using System ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Linq ;
using FluentAssertions ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Model ;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common ;
using NzbDrone.Test.Dummy ;
namespace NzbDrone.Common.Test
public class ProcessProviderTests : TestBase < ProcessProvider >
public void Setup ( )
Process . GetProcessesByName ( DummyApp . DUMMY_PROCCESS_NAME ) . ToList ( ) . ForEach ( c = > c . Kill ( ) ) ;
public void TearDown ( )
Process . GetProcessesByName ( DummyApp . DUMMY_PROCCESS_NAME ) . ToList ( ) . ForEach ( c = > c . Kill ( ) ) ;
public void GetById_should_return_null_if_process_doesnt_exist ( )
Subject . GetProcessById ( 1234567 ) . Should ( ) . BeNull ( ) ;
ExceptionVerification . ExpectedWarns ( 1 ) ;
public void GetProcessById_should_return_null_for_invalid_process ( int processId )
Subject . GetProcessById ( processId ) . Should ( ) . BeNull ( ) ;
ExceptionVerification . ExpectedWarns ( 1 ) ;
public void Should_be_able_to_start_process ( )
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo ( DummyApp . DUMMY_PROCCESS_NAME + ".exe" ) ;
Subject . Exists ( DummyApp . DUMMY_PROCCESS_NAME ) . Should ( )
. BeFalse ( "Dummy process is already running" ) ;
Subject . Start ( startInfo ) . Should ( ) . NotBeNull ( ) ;
Subject . Exists ( DummyApp . DUMMY_PROCCESS_NAME ) . Should ( )
. BeTrue ( "excepted one dummy process to be already running" ) ;
public void kill_all_should_kill_all_process_with_name ( )
var dummy1 = StartDummyProcess ( ) ;
var dummy2 = StartDummyProcess ( ) ;
Subject . KillAll ( dummy1 . ProcessName ) ;
dummy1 . HasExited . Should ( ) . BeTrue ( ) ;
dummy2 . HasExited . Should ( ) . BeTrue ( ) ;
public Process StartDummyProcess ( )
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo ( DummyApp . DUMMY_PROCCESS_NAME + ".exe" ) ;
return Subject . Start ( startInfo ) ;
public void ToString_on_new_processInfo ( )
Console . WriteLine ( new ProcessInfo ( ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
ExceptionVerification . MarkInconclusive ( typeof ( Win32Exception ) ) ;