Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
'use strict' ;
define (
'app' ,
'marionette' ,
'System/StatusModel' ,
'System/About/View' ,
'Logs/Layout' ,
'Shared/Toolbar/ToolbarLayout' ,
] , function ( App ,
Marionette ,
StatusModel ,
AboutView ,
LogsLayout ,
ToolbarLayout ,
LoadingView ) {
return Marionette . Layout . extend ( {
template : 'System/LayoutTemplate' ,
regions : {
toolbar : '#toolbar' ,
about : '#about' ,
loading : '#loading'
} ,
leftSideButtons : {
type : 'default' ,
storeState : false ,
items :
title : 'Logs' ,
icon : 'icon-book' ,
route : 'logs'
} ,
title : 'Check for Update' ,
icon : 'icon-nd-update' ,
command : 'applicationUpdate'
} ,
// {
// title : 'Restart',
// icon : 'icon-repeat',
// command : 'restart',
// successMessage: 'NzbDrone restart has been triggered',
// errorMessage : 'Failed to restart NzbDrone'
// },
// {
// title : 'Shutdown',
// icon : 'icon-power-off',
// command : 'shutdown',
// successMessage: 'NzbDrone shutdown has started',
// errorMessage : 'Failed to shutdown NzbDrone'
// }
} ,
initialize : function ( ) {
this . statusModel = StatusModel ;
} ,
onRender : function ( ) {
this . _showToolbar ( ) ;
this . about . show ( new AboutView ( { model : this . statusModel } ) ) ;
} ,
_showToolbar : function ( ) {
this . toolbar . show ( new ToolbarLayout ( {
left :
this . leftSideButtons
] ,
context : this
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;