using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using Marr.Data.Mapping ;
using System.Linq.Expressions ;
using Marr.Data.QGen.Dialects ;
namespace Marr.Data.QGen
public class UpdateQueryBuilder < T >
private DataMapper _db ;
private string _tableName ;
private T _entity ;
private MappingHelper _mappingHelper ;
private ColumnMapCollection _mappings ;
private SqlModes _previousSqlMode ;
private bool _generateQuery = true ;
private TableCollection _tables ;
private Expression < Func < T , bool > > _filterExpression ;
private Dialect _dialect ;
private ColumnMapCollection _columnsToUpdate ;
public UpdateQueryBuilder ( )
// Used only for unit testing with mock frameworks
public UpdateQueryBuilder ( DataMapper db )
_db = db ;
_tableName = MapRepository . Instance . GetTableName ( typeof ( T ) ) ;
_tables = new TableCollection ( ) ;
_tables . Add ( new Table ( typeof ( T ) ) ) ;
_previousSqlMode = _db . SqlMode ;
_mappingHelper = new MappingHelper ( _db ) ;
_mappings = MapRepository . Instance . GetColumns ( typeof ( T ) ) ;
_dialect = QueryFactory . CreateDialect ( _db ) ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > TableName ( string tableName )
_tableName = tableName ;
return this ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > QueryText ( string queryText )
_generateQuery = false ;
_db . Command . CommandText = queryText ;
return this ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > Entity ( T entity )
_entity = entity ;
return this ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > Where ( Expression < Func < T , bool > > filterExpression )
_filterExpression = filterExpression ;
return this ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > ColumnsIncluding ( params Expression < Func < T , object > > [ ] properties )
List < string > columnList = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var column in properties )
columnList . Add ( column . GetMemberName ( ) ) ;
return ColumnsIncluding ( columnList . ToArray ( ) ) ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > ColumnsIncluding ( params string [ ] properties )
_columnsToUpdate = new ColumnMapCollection ( ) ;
foreach ( string propertyName in properties )
_columnsToUpdate . Add ( _mappings . GetByFieldName ( propertyName ) ) ;
return this ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > ColumnsExcluding ( params Expression < Func < T , object > > [ ] properties )
List < string > columnList = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var column in properties )
columnList . Add ( column . GetMemberName ( ) ) ;
return ColumnsExcluding ( columnList . ToArray ( ) ) ;
public virtual UpdateQueryBuilder < T > ColumnsExcluding ( params string [ ] properties )
_columnsToUpdate = new ColumnMapCollection ( ) ;
_columnsToUpdate . AddRange ( _mappings ) ;
foreach ( string propertyName in properties )
_columnsToUpdate . RemoveAll ( c = > c . FieldName = = propertyName ) ;
return this ;
public virtual string BuildQuery ( )
if ( _entity = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "You must specify an entity to update." ) ;
// Override SqlMode since we know this will be a text query
_db . SqlMode = SqlModes . Text ;
var columnsToUpdate = _columnsToUpdate ? ? _mappings ;
_mappingHelper . CreateParameters < T > ( _entity , columnsToUpdate , _generateQuery ) ;
string where = string . Empty ;
if ( _filterExpression ! = null )
var whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder < T > ( _db . Command , _dialect , _filterExpression , _tables , false , false ) ;
where = whereBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
IQuery query = QueryFactory . CreateUpdateQuery ( columnsToUpdate , _db , _tableName , where ) ;
_db . Command . CommandText = query . Generate ( ) ;
return _db . Command . CommandText ;
public virtual int Execute ( )
if ( _generateQuery )
BuildQuery ( ) ;
_mappingHelper . CreateParameters < T > ( _entity , _mappings , _generateQuery ) ;
int rowsAffected = 0 ;
_db . OpenConnection ( ) ;
rowsAffected = _db . Command . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
_mappingHelper . SetOutputValues < T > ( _entity , _mappings . OutputFields ) ;
_db . CloseConnection ( ) ;
if ( _generateQuery )
// Return to previous sql mode
_db . SqlMode = _previousSqlMode ;
return rowsAffected ;