You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using FluentValidation;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Annotations;
using NzbDrone.Core.CustomFormats;
using Sonarr.Http;
using Sonarr.Http.REST;
using Sonarr.Http.REST.Attributes;
namespace Sonarr.Api.V3.CustomFormats
public class CustomFormatController : RestController<CustomFormatResource>
private readonly ICustomFormatService _formatService;
private readonly List<ICustomFormatSpecification> _specifications;
public CustomFormatController(ICustomFormatService formatService,
List<ICustomFormatSpecification> specifications)
_formatService = formatService;
_specifications = specifications;
SharedValidator.RuleFor(c => c.Name).NotEmpty();
SharedValidator.RuleFor(c => c.Name)
.Must((v, c) => !_formatService.All().Any(f => f.Name == c && f.Id != v.Id)).WithMessage("Must be unique.");
SharedValidator.RuleFor(c => c.Specifications).NotEmpty();
SharedValidator.RuleFor(c => c).Custom((customFormat, context) =>
if (!customFormat.Specifications.Any())
context.AddFailure("Must contain at least one Condition");
if (customFormat.Specifications.Any(s => s.Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()))
context.AddFailure("Condition name(s) cannot be empty or consist of only spaces");
protected override CustomFormatResource GetResourceById(int id)
return _formatService.GetById(id).ToResource();
2 years ago
public ActionResult<CustomFormatResource> Create(CustomFormatResource customFormatResource)
var model = customFormatResource.ToModel(_specifications);
return Created(_formatService.Insert(model).Id);
2 years ago
public ActionResult<CustomFormatResource> Update(CustomFormatResource resource)
var model = resource.ToModel(_specifications);
return Accepted(model.Id);
2 years ago
public List<CustomFormatResource> GetAll()
return _formatService.All().ToResource();
public void DeleteFormat(int id)
public object GetTemplates()
var schema = _specifications.OrderBy(x => x.Order).Select(x => x.ToSchema()).ToList();
var presets = GetPresets();
foreach (var item in schema)
item.Presets = presets.Where(x => x.GetType().Name == item.Implementation).Select(x => x.ToSchema()).ToList();
return schema;
private IEnumerable<ICustomFormatSpecification> GetPresets()
yield return new ReleaseTitleSpecification
Name = "x264",
Value = @"(x|h)\.?264"
yield return new ReleaseTitleSpecification
Name = "x265",
Value = @"(((x|h)\.?265)|(HEVC))"
yield return new ReleaseTitleSpecification
Name = "Simple Hardcoded Subs",
Value = @"subs?"
yield return new ReleaseTitleSpecification
Name = "Hardcoded Subs",
Value = @"\b(?<hcsub>(\w+SUBS?)\b)|(?<hc>(HC|SUBBED))\b"
yield return new ReleaseTitleSpecification
Name = "Surround Sound",
Value = @"DTS.?(HD|ES|X(?!\D))|TRUEHD|ATMOS|DD(\+|P).?([5-9])|EAC3.?([5-9])"
yield return new ReleaseTitleSpecification
Name = "Preferred Words",
Value = @"\b(SPARKS|Framestor)\b"
var formats = _formatService.All();
foreach (var format in formats)
foreach (var condition in format.Specifications)
var preset = condition.Clone();
preset.Name = $"{format.Name}: {preset.Name}";
yield return preset;