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@using NzbDrone.Web.Helpers
@model NzbDrone.Web.Models.EpisodeModel
<tr class="@Model.EpisodeId">
string cellColourClass = String.Empty;
if (Model.Status == "Missing")
cellColourClass = "episodeMissing";
if (Model.Ignored)
cellColourClass = "episodeIgnored";
@*Commands Column*@
<td class="@cellColourClass">
<img src='../../Content/Images/@(Model.Ignored ? "ignored" : "notIgnored").png' class='ignoreEpisode ignoreEpisode_@(Model.SeasonNumber) @(Model.Ignored ? "ignored" : "")' id='@Model.EpisodeId' title='Click to toggle episode ignore status' />
<img src='../../Content/Images/@(Model.Status).png' alt='@Model.Status' title='@Model.Status' class='statusImage status-@Model.Status' />
@Ajax.ImageActionLink("../../Content/Images/Search.png", new { Alt = "Search", Title = "Search for episode", @class = "searchImage" }, "Search", "Episode", new { EpisodeId = Model.EpisodeId }, null, null)
@Ajax.ImageActionLink("../../Content/Images/Rename.png", new { Alt = "Rename", Title = "Rename episode", @class = "renameImage" }, "Rename", "Episode", new { EpisodeFileId = Model.EpisodeFileId }, null, null)
<tr class="detail-view">
<td colspan="5">
@Model.Overview <br />