using System ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Messaging.Events ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Messaging.Tracking ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer ;
using NzbDrone.Common.TPL ;
namespace NzbDrone.Common.Messaging
public class MessageAggregator : IMessageAggregator
private readonly Logger _logger ;
private readonly IServiceFactory _serviceFactory ;
private readonly ITrackCommands _trackCommands ;
private readonly TaskFactory _taskFactory ;
public MessageAggregator ( Logger logger , IServiceFactory serviceFactory , ITrackCommands trackCommands )
_logger = logger ;
_serviceFactory = serviceFactory ;
_trackCommands = trackCommands ;
var scheduler = new LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler ( 2 ) ;
_taskFactory = new TaskFactory ( scheduler ) ;
public void PublishEvent < TEvent > ( TEvent @event ) where TEvent : class , IEvent
Ensure . That ( ( ) = > @event ) . IsNotNull ( ) ;
var eventName = GetEventName ( @event . GetType ( ) ) ;
_logger . Trace ( "Publishing {0}" , eventName ) ;
//call synchronous handlers first.
foreach ( var handler in _serviceFactory . BuildAll < IHandle < TEvent > > ( ) )
_logger . Debug ( "{0} -> {1}" , eventName , handler . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
handler . Handle ( @event ) ;
_logger . Debug ( "{0} <- {1}" , eventName , handler . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
_logger . ErrorException ( string . Format ( "{0} failed while processing [{1}]" , handler . GetType ( ) . Name , eventName ) , e ) ;
foreach ( var handler in _serviceFactory . BuildAll < IHandleAsync < TEvent > > ( ) )
var handlerLocal = handler ;
_taskFactory . StartNew ( ( ) = >
_logger . Debug ( "{0} ~> {1}" , eventName , handlerLocal . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
handlerLocal . HandleAsync ( @event ) ;
_logger . Debug ( "{0} <~ {1}" , eventName , handlerLocal . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
} , TaskCreationOptions . PreferFairness )
. LogExceptions ( ) ;
private static string GetEventName ( Type eventType )
if ( ! eventType . IsGenericType )
return eventType . Name ;
return string . Format ( "{0}<{1}>" , eventType . Name . Remove ( eventType . Name . IndexOf ( '`' ) ) , eventType . GetGenericArguments ( ) [ 0 ] . Name ) ;
public void PublishCommand < TCommand > ( TCommand command ) where TCommand : class , ICommand
Ensure . That ( ( ) = > command ) . IsNotNull ( ) ;
_logger . Trace ( "Publishing {0}" , command . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
var trackedCommand = _trackCommands . TrackIfNew ( command ) ;
if ( trackedCommand = = null )
_logger . Info ( "Command is already in progress: {0}" , command . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
return ;
ExecuteCommand < TCommand > ( trackedCommand ) ;
public void PublishCommand ( string commandTypeName )
dynamic command = GetCommand ( commandTypeName ) ;
PublishCommand ( command ) ;
public TrackedCommand PublishCommandAsync < TCommand > ( TCommand command ) where TCommand : class , ICommand
Ensure . That ( ( ) = > command ) . IsNotNull ( ) ;
_logger . Trace ( "Publishing {0}" , command . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
var existingCommand = _trackCommands . TrackNewOrGet ( command ) ;
if ( existingCommand . Existing )
_logger . Info ( "Command is already in progress: {0}" , command . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
return existingCommand . TrackedCommand ;
_taskFactory . StartNew ( ( ) = > ExecuteCommand < TCommand > ( existingCommand . TrackedCommand )
, TaskCreationOptions . PreferFairness )
. LogExceptions ( ) ;
return existingCommand . TrackedCommand ;
public TrackedCommand PublishCommandAsync ( string commandTypeName )
dynamic command = GetCommand ( commandTypeName ) ;
return PublishCommandAsync ( command ) ;
private dynamic GetCommand ( string commandTypeName )
var commandType = _serviceFactory . GetImplementations ( typeof ( ICommand ) )
. Single ( c = > c . FullName . Equals ( commandTypeName , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) ;
return Json . Deserialize ( "{}" , commandType ) ;
private void ExecuteCommand < TCommand > ( TrackedCommand trackedCommand ) where TCommand : class , ICommand
var command = ( TCommand ) trackedCommand . Command ;
var handlerContract = typeof ( IExecute < > ) . MakeGenericType ( command . GetType ( ) ) ;
var handler = ( IExecute < TCommand > ) _serviceFactory . Build ( handlerContract ) ;
_logger . Debug ( "{0} -> {1}" , command . GetType ( ) . Name , handler . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
var sw = Stopwatch . StartNew ( ) ;
MappedDiagnosticsContext . Set ( "CommandId" , trackedCommand . Command . CommandId ) ;
PublishEvent ( new CommandStartedEvent ( trackedCommand ) ) ;
handler . Execute ( command ) ;
sw . Stop ( ) ;
_trackCommands . Completed ( trackedCommand , sw . Elapsed ) ;
PublishEvent ( new CommandCompletedEvent ( trackedCommand ) ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
_trackCommands . Failed ( trackedCommand , e ) ;
PublishEvent ( new CommandFailedEvent ( trackedCommand , e ) ) ;
throw ;
PublishEvent ( new CommandExecutedEvent ( trackedCommand ) ) ;
_logger . Debug ( "{0} <- {1} [{2}]" , command . GetType ( ) . Name , handler . GetType ( ) . Name , sw . Elapsed . ToString ( "" ) ) ;