using System.IO ;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat ;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo ;
namespace NzbDrone.Common
public static class PathExtensions
private const string APP_CONFIG_FILE = "config.xml" ;
private const string NZBDRONE_DB = "nzbdrone.db" ;
private const string NZBDRONE_LOG_DB = "logs.db" ;
private const string BACKUP_ZIP_FILE = "" ;
private const string NLOG_CONFIG_FILE = "nlog.config" ;
private const string UPDATE_CLIENT_EXE = "nzbdrone.update.exe" ;
private static readonly string UPDATE_SANDBOX_FOLDER_NAME = "nzbdrone_update" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
private static readonly string UPDATE_PACKAGE_FOLDER_NAME = "nzbdrone" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
private static readonly string UPDATE_BACKUP_FOLDER_NAME = "nzbdrone_backup" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
private static readonly string UPDATE_CLIENT_FOLDER_NAME = "NzbDrone.Update" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
private static readonly string UPDATE_LOG_FOLDER_NAME = "UpdateLogs" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
public static string CleanFilePath ( this string path )
Ensure . That ( ( ) = > path ) . IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace ( ) ;
Ensure . That ( ( ) = > path ) . IsValidPath ( ) ;
var info = new FileInfo ( path . Trim ( ) ) ;
if ( ! OsInfo . IsLinux & & info . FullName . StartsWith ( @"\\" ) ) //UNC
return info . FullName . TrimEnd ( '/' , '\\' , ' ' ) ;
return info . FullName . TrimEnd ( '/' ) . Trim ( '\\' , ' ' ) ;
public static bool ContainsInvalidPathChars ( this string text )
return text . IndexOfAny ( Path . GetInvalidPathChars ( ) ) > = 0 ;
private static string GetProperCapitalization ( DirectoryInfo dirInfo )
var parentDirInfo = dirInfo . Parent ;
if ( parentDirInfo = = null )
//Drive letter
return dirInfo . Name . ToUpper ( ) ;
return Path . Combine ( GetProperCapitalization ( parentDirInfo ) , parentDirInfo . GetDirectories ( dirInfo . Name ) [ 0 ] . Name ) ;
public static string GetActualCasing ( this string path )
var attributes = File . GetAttributes ( path ) ;
if ( OsInfo . IsLinux | | path . StartsWith ( "\\" ) )
return path ;
if ( ( attributes & FileAttributes . Directory ) = = FileAttributes . Directory )
return GetProperCapitalization ( new DirectoryInfo ( path ) ) ;
var fileInfo = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
DirectoryInfo dirInfo = fileInfo . Directory ;
return Path . Combine ( GetProperCapitalization ( dirInfo ) , dirInfo . GetFiles ( fileInfo . Name ) [ 0 ] . Name ) ;
public static string GetAppDataPath ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return appFolderInfo . AppDataFolder ;
public static string GetLogFolder ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , "logs" ) ;
public static string GetConfigPath ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , APP_CONFIG_FILE ) ;
public static string GetMediaCoverPath ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , "MediaCover" ) ;
public static string GetUpdateLogFolder ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , UPDATE_LOG_FOLDER_NAME ) ;
public static string GetUpdateSandboxFolder ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( appFolderInfo . TempFolder , UPDATE_SANDBOX_FOLDER_NAME ) ;
public static string GetUpdateBackUpFolder ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetUpdateSandboxFolder ( appFolderInfo ) , UPDATE_BACKUP_FOLDER_NAME ) ;
public static string GetUpdatePackageFolder ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetUpdateSandboxFolder ( appFolderInfo ) , UPDATE_PACKAGE_FOLDER_NAME ) ;
public static string GetUpdateClientFolder ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetUpdatePackageFolder ( appFolderInfo ) , UPDATE_CLIENT_FOLDER_NAME ) ;
public static string GetUpdateClientExePath ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetUpdateSandboxFolder ( appFolderInfo ) , UPDATE_CLIENT_EXE ) ;
public static string GetConfigBackupFile ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , BACKUP_ZIP_FILE ) ;
public static string GetNzbDroneDatabase ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , NZBDRONE_DB ) ;
public static string GetLogDatabase ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( GetAppDataPath ( appFolderInfo ) , NZBDRONE_LOG_DB ) ;
public static string GetNlogConfigPath ( this IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo )
return Path . Combine ( appFolderInfo . StartUpFolder , NLOG_CONFIG_FILE ) ;