You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

356 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Abstractions;
using System.Linq;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Disk;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo;
using NzbDrone.Core.Books;
using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine;
using NzbDrone.Core.Download;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.BookImport;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.Events;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles
public interface IDownloadedBooksImportService
List<ImportResult> ProcessRootFolder(IDirectoryInfo directoryInfo);
List<ImportResult> ProcessPath(string path, ImportMode importMode = ImportMode.Auto, Author author = null, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem = null);
bool ShouldDeleteFolder(IDirectoryInfo directoryInfo);
public class DownloadedBooksImportService : IDownloadedBooksImportService
private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider;
private readonly IDiskScanService _diskScanService;
private readonly IAuthorService _authorService;
private readonly IParsingService _parsingService;
private readonly IMakeImportDecision _importDecisionMaker;
private readonly IImportApprovedBooks _importApprovedTracks;
private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
private readonly IRuntimeInfo _runtimeInfo;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public DownloadedBooksImportService(IDiskProvider diskProvider,
IDiskScanService diskScanService,
IAuthorService authorService,
IParsingService parsingService,
IMakeImportDecision importDecisionMaker,
IImportApprovedBooks importApprovedTracks,
IEventAggregator eventAggregator,
IRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo,
Logger logger)
_diskProvider = diskProvider;
_diskScanService = diskScanService;
_authorService = authorService;
_parsingService = parsingService;
_importDecisionMaker = importDecisionMaker;
_importApprovedTracks = importApprovedTracks;
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
_runtimeInfo = runtimeInfo;
_logger = logger;
public List<ImportResult> ProcessRootFolder(IDirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
var results = new List<ImportResult>();
foreach (var subFolder in _diskProvider.GetDirectoryInfos(directoryInfo.FullName))
var folderResults = ProcessFolder(subFolder, ImportMode.Auto, null);
foreach (var audioFile in _diskScanService.GetBookFiles(directoryInfo.FullName, false))
var fileResults = ProcessFile(audioFile, ImportMode.Auto, null);
return results;
public List<ImportResult> ProcessPath(string path, ImportMode importMode = ImportMode.Auto, Author author = null, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem = null)
_logger.Debug("Processing path: {0}", path);
if (_diskProvider.FolderExists(path))
var directoryInfo = _diskProvider.GetDirectoryInfo(path);
if (author == null)
return ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, downloadClientItem);
return ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, author, downloadClientItem);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(path))
var fileInfo = _diskProvider.GetFileInfo(path);
if (author == null)
return ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, downloadClientItem);
return ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, author, downloadClientItem);
_eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new TrackImportFailedEvent(null, null, true, downloadClientItem));
return new List<ImportResult>();
public bool ShouldDeleteFolder(IDirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
var bookFiles = _diskScanService.GetBookFiles(directoryInfo.FullName);
var rarFiles = _diskProvider.GetFiles(directoryInfo.FullName, true).Where(f => Path.GetExtension(f).Equals(".rar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
foreach (var bookFile in bookFiles)
var bookParseResult = Parser.Parser.ParseTitle(bookFile.Name);
if (bookParseResult == null)
_logger.Warn("Unable to parse file on import: [{0}]", bookFile);
return false;
_logger.Warn("Book file detected: [{0}]", bookFile);
return false;
if (rarFiles.Any(f => _diskProvider.GetFileSize(f) > 10.Megabytes()))
_logger.Warn("RAR file detected, will require manual cleanup");
return false;
return true;
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e)
_logger.Debug(e, "Folder {0} has already been removed", directoryInfo.FullName);
return false;
private List<ImportResult> ProcessFolder(IDirectoryInfo directoryInfo, ImportMode importMode, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem)
var cleanedUpName = GetCleanedUpFolderName(directoryInfo.Name);
var author = _parsingService.GetAuthor(cleanedUpName);
return ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, author, downloadClientItem);
private List<ImportResult> ProcessFolder(IDirectoryInfo directoryInfo, ImportMode importMode, Author author, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem)
if (_authorService.AuthorPathExists(directoryInfo.FullName))
_logger.Warn("Unable to process folder that is mapped to an existing author");
return new List<ImportResult>();
var cleanedUpName = GetCleanedUpFolderName(directoryInfo.Name);
var folderInfo = Parser.Parser.ParseBookTitle(directoryInfo.Name);
var trackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo { };
if (folderInfo != null)
_logger.Debug("{0} folder quality: {1}", cleanedUpName, folderInfo.Quality);
trackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo
BookTitle = folderInfo.BookTitle,
Authors = new List<string> { folderInfo.AuthorName },
Quality = folderInfo.Quality,
ReleaseGroup = folderInfo.ReleaseGroup,
ReleaseHash = folderInfo.ReleaseHash,
trackInfo = null;
var audioFiles = _diskScanService.FilterFiles(directoryInfo.FullName, _diskScanService.GetBookFiles(directoryInfo.FullName));
if (downloadClientItem == null)
foreach (var audioFile in audioFiles)
if (_diskProvider.IsFileLocked(audioFile.FullName))
return new List<ImportResult>
var idOverrides = new IdentificationOverrides
Author = author
var idInfo = new ImportDecisionMakerInfo
DownloadClientItem = downloadClientItem,
ParsedBookInfo = folderInfo
var idConfig = new ImportDecisionMakerConfig
Filter = FilterFilesType.None,
NewDownload = true,
SingleRelease = false,
IncludeExisting = false,
AddNewAuthors = false
var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(audioFiles, idOverrides, idInfo, idConfig);
var importResults = _importApprovedTracks.Import(decisions, true, downloadClientItem, importMode);
if (importMode == ImportMode.Auto)
importMode = (downloadClientItem == null || downloadClientItem.CanMoveFiles) ? ImportMode.Move : ImportMode.Copy;
if (importMode == ImportMode.Move &&
importResults.Any(i => i.Result == ImportResultType.Imported) &&
_logger.Debug("Deleting folder after importing valid files");
_diskProvider.DeleteFolder(directoryInfo.FullName, true);
return importResults;
private List<ImportResult> ProcessFile(IFileInfo fileInfo, ImportMode importMode, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem)
var author = _parsingService.GetAuthor(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name));
if (author == null)
_logger.Debug("Unknown Author for file: {0}", fileInfo.Name);
return new List<ImportResult>
UnknownAuthorResult(string.Format("Unknown Author for file: {0}", fileInfo.Name), fileInfo.FullName)
return ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, author, downloadClientItem);
private List<ImportResult> ProcessFile(IFileInfo fileInfo, ImportMode importMode, Author author, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem)
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name).StartsWith("._"))
_logger.Debug("[{0}] starts with '._', skipping", fileInfo.FullName);
return new List<ImportResult>
new ImportResult(new ImportDecision<LocalBook>(new LocalBook { Path = fileInfo.FullName }, new Rejection("Invalid music file, filename starts with '._'")), "Invalid music file, filename starts with '._'")
if (downloadClientItem == null)
if (_diskProvider.IsFileLocked(fileInfo.FullName))
return new List<ImportResult>
var idOverrides = new IdentificationOverrides
Author = author
var idInfo = new ImportDecisionMakerInfo
DownloadClientItem = downloadClientItem
var idConfig = new ImportDecisionMakerConfig
Filter = FilterFilesType.None,
NewDownload = true,
SingleRelease = false,
IncludeExisting = false,
AddNewAuthors = false
var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(new List<IFileInfo>() { fileInfo }, idOverrides, idInfo, idConfig);
return _importApprovedTracks.Import(decisions, true, downloadClientItem, importMode);
private string GetCleanedUpFolderName(string folder)
folder = folder.Replace("_UNPACK_", "")
.Replace("_FAILED_", "");
return folder;
private ImportResult FileIsLockedResult(string audioFile)
_logger.Debug("[{0}] is currently locked by another process, skipping", audioFile);
return new ImportResult(new ImportDecision<LocalBook>(new LocalBook { Path = audioFile }, new Rejection("Locked file, try again later")), "Locked file, try again later");
private ImportResult UnknownAuthorResult(string message, string bookFile = null)
var localTrack = bookFile == null ? null : new LocalBook { Path = bookFile };
return new ImportResult(new ImportDecision<LocalBook>(localTrack, new Rejection("Unknown Author")), message);
private void LogInaccessiblePathError(string path)
if (_runtimeInfo.IsWindowsService)
var mounts = _diskProvider.GetMounts();
var mount = mounts.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RootDirectory == Path.GetPathRoot(path));
if (mount == null)
_logger.Error("Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Readarr: {0}. Unable to find a volume mounted for the path. If you're using a mapped network drive see the FAQ for more info", path);
if (mount.DriveType == DriveType.Network)
_logger.Error("Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Readarr: {0}. It's recommended to avoid mapped network drives when running as a Windows service. See the FAQ for more info", path);
if (OsInfo.IsWindows)
if (path.StartsWith(@"\\"))
_logger.Error("Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Readarr: {0}. Ensure the user running Readarr has access to the network share", path);
_logger.Error("Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Readarr: {0}. Ensure the path exists and the user running Readarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder", path);