing jobs. Count {0}", _jobs.Count());
var currentTimer = All();
foreach (var timer in _jobs)
var timerProviderLocal = timer;
if (!currentTimer.Exists(c => c.TypeName == timerProviderLocal.GetType().ToString()))
var settings = new JobDefinition
Enable = timerProviderLocal.DefaultInterval > 0,
TypeName = timer.GetType().ToString(),
Name = timerProviderLocal.Name,
Interval = timerProviderLocal.DefaultInterval,
LastExecution = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the next scheduled run time for a specific job
/// (Estimated due to schedule timer)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>DateTime of next scheduled job execution</returns>
public virtual DateTime NextScheduledRun(Type jobType)
var job = All().Where(t => t.TypeName == jobType.ToString()).Single();
return job.LastExecution.AddMinutes(job.Interval);