Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
< div class = "modal-header" >
< button type = "button" class = "close" data-dismiss = "modal" aria-hidden = "true" > × < / button >
{{#if id}}
< h3 > Edit< / h3 >
< h3 > Add Newznab< / h3 >
< / div >
< div class = "modal-body" >
< div class = "form-horizontal" >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > Name< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< input type = "text" name = "name" / >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > Enable< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< label class = "checkbox toggle well" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "enable" / >
< p >
< span > Yes< / span >
< span > No< / span >
< / p >
< div class = "btn btn-primary slide-button" / >
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "modal-footer" >
{{#if id}}
< button class = "btn btn-danger pull-left x-remove" > delete< / button >
< button class = "btn" data-dismiss = "modal" > cancel< / button >
< div class = "btn-group" >
< button class = "btn btn-primary x-save" > save< / button >
< button class = "btn btn-icon-only btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle = "dropdown" >
< span class = "caret" > < / span >
< / button >
< ul class = "dropdown-menu" >
< li class = "save-and-add x-save-and-add" >
save and add
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >