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402 lines
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402 lines
13 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client;
using NLog;
using NLog.Config;
using NLog.Targets;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.BookImport.Manual;
using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities;
using NzbDrone.Integration.Test.Client;
using NzbDrone.SignalR;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common.Categories;
using Readarr.Api.V1.Author;
using Readarr.Api.V1.Blacklist;
using Readarr.Api.V1.Books;
using Readarr.Api.V1.Config;
using Readarr.Api.V1.DownloadClient;
using Readarr.Api.V1.History;
using Readarr.Api.V1.Profiles.Quality;
using Readarr.Api.V1.RootFolders;
using Readarr.Api.V1.System.Tasks;
using Readarr.Api.V1.Tags;
using RestSharp;
using RestSharp.Serializers.SystemTextJson;
namespace NzbDrone.Integration.Test
public abstract class IntegrationTestBase
protected RestClient RestClient { get; private set; }
public ClientBase<BlacklistResource> Blacklist;
public CommandClient Commands;
public ClientBase<TaskResource> Tasks;
public DownloadClientClient DownloadClients;
public BookClient Books;
public ClientBase<HistoryResource> History;
public ClientBase<HostConfigResource> HostConfig;
public IndexerClient Indexers;
public LogsClient Logs;
public ClientBase<NamingConfigResource> NamingConfig;
public NotificationClient Notifications;
public ClientBase<QualityProfileResource> Profiles;
public ReleaseClient Releases;
public ReleasePushClient ReleasePush;
public ClientBase<RootFolderResource> RootFolders;
public AuthorClient Author;
public ClientBase<TagResource> Tags;
public ClientBase<BookResource> WantedMissing;
public ClientBase<BookResource> WantedCutoffUnmet;
private List<SignalRMessage> _signalRReceived;
private HubConnection _signalrConnection;
protected IEnumerable<SignalRMessage> SignalRMessages => _signalRReceived;
public IntegrationTestBase()
new StartupContext();
LogManager.Configuration = new LoggingConfiguration();
var consoleTarget = new ConsoleTarget { Layout = "${level}: ${message} ${exception}" };
LogManager.Configuration.AddTarget(consoleTarget.GetType().Name, consoleTarget);
LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Trace, consoleTarget));
public string TempDirectory { get; private set; }
public abstract string AuthorRootFolder { get; }
protected abstract string RootUrl { get; }
protected abstract string ApiKey { get; }
protected abstract void StartTestTarget();
protected abstract void InitializeTestTarget();
protected abstract void StopTestTarget();
public void SmokeTestSetup()
protected virtual void InitRestClients()
RestClient = new RestClient(RootUrl + "api/v1/");
RestClient.AddDefaultHeader("Authentication", ApiKey);
RestClient.AddDefaultHeader("X-Api-Key", ApiKey);
Blacklist = new ClientBase<BlacklistResource>(RestClient, ApiKey);
Commands = new CommandClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
Tasks = new ClientBase<TaskResource>(RestClient, ApiKey, "system/task");
DownloadClients = new DownloadClientClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
Books = new BookClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
History = new ClientBase<HistoryResource>(RestClient, ApiKey);
HostConfig = new ClientBase<HostConfigResource>(RestClient, ApiKey, "config/host");
Indexers = new IndexerClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
Logs = new LogsClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
NamingConfig = new ClientBase<NamingConfigResource>(RestClient, ApiKey, "config/naming");
Notifications = new NotificationClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
Profiles = new ClientBase<QualityProfileResource>(RestClient, ApiKey);
Releases = new ReleaseClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
ReleasePush = new ReleasePushClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
RootFolders = new ClientBase<RootFolderResource>(RestClient, ApiKey);
Author = new AuthorClient(RestClient, ApiKey);
Tags = new ClientBase<TagResource>(RestClient, ApiKey);
WantedMissing = new ClientBase<BookResource>(RestClient, ApiKey, "wanted/missing");
WantedCutoffUnmet = new ClientBase<BookResource>(RestClient, ApiKey, "wanted/cutoff");
public void SmokeTestTearDown()
public void IntegrationSetUp()
TempDirectory = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "_test_" + TestBase.GetUID());
// Wait for things to get quiet, otherwise the previous test might influence the current one.
public async Task IntegrationTearDown()
if (_signalrConnection != null)
await _signalrConnection.StopAsync();
_signalrConnection = null;
_signalRReceived = new List<SignalRMessage>();
if (Directory.Exists(TempDirectory))
Directory.Delete(TempDirectory, true);
public string GetTempDirectory(params string[] args)
var path = Path.Combine(TempDirectory, Path.Combine(args));
return path;
protected async Task ConnectSignalR()
_signalRReceived = new List<SignalRMessage>();
_signalrConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.WithUrl("http://localhost:8787/signalr/messages", options =>
options.AccessTokenProvider = () => Task.FromResult(ApiKey);
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
_signalrConnection.Closed += e =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
_signalrConnection.On<SignalRMessage>("receiveMessage", (message) =>
var connected = false;
var retryCount = 0;
while (!connected)
await _signalrConnection.StartAsync();
connected = true;
if (retryCount > 25)
Assert.Fail("Couldn't establish signalR connection");
public static void WaitForCompletion(Func<bool> predicate, int timeout = 10000, int interval = 500)
var count = timeout / interval;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (predicate())
if (predicate())
Assert.Fail("Timed on wait");
public AuthorResource EnsureAuthor(string authorId, string goodreadsEditionId, string authorName, bool? monitored = null)
var result = Author.All().FirstOrDefault(v => v.ForeignAuthorId == authorId);
if (result == null)
var lookup = Author.Lookup("readarr:" + goodreadsEditionId);
var author = lookup.First();
author.QualityProfileId = 1;
author.MetadataProfileId = 1;
author.Path = Path.Combine(AuthorRootFolder, author.AuthorName);
author.Monitored = true;
author.AddOptions = new Core.Books.AddAuthorOptions();
result = Author.Post(author);
WaitForCompletion(() => Books.GetBooksInAuthor(result.Id).Count > 0);
var changed = false;
if (result.RootFolderPath != AuthorRootFolder)
changed = true;
result.RootFolderPath = AuthorRootFolder;
result.Path = Path.Combine(AuthorRootFolder, result.AuthorName);
if (monitored.HasValue)
if (result.Monitored != monitored.Value)
result.Monitored = monitored.Value;
changed = true;
if (changed)
result.NextBook = result.LastBook = null;
return result;
public void EnsureNoAuthor(string readarrId, string authorTitle)
var result = Author.All().FirstOrDefault(v => v.ForeignAuthorId == readarrId);
if (result != null)
public void EnsureBookFile(AuthorResource author, int bookId, string foreignEditionId, Quality quality)
var result = Books.GetBooksInAuthor(author.Id).Single(v => v.Id == bookId);
// if (result.BookFile == null)
if (true)
var path = Path.Combine(AuthorRootFolder, author.AuthorName, "Track.mp3");
File.WriteAllText(path, "Fake Track");
Commands.PostAndWait(new ManualImportCommand
Files = new List<ManualImportFile>
new ManualImportFile
Path = path,
AuthorId = author.Id,
BookId = bookId,
ForeignEditionId = foreignEditionId,
Quality = new QualityModel(quality)
var track = Books.GetBooksInAuthor(author.Id).Single(x => x.Id == bookId);
// track.BookFileId.Should().NotBe(0);
public QualityProfileResource EnsureProfileCutoff(int profileId, Quality cutoff)
var profile = Profiles.Get(profileId);
if (profile.Cutoff != cutoff.Id)
profile.Cutoff = cutoff.Id;
profile = Profiles.Put(profile);
return profile;
public TagResource EnsureTag(string tagLabel)
var tag = Tags.All().FirstOrDefault(v => v.Label == tagLabel);
if (tag == null)
tag = Tags.Post(new TagResource { Label = tagLabel });
return tag;
public void EnsureNoTag(string tagLabel)
var tag = Tags.All().FirstOrDefault(v => v.Label == tagLabel);
if (tag != null)
public DownloadClientResource EnsureDownloadClient(bool enabled = true)
var client = DownloadClients.All().FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == "Test UsenetBlackhole");
if (client == null)
var schema = DownloadClients.Schema().First(v => v.Implementation == "UsenetBlackhole");
schema.Enable = enabled;
schema.Name = "Test UsenetBlackhole";
schema.Fields.First(v => v.Name == "watchFolder").Value = GetTempDirectory("Download", "UsenetBlackhole", "Watch");
schema.Fields.First(v => v.Name == "nzbFolder").Value = GetTempDirectory("Download", "UsenetBlackhole", "Nzb");
client = DownloadClients.Post(schema);
else if (client.Enable != enabled)
client.Enable = enabled;
client = DownloadClients.Put(client);
return client;
public void EnsureNoDownloadClient()
var clients = DownloadClients.All();
foreach (var client in clients)