using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using FizzWare.NBuilder ;
using FluentAssertions ;
using Moq ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Jobs ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common.AutoMoq ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.JobTests
public class RecentBacklogSearchJobTest : CoreTest
private void WithEnableBacklogSearching ( )
Mocker . GetMock < ConfigProvider > ( ) . SetupGet ( s = > s . EnableBacklogSearching ) . Returns ( true ) ;
public void Setup ( )
public void no_missing_epsiodes_should_not_trigger_any_search ( )
var episodes = new List < Episode > ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . EpisodesWithoutFiles ( true ) ) . Returns ( episodes ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < RecentBacklogSearchJob > ( ) . Start ( MockNotification , 0 , 0 ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeSearchJob > ( ) . Verify ( c = > c . Start ( MockNotification , It . IsAny < int > ( ) , 0 ) ,
Times . Never ( ) ) ;
public void should_only_process_missing_episodes_from_the_last_30_days ( )
WithEnableBacklogSearching ( ) ;
var series = Builder < Series > . CreateNew ( )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Enable )
. Build ( ) ;
var episodes = Builder < Episode > . CreateListOfSize ( 50 )
. All ( )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series )
. TheFirst ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) ) //Today
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 5 ) ) //Yeserday
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 10 ) )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 15 ) )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 20 ) )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 25 ) )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 30 ) )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 31 ) ) //31 Days
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . AirDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 35 ) )
. Build ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . EpisodesWithoutFiles ( true ) ) . Returns ( episodes ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeSearchJob > ( ) . Setup ( c = > c . Start ( It . IsAny < ProgressNotification > ( ) , It . IsAny < int > ( ) , 0 ) ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < RecentBacklogSearchJob > ( ) . Start ( MockNotification , 0 , 0 ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeSearchJob > ( ) . Verify ( c = > c . Start ( It . IsAny < ProgressNotification > ( ) , It . IsAny < int > ( ) , 0 ) ,
Times . Exactly ( 40 ) ) ;
public void GetMissingForEnabledSeries_should_only_return_episodes_for_monitored_series ( )
var series = Builder < Series > . CreateListOfSize ( 2 )
. TheFirst ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = false )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Enable )
. TheNext ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Enable )
. Build ( ) ;
var episodes = Builder < Episode > . CreateListOfSize ( 11 )
. TheFirst ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 0 ] )
. With ( e = > e . SeasonNumber = 1 )
. TheLast ( 6 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 1 ] )
. Build ( ) ;
WithEnableBacklogSearching ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . EpisodesWithoutFiles ( true ) ) . Returns ( episodes ) ;
var result = Mocker . Resolve < RecentBacklogSearchJob > ( ) . GetMissingForEnabledSeries ( ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotBeEmpty ( ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Contain ( s = > s . Series . Monitored ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotContain ( s = > ! s . Series . Monitored ) ;
public void GetMissingForEnabledSeries_should_only_return_explicity_enabled_series_when_backlog_searching_is_ignored ( )
var series = Builder < Series > . CreateListOfSize ( 3 )
. TheFirst ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Disable )
. TheNext ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Enable )
. TheNext ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Inherit )
. Build ( ) ;
var episodes = Builder < Episode > . CreateListOfSize ( 12 )
. TheFirst ( 3 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 0 ] )
. TheNext ( 4 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 1 ] )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 2 ] )
. Build ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . EpisodesWithoutFiles ( true ) ) . Returns ( episodes ) ;
var result = Mocker . Resolve < RecentBacklogSearchJob > ( ) . GetMissingForEnabledSeries ( ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotBeEmpty ( ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Contain ( s = > s . Series . BacklogSetting = = BacklogSettingType . Enable ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotContain ( s = > s . Series . BacklogSetting = = BacklogSettingType . Disable ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotContain ( s = > s . Series . BacklogSetting = = BacklogSettingType . Inherit ) ;
public void GetMissingForEnabledSeries_should_return_explicity_enabled_and_inherit_series_when_backlog_searching_is_enabled ( )
var series = Builder < Series > . CreateListOfSize ( 3 )
. TheFirst ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Disable )
. TheNext ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Enable )
. TheNext ( 1 )
. With ( s = > s . Monitored = true )
. With ( s = > s . BacklogSetting = BacklogSettingType . Inherit )
. Build ( ) ;
var episodes = Builder < Episode > . CreateListOfSize ( 12 )
. TheFirst ( 3 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 0 ] )
. TheNext ( 4 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 1 ] )
. TheNext ( 5 )
. With ( e = > e . Series = series [ 2 ] )
. Build ( ) ;
WithEnableBacklogSearching ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . EpisodesWithoutFiles ( true ) ) . Returns ( episodes ) ;
var result = Mocker . Resolve < RecentBacklogSearchJob > ( ) . GetMissingForEnabledSeries ( ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotBeEmpty ( ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Contain ( s = > s . Series . BacklogSetting = = BacklogSettingType . Enable ) ;
result . Should ( ) . NotContain ( s = > s . Series . BacklogSetting = = BacklogSettingType . Disable ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Contain ( s = > s . Series . BacklogSetting = = BacklogSettingType . Inherit ) ;