You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
7.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.BookImport.Aggregation.Aggregators;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.MediaFiles.BookImport.Aggregation.Aggregators
public class AggregateFilenameInfoFixture : CoreTest<AggregateFilenameInfo>
private LocalEdition GivenTracks(List<string> files, string root)
var tracks = files.Select(x => new LocalBook
Path = Path.Combine(root, x),
FileTrackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo
TrackNumbers = new[] { 0 },
return new LocalEdition(tracks);
private void VerifyData(LocalBook track, string author, string title, int trackNum, int disc)
public void should_aggregate_filenames_example()
var release = GivenTracks(new List<string>
"Adele - 19 - 101 - Daydreamer.mp3",
"Adele - 19 - 102 - Best for Last.mp3",
"Adele - 19 - 103 - Chasing Pavements.mp3",
"Adele - 19 - 203 - That's It, I Quit, I'm Moving On.mp3"
}, @"C:\incoming".AsOsAgnostic());
Subject.Aggregate(release, true);
VerifyData(release.LocalBooks[0], "Adele", "Daydreamer", 1, 1);
VerifyData(release.LocalBooks[1], "Adele", "Best for Last", 2, 1);
VerifyData(release.LocalBooks[2], "Adele", "Chasing Pavements", 3, 1);
VerifyData(release.LocalBooks[3], "Adele", "That's It, I Quit, I'm Moving On", 3, 2);
public static class TestCaseFactory
private static List<string[]> tokenList = new List<string[]>
new[] { "trackNum2", "author", "title", "tag" },
new[] { "trackNum3", "author", "title", "tag" },
new[] { "trackNum2", "author", "tag", "title" },
new[] { "trackNum3", "author", "tag", "title" },
new[] { "trackNum2", "author", "title" },
new[] { "trackNum3", "author", "title" },
new[] { "author", "tag", "trackNum2", "title" },
new[] { "author", "tag", "trackNum3", "title" },
new[] { "author", "trackNum2", "title", "tag" },
new[] { "author", "trackNum3", "title", "tag" },
new[] { "author", "trackNum2", "title" },
new[] { "author", "trackNum3", "title" },
new[] { "author", "title", "tag" },
new[] { "author", "tag", "title" },
new[] { "author", "title" },
new[] { "trackNum2", "title" },
new[] { "trackNum3", "title" },
new[] { "title" },
private static List<Tuple<string, string>> separators = new List<Tuple<string, string>>
Tuple.Create(" - ", " "),
Tuple.Create("_", " "),
Tuple.Create("-", "_")
private static List<Tuple<string[], string, string>> otherCases = new List<Tuple<string[], string, string>>
Tuple.Create(new[] { "track2", "title" }, " ", " "),
Tuple.Create(new[] { "track3", "title" }, " ", " ")
public static IEnumerable TestCases
var i = 0;
foreach (var tokens in tokenList)
foreach (var separator in separators)
yield return new TestCaseData(Tuple.Create(tokens, separator.Item1, separator.Item2))
.SetDescription($"tokens: {string.Join(", ", tokens)}, separator: '{separator.Item1}', whitespace: '{separator.Item2}'");
// and a few other cases where all the permutations don't make sense
foreach (var item in otherCases)
yield return new TestCaseData(item)
.SetDescription($"tokens: {string.Join(", ", item.Item1)}, separator: '{item.Item2}', whitespace: '{item.Item3}'");
private List<string> GivenFilenames(string[] fields, string fieldSeparator, string whitespace)
var outp = new List<string>();
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
var components = new List<string>();
foreach (var field in fields)
switch (field)
case "author":
components.Add("author name".Replace(" ", whitespace));
case "tag":
components.Add("tag string ignore".Replace(" ", whitespace));
case "title":
components.Add($"{(char)(96 + i)} track title {i}".Replace(" ", whitespace));
case "trackNum2":
case "trackNum3":
components.Add((100 + i).ToString("000"));
outp.Add(string.Join(fieldSeparator, components) + ".mp3");
return outp;
private void VerifyDataAuto(List<LocalBook> tracks, string[] tokens, string whitespace)
for (var i = 1; i <= tracks.Count; i++)
var info = tracks[i - 1].FileTrackInfo;
if (tokens.Contains("author"))
info.AuthorTitle.Should().Be("author name".Replace(" ", whitespace));
if (tokens.Contains("title"))
info.BookTitle.Should().Be($"{(char)(96 + i)} track title {i}".Replace(" ", whitespace));
[TestCaseSource(typeof(TestCaseFactory), "TestCases")]
public void should_aggregate_filenames_auto(Tuple<string[], string, string> testcase)
var files = GivenFilenames(testcase.Item1, testcase.Item2, testcase.Item3);
var release = GivenTracks(files, @"C:\incoming".AsOsAgnostic());
Subject.Aggregate(release, true);
VerifyDataAuto(release.LocalBooks, testcase.Item1, testcase.Item3);