using System.ServiceProcess ;
using FluentAssertions ;
using Moq ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Common ;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common ;
namespace NzbDrone.App.Test
public class RouterTest : TestBase
[TestCase(null, ApplicationModes.Console)]
[TestCase("", ApplicationModes.Console)]
[TestCase("1", ApplicationModes.Help)]
[TestCase("ii", ApplicationModes.Help)]
[TestCase("uu", ApplicationModes.Help)]
[TestCase("i", ApplicationModes.InstallService)]
[TestCase("I", ApplicationModes.InstallService)]
[TestCase("/I", ApplicationModes.InstallService)]
[TestCase("/i", ApplicationModes.InstallService)]
[TestCase("-I", ApplicationModes.InstallService)]
[TestCase("-i", ApplicationModes.InstallService)]
[TestCase("u", ApplicationModes.UninstallService)]
[TestCase("U", ApplicationModes.UninstallService)]
[TestCase("/U", ApplicationModes.UninstallService)]
[TestCase("/u", ApplicationModes.UninstallService)]
[TestCase("-U", ApplicationModes.UninstallService)]
[TestCase("-u", ApplicationModes.UninstallService)]
public void GetApplicationMode_single_arg ( string arg , ApplicationModes modes )
Router . GetApplicationMode ( new [ ] { arg } ) . Should ( ) . Be ( modes ) ;
[TestCase("", "", ApplicationModes.Console)]
[TestCase("", null, ApplicationModes.Console)]
[TestCase("i", "n", ApplicationModes.Help)]
public void GetApplicationMode_two_args ( string a , string b , ApplicationModes modes )
Router . GetApplicationMode ( new [ ] { a , b } ) . Should ( ) . Be ( modes ) ;
public void Route_should_call_install_service_when_application_mode_is_install ( )
var serviceProviderMock = Mocker . GetMock < ServiceProvider > ( MockBehavior . Strict ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Setup ( c = > c . Install ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Setup ( c = > c . ServiceExist ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) . Returns ( false ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Setup ( c = > c . Start ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EnvironmentProvider > ( ) . SetupGet ( c = > c . IsUserInteractive ) . Returns ( true ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < Router > ( ) . Route ( ApplicationModes . InstallService ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Verify ( c = > c . Install ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
public void Route_should_call_uninstall_service_when_application_mode_is_uninstall ( )
var serviceProviderMock = Mocker . GetMock < ServiceProvider > ( ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Setup ( c = > c . UnInstall ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EnvironmentProvider > ( ) . SetupGet ( c = > c . IsUserInteractive ) . Returns ( true ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Setup ( c = > c . ServiceExist ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) . Returns ( true ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < Router > ( ) . Route ( ApplicationModes . UninstallService ) ;
serviceProviderMock . Verify ( c = > c . UnInstall ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
public void Route_should_call_console_service_when_application_mode_is_console ( )
var consoleProvider = Mocker . GetMock < ConsoleProvider > ( ) ;
var appServerProvider = Mocker . GetMock < ApplicationServer > ( ) ;
consoleProvider . Setup ( c = > c . WaitForClose ( ) ) ;
appServerProvider . Setup ( c = > c . Start ( ) ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EnvironmentProvider > ( ) . SetupGet ( c = > c . IsUserInteractive ) . Returns ( true ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < Router > ( ) . Route ( ApplicationModes . Console ) ;
consoleProvider . Verify ( c = > c . WaitForClose ( ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
appServerProvider . Verify ( c = > c . Start ( ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
public void Route_should_call_service_start_when_run_in_service_more ( ApplicationModes applicationModes )
var envMock = Mocker . GetMock < EnvironmentProvider > ( ) ;
var serviceProvider = Mocker . GetMock < ServiceProvider > ( ) ;
envMock . SetupGet ( c = > c . IsUserInteractive ) . Returns ( false ) ;
serviceProvider . Setup ( c = > c . Run ( It . IsAny < ServiceBase > ( ) ) ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < Router > ( ) . Route ( applicationModes ) ;
serviceProvider . Verify ( c = > c . Run ( It . IsAny < ServiceBase > ( ) ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
public void show_error_on_install_if_service_already_exist ( )
var consoleMock = Mocker . GetMock < ConsoleProvider > ( ) ;
var serviceMock = Mocker . GetMock < ServiceProvider > ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EnvironmentProvider > ( ) . SetupGet ( c = > c . IsUserInteractive ) . Returns ( true ) ;
consoleMock . Setup ( c = > c . PrintServiceAlreadyExist ( ) ) ;
serviceMock . Setup ( c = > c . ServiceExist ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) . Returns ( true ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < Router > ( ) . Route ( ApplicationModes . InstallService ) ;
Mocker . VerifyAllMocks ( ) ;
public void show_error_on_uninstall_if_service_doesnt_exist ( )
var consoleMock = Mocker . GetMock < ConsoleProvider > ( ) ;
var serviceMock = Mocker . GetMock < ServiceProvider > ( ) ;
Mocker . GetMock < EnvironmentProvider > ( ) . SetupGet ( c = > c . IsUserInteractive ) . Returns ( true ) ;
consoleMock . Setup ( c = > c . PrintServiceDoestExist ( ) ) ;
serviceMock . Setup ( c = > c . ServiceExist ( ServiceProvider . NZBDRONE_SERVICE_NAME ) ) . Returns ( false ) ;
Mocker . Resolve < Router > ( ) . Route ( ApplicationModes . UninstallService ) ;
Mocker . VerifyAllMocks ( ) ;