You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

984 lines
34 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using LazyCache;
using LazyCache.Providers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Cache;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer;
using NzbDrone.Core.Books;
using NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover;
using NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.Goodreads;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.BookInfo
public class BookInfoProxy : IProvideAuthorInfo, IProvideBookInfo, ISearchForNewBook, ISearchForNewAuthor, ISearchForNewEntity
private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions SerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = false,
Converters = { new STJUtcConverter() }
private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient;
private readonly ICachedHttpResponseService _cachedHttpClient;
private readonly IGoodreadsSearchProxy _goodreadsSearchProxy;
private readonly IAuthorService _authorService;
private readonly IBookService _bookService;
private readonly IEditionService _editionService;
private readonly Logger _logger;
private readonly IMetadataRequestBuilder _requestBuilder;
private readonly ICached<HashSet<string>> _cache;
private readonly CachingService _authorCache;
public BookInfoProxy(IHttpClient httpClient,
ICachedHttpResponseService cachedHttpClient,
IGoodreadsSearchProxy goodreadsSearchProxy,
IAuthorService authorService,
IBookService bookService,
IEditionService editionService,
IMetadataRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
Logger logger,
ICacheManager cacheManager)
_httpClient = httpClient;
_cachedHttpClient = cachedHttpClient;
_goodreadsSearchProxy = goodreadsSearchProxy;
_authorService = authorService;
_bookService = bookService;
_editionService = editionService;
_requestBuilder = requestBuilder;
_cache = cacheManager.GetCache<HashSet<string>>(GetType());
_logger = logger;
_authorCache = new CachingService(new MemoryCacheProvider(new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions { SizeLimit = 10 })));
_authorCache.DefaultCachePolicy = new CacheDefaults
DefaultCacheDurationSeconds = 60
public HashSet<string> GetChangedAuthors(DateTime startTime)
var httpRequest = _requestBuilder.GetRequestBuilder().Create()
.SetSegment("route", "author/changed")
.AddQueryParam("since", startTime.ToString("o"))
httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true;
var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get<RecentUpdatesResource>(httpRequest);
if (httpResponse.Resource.Limited)
return null;
return new HashSet<string>(httpResponse.Resource.Ids.Select(x => x.ToString()));
public Author GetAuthorInfo(string foreignAuthorId, bool useCache = true)
_logger.Debug("Getting Author details GoodreadsId of {0}", foreignAuthorId);
if (useCache)
return PollAuthor(foreignAuthorId);
return PollAuthorUncached(foreignAuthorId);
catch (BookInfoException e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Unexpected error getting author info");
throw new AuthorNotFoundException(foreignAuthorId);
public HashSet<string> GetChangedBooks(DateTime startTime)
return _cache.Get("ChangedBooks", () => GetChangedBooksUncached(startTime), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
private HashSet<string> GetChangedBooksUncached(DateTime startTime)
return null;
public Tuple<string, Book, List<AuthorMetadata>> GetBookInfo(string foreignBookId)
return PollBook(foreignBookId);
catch (BookInfoException e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Unexpected error getting book info");
throw new BookNotFoundException(foreignBookId);
public List<object> SearchForNewEntity(string title)
var books = SearchForNewBook(title, null, false);
var result = new List<object>();
foreach (var book in books)
var author = book.Author.Value;
if (!result.Contains(author))
return result;
public List<Author> SearchForNewAuthor(string title)
var books = SearchForNewBook(title, null);
return books
.Select(x => x.Author.Value)
.DistinctBy(x => x.ForeignAuthorId)
public List<Book> SearchForNewBook(string title, string author, bool getAllEditions = true)
var q = title.ToLower().Trim();
if (author != null)
q += " " + author;
var lowerTitle = title.ToLowerInvariant();
var split = lowerTitle.Split(':');
var prefix = split[0];
if (split.Length == 2 && new[] { "author", "work", "edition", "isbn", "asin" }.Contains(prefix))
var slug = split[1].Trim();
if (slug.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || slug.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace))
return new List<Book>();
if (prefix == "author" || prefix == "work" || prefix == "edition")
var isValid = int.TryParse(slug, out var searchId);
if (!isValid)
return new List<Book>();
if (prefix == "author")
return SearchByGoodreadsAuthorId(searchId);
if (prefix == "work")
return SearchByGoodreadsWorkId(searchId);
if (prefix == "edition")
return SearchByGoodreadsBookId(searchId, getAllEditions);
// to handle isbn / asin
q = slug;
return Search(q, getAllEditions);
catch (HttpException ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, ex.Message);
throw new GoodreadsException("Search for '{0}' failed. Unable to communicate with Goodreads.", title);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Warn(ex, ex.Message);
throw new GoodreadsException("Search for '{0}' failed. Invalid response received from Goodreads.",
public List<Book> SearchByIsbn(string isbn)
return Search(isbn, true);
public List<Book> SearchByAsin(string asin)
return Search(asin, true);
private List<Book> Search(string query, bool getAllEditions)
List<SearchJsonResource> result;
result = _goodreadsSearchProxy.Search(query);
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Error searching for {0}", query);
return new List<Book>();
var books = new List<Book>();
if (getAllEditions)
// Slower but more exhaustive, less intensive on metadata API
var bookIds = result.Select(x => x.WorkId).ToList();
var idMap = result.Select(x => new { AuthorId = x.Author.Id, BookId = x.WorkId })
.GroupBy(x => x.AuthorId)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Select(i => i.BookId.ToString()).ToList());
List<Book> authorBooks;
foreach (var author in idMap.Keys)
authorBooks = SearchByGoodreadsAuthorId(author);
books.AddRange(authorBooks.Where(b => idMap[author].Contains(b.ForeignBookId)));
var missingBooks = bookIds.ExceptBy(x => x.ToString(), books, x => x.ForeignBookId, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList();
foreach (var book in missingBooks)
return books;
// Use sparingly, hits metadata API quite hard
var ids = result.Select(x => x.BookId).ToList();
if (ids.Count == 0)
return new List<Book>();
if (ids.Count == 1)
return SearchByGoodreadsBookId(ids[0], false);
return MapSearchResult(ids);
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Error mapping search results");
return new List<Book>();
private List<Book> SearchByGoodreadsAuthorId(int id)
var authorId = id.ToString();
var result = GetAuthorInfo(authorId);
var books = result.Books.Value;
var authors = new Dictionary<string, AuthorMetadata> { { authorId, result.Metadata.Value } };
foreach (var book in books)
AddDbIds(authorId, book, authors);
return books;
catch (AuthorNotFoundException)
return new List<Book>();
catch (BookInfoException e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Error searching by author id");
return new List<Book>();
public List<Book> SearchByGoodreadsWorkId(int id)
var tuple = GetBookInfo(id.ToString());
AddDbIds(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3.ToDictionary(x => x.ForeignAuthorId));
return new List<Book> { tuple.Item2 };
catch (BookNotFoundException)
return new List<Book>();
catch (BookInfoException e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Error searching by work id");
return new List<Book>();
public List<Book> SearchByGoodreadsBookId(int id, bool getAllEditions)
var book = GetEditionInfo(id, getAllEditions);
return new List<Book> { book };
catch (AuthorNotFoundException)
return new List<Book>();
catch (BookNotFoundException)
return new List<Book>();
catch (EditionNotFoundException)
return new List<Book>();
catch (BookInfoException e)
_logger.Warn(e, "Error searching by book id");
return new List<Book>();
private Book GetEditionInfo(int id, bool getAllEditions)
HttpRequest httpRequest;
HttpResponse httpResponse;
while (true)
httpRequest = _requestBuilder.GetRequestBuilder().Create()
.SetSegment("route", $"book/{id}")
httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true;
// we expect a redirect
httpResponse = _httpClient.Get(httpRequest);
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
throw new EditionNotFoundException(id.ToString());
if (!httpResponse.HasHttpRedirect)
throw new BookInfoException($"Unexpected response from {httpRequest.Url}");
var location = httpResponse.Headers.GetSingleValue("Location");
var split = location.Split('/').Reverse().ToList();
var newId = split[0];
var type = split[1];
Book book;
List<AuthorMetadata> authors;
if (type == "author")
var author = PollAuthor(newId);
book = author.Books.Value.Where(b => b.Editions.Value.Any(e => e.ForeignEditionId == id.ToString())).FirstOrDefault();
authors = new List<AuthorMetadata> { author.Metadata.Value };
else if (type == "work")
var tuple = PollBook(newId);
book = tuple.Item2;
authors = tuple.Item3;
throw new NotImplementedException($"Unexpected response from {httpResponse.Request.Url}");
if (book == null || book.Editions.Value.All(e => e.ForeignEditionId != id.ToString()))
throw new EditionNotFoundException(id.ToString());
if (!getAllEditions)
var trimmed = new Book();
trimmed.Author.Value.Metadata = book.AuthorMetadata.Value;
trimmed.AuthorMetadata = book.AuthorMetadata.Value;
trimmed.SeriesLinks = book.SeriesLinks;
var edition = book.Editions.Value.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ForeignEditionId == id.ToString());
if (edition != null)
edition.Monitored = true;
trimmed.Editions = new List<Edition> { edition };
book = trimmed;
var authorDict = authors.ToDictionary(x => x.ForeignAuthorId);
AddDbIds(book.AuthorMetadata.Value.ForeignAuthorId, book, authorDict);
return book;
private List<Book> MapSearchResult(List<int> ids)
HttpRequest httpRequest;
HttpResponse<BulkBookResource> httpResponse;
while (true)
httpRequest = _requestBuilder.GetRequestBuilder().Create()
.SetSegment("route", $"book/bulk")
.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true;
httpResponse = _httpClient.Post<BulkBookResource>(httpRequest);
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
var mapped = MapBulkBook(httpResponse.Resource);
var idStr = ids.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
return mapped.OrderBy(b => idStr.IndexOf(b.Editions.Value.First().ForeignEditionId)).ToList();
private List<Book> MapBulkBook(BulkBookResource resource)
var authors = resource.Authors.Select(MapAuthorMetadata).ToDictionary(x => x.ForeignAuthorId, x => x);
var series = resource.Series.Select(MapSeries).ToList();
var books = new List<Book>();
foreach (var work in resource.Works)
var book = MapBook(work);
var authorId = work.Books.OrderByDescending(b => b.AverageRating * b.RatingCount).First().Contributors.First().ForeignId.ToString();
AddDbIds(authorId, book, authors);
MapSeriesLinks(series, books, resource.Series);
return books;
private void AddDbIds(string authorId, Book book, Dictionary<string, AuthorMetadata> authors)
var dbBook = _bookService.FindById(book.ForeignBookId);
if (dbBook != null)
var editions = _editionService.GetEditionsByBook(dbBook.Id).ToDictionary(x => x.ForeignEditionId);
// If we have any database editions, exactly one will be monitored.
// So unmonitor all the found editions and let the UseDbFieldsFrom set
// the monitored status
foreach (var edition in book.Editions.Value)
edition.Monitored = false;
if (editions.TryGetValue(edition.ForeignEditionId, out var dbEdition))
// Double check at least one edition is monitored
if (book.Editions.Value.Any() && !book.Editions.Value.Any(x => x.Monitored))
var mostPopular = book.Editions.Value.OrderByDescending(x => x.Ratings.Popularity).First();
mostPopular.Monitored = true;
var author = _authorService.FindById(authorId);
if (author == null)
if (!authors.TryGetValue(authorId, out var metadata))
throw new BookInfoException(string.Format("Expected author metadata for id [{0}] in book data {1}", authorId, book));
author = new Author
CleanName = Parser.Parser.CleanAuthorName(metadata.Name),
Metadata = metadata
book.Author = author;
book.AuthorMetadata = author.Metadata.Value;
book.AuthorMetadataId = author.AuthorMetadataId;
private Author PollAuthor(string foreignAuthorId)
return _authorCache.GetOrAdd(foreignAuthorId,
() => PollAuthorUncached(foreignAuthorId),
new LazyCacheEntryOptions
AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
ImmediateAbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
Size = 1,
SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
ExpirationMode = ExpirationMode.ImmediateEviction
}.RegisterPostEvictionCallback((key, value, reason, state) => _logger.Debug($"Clearing cache for {key} due to {reason}")));
private Author PollAuthorUncached(string foreignAuthorId)
AuthorResource resource = null;
var useCache = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++)
var httpRequest = _requestBuilder.GetRequestBuilder().Create()
.SetSegment("route", $"author/{foreignAuthorId}")
httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true;
var httpResponse = _cachedHttpClient.Get(httpRequest, useCache, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
if (httpResponse.HasHttpError)
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
else if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
throw new AuthorNotFoundException(foreignAuthorId);
else if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
throw new BadRequestException(foreignAuthorId);
throw new BookInfoException("Unexpected error fetching author data");
resource = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<AuthorResource>(httpResponse.Content, SerializerSettings);
if (resource.Works != null)
resource.Works ??= new List<WorkResource>();
resource.Series ??= new List<SeriesResource>();
useCache = false;
if (resource?.Works == null)
throw new BookInfoException($"Failed to get works for {foreignAuthorId}");
return MapAuthor(resource);
private Tuple<string, Book, List<AuthorMetadata>> PollBook(string foreignBookId)
WorkResource resource = null;
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++)
var httpRequest = _requestBuilder.GetRequestBuilder().Create()
.SetSegment("route", $"work/{foreignBookId}")
httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true;
// this may redirect to an author
var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get(httpRequest);
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
throw new BookNotFoundException(foreignBookId);
if (httpResponse.HasHttpRedirect)
var location = httpResponse.Headers.GetSingleValue("Location");
var split = location.Split('/').Reverse().ToList();
var newId = split[0];
var type = split[1];
if (type == "author")
var author = PollAuthor(newId);
var authorBook = author.Books.Value.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ForeignBookId == foreignBookId);
if (authorBook == null)
throw new BookNotFoundException(foreignBookId);
var authorMetadata = new List<AuthorMetadata> { author.Metadata.Value };
return Tuple.Create(author.ForeignAuthorId, authorBook, authorMetadata);
throw new NotImplementedException($"Unexpected response from {httpResponse.Request.Url}");
if (httpResponse.HasHttpError)
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
throw new BadRequestException(foreignBookId);
throw new BookInfoException("Unexpected response fetching book data");
resource = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<WorkResource>(httpResponse.Content, SerializerSettings);
if (resource.Books != null)
if (resource?.Books == null || resource?.Authors == null || (!resource?.Authors?.Any() ?? false))
throw new BookInfoException($"Failed to get books for {foreignBookId}");
var book = MapBook(resource);
var authorId = GetAuthorId(resource).ToString();
var metadata = resource.Authors.Select(MapAuthorMetadata).ToList();
var series = resource.Series.Select(MapSeries).ToList();
MapSeriesLinks(series, new List<Book> { book }, resource.Series);
return Tuple.Create(authorId, book, metadata);
private void WaitUntilRetry(HttpResponse response)
var seconds = 5;
if (response.Headers.ContainsKey("Retry-After"))
var retryAfter = response.Headers["Retry-After"];
if (!int.TryParse(retryAfter, out seconds))
seconds = 5;
_logger.Info("BookInfo returned 429, backing off for {0}s", seconds);
private static AuthorMetadata MapAuthorMetadata(AuthorResource resource)
var metadata = new AuthorMetadata
ForeignAuthorId = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
TitleSlug = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
Name = resource.Name.CleanSpaces(),
Overview = resource.Description,
Ratings = new Ratings { Votes = resource.RatingCount, Value = (decimal)resource.AverageRating },
Status = AuthorStatusType.Continuing
metadata.SortName = metadata.Name.ToLower();
metadata.NameLastFirst = metadata.Name.ToLastFirst();
metadata.SortNameLastFirst = metadata.NameLastFirst.ToLower();
if (resource.ImageUrl.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
metadata.Images.Add(new MediaCover.MediaCover
Url = resource.ImageUrl,
CoverType = MediaCoverTypes.Poster
if (resource.Url.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
metadata.Links.Add(new Links { Url = resource.Url, Name = "Goodreads" });
return metadata;
private static Author MapAuthor(AuthorResource resource)
var metadata = MapAuthorMetadata(resource);
var books = resource.Works
.Where(x => x.ForeignId > 0 && GetAuthorId(x) == resource.ForeignId)
books.ForEach(x => x.AuthorMetadata = metadata);
var series = resource.Series.Select(MapSeries).ToList();
MapSeriesLinks(series, books, resource.Series);
var result = new Author
Metadata = metadata,
CleanName = Parser.Parser.CleanAuthorName(metadata.Name),
Books = books,
Series = series
return result;
private static void MapSeriesLinks(List<Series> series, List<Book> books, List<SeriesResource> resource)
var bookDict = books.ToDictionary(x => x.ForeignBookId);
var seriesDict = series.ToDictionary(x => x.ForeignSeriesId);
foreach (var book in books)
book.SeriesLinks = new List<SeriesBookLink>();
// only take series where there are some works
foreach (var s in resource.Where(x => x.LinkItems.Any()))
if (seriesDict.TryGetValue(s.ForeignId.ToString(), out var curr))
curr.LinkItems = s.LinkItems.Where(x => x.ForeignWorkId != 0 && bookDict.ContainsKey(x.ForeignWorkId.ToString())).Select(l => new SeriesBookLink
Book = bookDict[l.ForeignWorkId.ToString()],
Series = curr,
IsPrimary = l.Primary,
Position = l.PositionInSeries,
SeriesPosition = l.SeriesPosition
foreach (var l in curr.LinkItems.Value)
private static Series MapSeries(SeriesResource resource)
var series = new Series
ForeignSeriesId = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
Title = resource.Title,
Description = resource.Description
return series;
private static Book MapBook(WorkResource resource)
var book = new Book
ForeignBookId = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
Title = resource.Title,
TitleSlug = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
CleanTitle = Parser.Parser.CleanAuthorName(resource.Title),
ReleaseDate = resource.ReleaseDate,
Genres = resource.Genres,
RelatedBooks = resource.RelatedWorks
book.Links.Add(new Links { Url = resource.Url, Name = "Goodreads Editions" });
if (resource.Books != null)
book.Editions = resource.Books.Select(x => MapEdition(x)).ToList();
// monitor the most popular release
var mostPopular = book.Editions.Value.OrderByDescending(x => x.Ratings.Popularity).FirstOrDefault();
if (mostPopular != null)
mostPopular.Monitored = true;
// fix work title if missing
if (book.Title.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
book.Title = mostPopular.Title;
book.Editions = new List<Edition>();
// If we are missing the book release date, set as the earliest edition release date
if (!book.ReleaseDate.HasValue)
var editionReleases = book.Editions.Value
.Where(x => x.ReleaseDate.HasValue && x.ReleaseDate.Value.Month != 1 && x.ReleaseDate.Value.Day != 1)
if (editionReleases.Any())
book.ReleaseDate = editionReleases.Min(x => x.ReleaseDate.Value);
editionReleases = book.Editions.Value.Where(x => x.ReleaseDate.HasValue).ToList();
if (editionReleases.Any())
book.ReleaseDate = editionReleases.Min(x => x.ReleaseDate.Value);
Debug.Assert(!book.Editions.Value.Any() || book.Editions.Value.Count(x => x.Monitored) == 1, "one edition monitored");
book.AnyEditionOk = true;
var ratingCount = book.Editions.Value.Sum(x => x.Ratings.Votes);
if (ratingCount > 0)
book.Ratings = new Ratings
Votes = ratingCount,
Value = book.Editions.Value.Sum(x => x.Ratings.Votes * x.Ratings.Value) / ratingCount
book.Ratings = new Ratings { Votes = 0, Value = 0 };
return book;
private static Edition MapEdition(BookResource resource)
var edition = new Edition
ForeignEditionId = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
TitleSlug = resource.ForeignId.ToString(),
Isbn13 = resource.Isbn13,
Asin = resource.Asin,
Title = resource.Title.CleanSpaces(),
Language = resource.Language,
Overview = resource.Description,
Format = resource.Format,
IsEbook = resource.IsEbook,
Disambiguation = resource.EditionInformation,
Publisher = resource.Publisher,
PageCount = resource.NumPages ?? 0,
ReleaseDate = resource.ReleaseDate,
Ratings = new Ratings { Votes = resource.RatingCount, Value = (decimal)resource.AverageRating }
if (resource.ImageUrl.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
edition.Images.Add(new MediaCover.MediaCover
Url = resource.ImageUrl,
CoverType = MediaCoverTypes.Cover
edition.Links.Add(new Links { Url = resource.Url, Name = "Goodreads Book" });
return edition;
private static int GetAuthorId(WorkResource b)
return b.Books.OrderByDescending(x => x.RatingCount * x.AverageRating).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Contributors.Any())?.Contributors.First().ForeignId ?? 0;