'use strict' ;
define ( [ 'app' ,
'Settings/Indexers/ItemView' ,
'Settings/Indexers/EditView' ,
'Settings/SyncNotification' ] ,
function ( ) {
NzbDrone . Settings . Indexers . CollectionView = Backbone . Marionette . CompositeView . extend ( {
itemView : NzbDrone . Settings . Indexers . ItemView ,
itemViewContainer : '#x-indexers' ,
template : 'Settings/Indexers/CollectionTemplate' ,
events : {
'click .x-add' : 'openSchemaModal'
} ,
initialize : function ( ) {
NzbDrone . vent . on ( NzbDrone . Commands . SaveSettings , this . _saveSettings , this ) ;
this . savedCount = 0 ;
} ,
openSchemaModal : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
//TODO: Is there a better way to deal with changing URLs?
var schemaCollection = new NzbDrone . Settings . Indexers . Collection ( ) ;
schemaCollection . url = '/api/indexer/schema' ;
schemaCollection . fetch ( {
success : function ( collection ) {
collection . url = '/api/indexer' ;
var model = _ . first ( collection . models ) ;
model . set ( 'id' , undefined ) ;
model . set ( 'name' , '' ) ;
var view = new NzbDrone . Settings . Indexers . EditView ( { model : model , indexerCollection : self . collection } ) ;
NzbDrone . modalRegion . show ( view ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
_saveSettings : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
_ . each ( this . collection . models , function ( model , index , list ) {
model . saveIfChanged ( NzbDrone . Settings . SyncNotificaiton . callback ( {
errorMessage : 'Failed to save indexer: ' + model . get ( 'name' ) ,
successCallback : self . _saveSuccessful ,
context : self
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( self . savedCount > 0 ) {
NzbDrone . Shared . Messenger . show ( { message : 'Indexer settings saved' } ) ;
this . savedCount = 0 ;
} ,
_saveSuccessful : function ( ) {
this . savedCount ++ ;
} ) ;
} ) ;